Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Retwisting my hair and proofreading. This is taking longer than I anticipated AND Phat Girlz is on. Lol, its a chessy movie, but I think its funny and that African dude is DYN-O-MITE!

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I must be on of the lucky ones who's not having issue with detangling......or could it be just the short length I have or the products I use..... so far so good. Still love being natural!

I always assumed this was a problem that naturals have. I'm relaxed and never had a problem detangling. Its one of the things that keeps me from transitioning. Good to know that it doesn't happen to all naturals.
I always assumed this was a problem that naturals have. I'm relaxed and never had a problem detangling. Its one of the things that keeps me from transitioning. Good to know that it doesn't happen to all naturals.

i didn't have a problem with tangles either, until i got more length.
i feel so style challenged right now. i have to figure out what am i going to do to my hair for this wedding. i wish my mother would stop trippin and braid it for me. i have a friend that can do it, but she just got of the hospital. i was thinking of a braided or twisted updo. if i do it myself, it is going to take me forever and i don't want to manipulate my hair too much. today i am going to cowash and put in some big twists to stretch it.
I am so mad that myex purposely ruined my son's beautiful hair. It was so healthy extra thick soft and long I'm talking his fro stretched past his shoulder blades in the back. Now it is dry broken off and it never looks done. He says he is gonna cut it. At first I was mad but the state that it is in and being that he damaged it it might as well go, I'm tired of him looking like I don't take time out. And forget people who sat boys don't need hair it's not a big deal, he happens to love his hair and I did to, but i am sick of doing it and everytime he comes back it looks worse. His dad did this to hurt me but I will let karma handle him.

Anyways I am so sick of people giving me the side eye when I talk hair, like they forgot what is under here. I feel like such a fake and clone with my hair hidden. Ugh I am not happy about hair today.

Droid typing leads to typos for me
I am so mad that myex purposely ruined my son's beautiful hair. It was so healthy extra thick soft and long I'm talking his fro stretched past his shoulder blades in the back. Now it is dry broken off and it never looks done. He says he is gonna cut it. At first I was mad but the state that it is in and being that he damaged it it might as well go, I'm tired of him looking like I don't take time out. And forget people who sat boys don't need hair it's not a big deal, he happens to love his hair and I did to, but i am sick of doing it and everytime he comes back it looks worse. His dad did this to hurt me but I will let karma handle him.

Anyways I am so sick of people giving me the side eye when I talk hair, like they forgot what is under here. I feel like such a fake and clone with my hair hidden. Ugh I am not happy about hair today.

Droid typing leads to typos for me


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My store brought conditioners concoction has done well for me again. I AM SOOO HAPPY!!!

I'm so glad I tried this before now I dont have to throw stuff away.

For those that want to know:
2 T BPT wheat protein conditioner
2 TPure and Basic coconut conditioner
2 T lustrasilk mango and shea conditioner
2 T oil mix (almond, evco, hemp, wheat germ, evoo)
1/2 cap wheat protein
1 cap EACH: silk AA, oat protein
1 cap mineral oil (put this in by accident the first time thinking I had picked up the minera oil, it did not have an adverse affect so I will continue doing it)
3 caps sodium pca
1 cap glycerin
1 T honey
The stupid cop in my lobby has struck again. I finally got the nerve to wear my natural hair to work and of course he sees me this morning and makes a scene.

"*gasps* OMG! What in the WORLD is that??? Oh you REALLY need to get something done to that soon."

*sigh* over it
A pleasant surprise... I was feeling a little anxiety about wearing my shrunken fro, so when I walked into the coffee shop and saw a guy staring real hard, I braced myself for some junk but the brotha just smiled, nodded and went on about his business. The whole day went without incident... so diff from another time I did that. People must be getting used to seeing fro's again.
I so want to shorten my wash day routine down to about an hour from prepoo to deep conditioning. I think I am going make every effort not to procrastinate between each step.
Well I got frustrated and cut his hair. I could smell the cheap oily products they used and his hair was so dry and knotty, he started to whine and I cut. Before his dad damaged it taking care of his hair was a breeze. Oh well i was sad because it was like a plant that I watched grow only to be ruined by a spiteful, vindicitive individual. I feel much better now I just wish it was even, but his dad is going to cut it anyways right?

to me this was a lot of hair on a three yr old and he just turned three last month. And it would have been even better had the hands of the bald head scallywags not touched it.The positive is when he gets it cut I won't have to hear people mistake him for a girle, even though he would have on boy clothes and boy styles, that was really starting to irk me. So that is def a positive.

Droid typing leads to typos for me


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The stupid cop in my lobby has struck again. I finally got the nerve to wear my natural hair to work and of course he sees me this morning and makes a scene.

"*gasps* OMG! What in the WORLD is that??? Oh you REALLY need to get something done to that soon."

*sigh* over it


Droid typing leads to typos for me
I was watching youtube videos and realized that I wanna try sleeping under a fan to wet set my styles.

my hair comes out best when styled soaking wet, it just never dries overnight.

I hope it wont make me sick
i guess people must think my choice of dress is ugly, since i got only a few responses. i don't give a rat's booty what folks think of the dress, i need hair ideas! :lachen: but i did get some good ideas though!
i guess people must think my choice of dress is ugly, since i got only a few responses. i don't give a rat's booty what folks think of the dress, i need hair ideas! :lachen: but i did get some good ideas though!

its not your dress, dont take it personal

everyone is in OT/RT/ET watching and participating in e-battles lol
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i guess people must think my choice of dress is ugly, since i got only a few responses. i don't give a rat's booty what folks think of the dress, i need hair ideas! :lachen: but i did get some good ideas though!

What? This doesn't make sense but I won't say anymore. I hope you find a good hairstyle.
Exactly, @shortdub78 it so not personal. The drama is popping off today.

iSpy is great!!:lol:

okay ladies! my feelings aren't hurt anymore! :lachen: i guess i am just desperate for some ideas. i have been looking online for two weeks trying to figure something out. i guess i need to take my butt over to OT before i miss the action!