Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I gave myself a touch up yesterday after abandoning the plan to stretch for 16 weeks. Now I can't wait to wash my hair with Joico Kpak for the first time this weekend.
I just can't say this enough.....I LOVE my steamer:grin:

Nix08, now I know you know we're in the same city. You gotta give me the deets. Where you got it? Are you in love? Is it your fav. hair accessory? If you got it online, how was the shipping/customs/duties/taxes/:blah:? :grin:
OOOH I get to talk about her:yay: My steamer is the best thing since best things were made:grin: I think every woman should own one! Because of her:
My hair stays well moisturized longer (no longer M&S nightly)
My roots are like a looser curl pattern..I can comb through it and will now stretceh longer
Detangling is a breeze
Less breakage
Less shedding
I use less product because it allows whatever product you use to infuse into our strands
Less product so less purchases (not entirely happy about that..hehehe)
I steam for 15-30 minutes and that's enough...so less time doing my hair
I got it online (no tax and cheaper) but picked it up from House of Beauty in the wes end. They were out of stock of the one I got when Bnster last checked but I'd call and let them know if you want it: http://search.store.yahoo.net/yhst-...122&.autodone=http://www.myhouseofbeauty.com/
Did I say I LOVE my steamer???

Ahhh I see it! Fancy... I'm just wondering where on earth I'll keep it if I get one. I already have a closet taking up space with stuff I don't use anymore. Like my snowboard I stopped using when I entered 8th grade. :look:
@NikkiQ, enjoy Destin! If I'm in town, let's look each other up. It's gonna be hot. PREPARE.

Yay!! That would be fun. I know it's gonna be hot. I'm prepared. I was there last year and had to adjust to being outside that long in the heat, but once I got my coconut full of liquor and parked my butt in the chair on the beach under an umbrella....I was golden :lachen:
As much as I :love: my steamer I think I will do my protein treatments under the dryer as I find my hair is much more stronger and dense when I do it this way. I'll use my steamer for moisture DC's only.
Ahhh I see it! Fancy... I'm just wondering where on earth I'll keep it if I get one. I already have a closet taking up space with stuff I don't use anymore. Like my snowboard I stopped using when I entered 8th grade. :look:

I know, it isn't small nor pretty but I smile whenever I look at it:grin:

@LushLox I find the protein penetrates even better with the steamer.....interesting....
I'm sooo freaking bored at work, all I can think about is washing this DC out. I will be out on vaca unril next thursday and I'm just ready to go.
I know, it isn't small nor pretty but I smile whenever I look at it:grin:

@LushLox I find the protein penetrates even better with the steamer.....interesting....

Nix08 yeah I used to feel like this too. Maybe it's just the sudden and different technique that's playing mind games on me, but I'm going to review it for a while and see.
@Nix08 yeah I used to feel like this too. Maybe it's just the sudden and different technique that's playing mind games on me, but I'm going to review it for a while and see.
I'd like to know what you find...PM me if you don't mind when you finish the experiment:grin:
bestie is coming over tomorrow. she started her hhj shes relaxed neck length. i wanna bombard that chick with some products. yay for reducing this stash.
SIGH!!!!I like wearing my hair out but I dont like the extra moisturizing I have to do. Oh well such is life of woman trying to grow her hair to fairytale mythical lengths.

I think I am going to have to start moisturizing 2x a day when I wear my hair out. My hair was so got-dang dry when I got home yesterday. I think I mentioned this before but never wrote it down. Note to self: write this down
Okay, this straightened natural thing is a little old now. I think I'm ready for my beast to come back :)
I am buying too many hair products! Don't I know I can only use one at a time!?!
I'm officially a PJ. I buy products every week! Smh

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