Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Finally posting the pics. The other ones are in my album and in the "Post Your Hair Right Now!" thread.

I need a good leave-in product for roller setting. Suggestions anyone? Right now thinking of SheScentIt CoCo Cream...but rather something local that is always readily available at my fingertips.
Finally getting around to this clear rinse and DC. I hope I have enough motivation to press my roots as well.
I have to wash my hair today.

My hair is in mini-twists and then I have those in 6 twists. My hair is not even wet and a big twist is coming out.

I feel like I am going to dread today's wash session. How do people wash their hair is sections in the shower without the force of the water taking hair out of twists?
Wonder if there's a way to stay logged into LHCF forever. Tired of re-visiting the forum during the day and having to log back in each time :ohwell:
Wonder if there's a way to stay logged into LHCF forever. Tired of re-visiting the forum during the day and having to log back in each time :ohwell:

When logging in there's a box to check off that should say, "Remember Me". Check that off and you'll stay logged in.
Wonder if there's a way to stay logged into LHCF forever. Tired of re-visiting the forum during the day and having to log back in each time :ohwell:

Girl of course there is.

When you log in there is a box to check off. Next to the box it says something like "keep me logged in".

It does not matter if you log in from another computer. You will remain logged into the computer where you have put a check mark in the box.
Think I need to join a use 1 buy 1 challenge. I'm getting a little too excited and eager to buy conditioners when they are on sale. I need to step away from the sales racks/websites.
Been two weeks since I've washed my hair....and it def needs to be washed....but I started hating my hair months ago and wash days are the WORST! UGGHHHH! Maybe it's time to BC?
I wonder if I'm the only one who consciously ignores certain members posts because said members haven't got the sense God gave the little animals.....

I think I have finally nailed down a regime that seems to work for me.

I have been alternating between Elasta QP and One N Only Argan oil products each week. I do alternating prepoo with Lustrasilk Shea Butter, Hot Six oil and Mane N tail deep moisturizing conditioner.

I will now work on perfecting my air drying technique so I can lay off using heat until the fall.

I also noticed my hair on my left side is much coarser than the right side. I experience breakage on this side once I start stretching my relaxer so I am thinking about touching up my roots at 8 weeks instead of 16 weeks, but I am still on the fence about that. I still struggle with not combing my hair from the roots when detangling, it is the one habit that is hard to break but I am focused on changing this habit.
3 more weeks until I chop, but I have no idea what I'm going to do with it afterward. I've never styled my own natural hair before. All I do is buns. I won't have enough to bun after I cut. I'm nervous, but I'm excited. I'm happy that I can be committed to stepping outside of my comfort zone for something, even if it is only hair. :)
Going to be removing my cousins weave tonight. She gets them like clockwork and her weave always looks fly but I think she would save a lot of money by starting a hair journey and growing her own under the weaves. I told her about LHCF but she kinda brushed it off :ohwell:
Im going to slowly rid myself of this weave addiction I have.I find Im so self-conscious of my hair or lack of it.So I hid under wigs all the time esp at work.So tomorrow Im going to do a phony pony and slowly get to the point I can wear my own hair..
I think I have the perfect volume to length ratio right now. i want longer hair but I know it will only look thinner from here on
3 more weeks until I chop, but I have no idea what I'm going to do with it afterward. I've never styled my own natural hair before. All I do is buns. I won't have enough to bun after I cut. I'm nervous, but I'm excited. I'm happy that I can be committed to stepping outside of my comfort zone for something, even if it is only hair. :)

I stepped out of my confront zone on Friday, and I love it! I am very happy with my decision and I know you will too! Good luck!

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It felt good to finally do my hair. I have not wanted or had the time to do my hair like I want to since I had the baby. I am going to have to make sure to stay determine to do my hair even when I am tired b/c I will benefit in the long run.

I am not going to BC I was considering it b/c I was frustrated but I am just going to wear twist/plaits under my wigs. I am determine to make this a long transition.