Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

purchased my topstyler kit over the wknddd..can not wait to get my hands on this...

love new innovative beauty productssssssss/tools....excited!
Damn. There are always full out brawls in the comments below any one of Ateyyaa's videos. People go soo hard on the interwebs. :lol:

hahaha! that dress is a mess on her! not figure flattering @ all

but ppl are really roasting her for it :lachen:

Why cant ppl let Ateyya be great :lol:
back in cornrows pulled into a low bun. I did them so I can workout without worrying about my hair.

I swear I wish I could find a way to workout AND have cute hair. There is no middle ground. Either you have cute hair or you are in excellent shape lmao
Girls night in a couple weeks. We grew up together and known eachother since we were 6. How exciting :o I wonder how I'm gonna wear my hair.....probably braidout or braidout bun. Flat ironed for a length check? Caruso rollerset? slap on a halfwig and call it a day??
Decided that when I use up my products, I will only have 1 shampoo, 1/2 conditioners, 1/2 deep conditioners. Min. 3, max. 5 products.

EDIT: Well... I'll have under 8 for sure. The first thing I want is the Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Hair Masque. :grin:
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That reminds me. In my phone I made a note called "waist length minimalist regimen" :grin:
1 natural oil
1 SLS poo
1 condish
1 protein treatment

One can dream right :look:

I stayed @ my moms this weekend without my hair stash and wound up using "do grow oil" and "luster's pink oil moisturizer" I am covered in mineral oil laden guilt
I wonder if the MoroccanOil and Macadamia Natural Oil products are made by the same people? They both have the same packaging for their masks and the same decorating for them.
New growth is POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFY! :D Scalp, wanna give me an extra 4 inches so I can make my goal by June?!?! :grin:
oh scalp why won't just poof up APL length so I can be happy and bby you??!!

ugh its so hard to give up my comb, brush, and touching...they are all my weaknesses.

oh scalp why won't just poof up APL length so I can be happy and bby you??!!

ugh its so hard to give up my comb, brush, and touching...they are all my weaknesses.


Don't give up! Many times I wanted to. You need to have that determination to keep going. The dreaded SL hump is the worst but when you get over it, you'll be in a state of euphoria.
I'm so confused how all of these supposedly type 4 naturals are getting these smooth straight roller/rod sets??? Like, I must be totally missing something. Whenever I try that I usually just end up with a crazy looking fro.
I'm so confused how all of these supposedly type 4 naturals are getting these smooth straight roller/rod sets??? Like, I must be totally missing something. Whenever I try that I usually just end up with a crazy looking fro.

Imani I'm gonna need for you to sit down. :lol: How the hell you get relaxer straight looking hair like in your siggy? :lol: Let a sista know! :lachen:Seriously. :look:

I'm with you on the rollersets though. They always look so smooth! I think the key is setting lotion. I may be wrong though.
Imani I'm gonna need for you to sit down. :lol: How the hell you get relaxer straight looking hair like in your siggy? :lol: Let a sista know! :lachen:Seriously. :look:

I'm with you on the rollersets though. They always look so smooth! I think the key is setting lotion. I may be wrong though.

Thats the thing. My hair has two styles, just straight up fro and silky straight. There is no in between:lachen:
I tried Doo-Gro, not because of the name but because of the ingredients in a product I tried. It was promising but didn't do anything for my hair really.
I tried Doo-Gro, not because of the name but because of the ingredients in a product I tried. It was promising but didn't do anything for my hair really.

The stuff is pretty much crap but my mother wont let old habits go so she sticks to what she knows

there was nothing else so I used what I had and made my hair style happen
The stuff is pretty much crap but my mother wont let old habits go so she sticks to what she knows

there was nothing else so I used what I had and made my hair style happen

LOL I know, I got fooled. There was some strange blue conditioner that had a ton of oils and proteins in the middle or lower on the ingredients list. I thought that I was gonna get hair that would be strong and invincible... It had no softening properties at all but I don't remember thinking it was sent from hell. Now I'll probably chuck it if I bought it again.

Ain't mad at cha though for makin' it happen, you gotta do what you can for your hair in a product shortage crisis.
Even though my multi-vitamin looks like pee and tastes like old, stale orange juice; my silica is white and goopy and looks like something I should not be talking about on LHCF; my hair vitamins can sometimes cause me to taste them in my burp — I still love and get anxious to take them everyday. :D