Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I ordered some aloe vera juice from Amazon today. The reviews say it’s good for digestion, but I’ll be prepooing with it. I also got perm rods, aphoghee 2 minute and the Aphogee balancing moisturizer. My relaxed hair loved those products.
did a mini trim.
my ends were horrible smh. I am loving wearing my twistouts though! my coworkers at work apparently love my lil twistouts I do.
the doux mousse is life for my fluffy twistouts. I need more bow headbands and claw clips

currently prepooing before i wash w/ my DE almond and avocado shampoo. Will DC after with NG fenugreek dc then apply the mousse for a braid out
@Mapleoats I’m still trying to get the Norton ad blocker to work but it doesn’t seem to be working. But this is my same question. I really wanted to get back into this forum but this just isn’t it. More ads on a paid platform than ones that are free..
I found an app that works for blocking the ads on this site if anyone else has had the issue. 1blocker on Apple Store seems to work once configured correctly.

I was ready to throw in the towel cause that was ridiculous. The other issue is the new promoters they now have.. as if people don’t have enough ads everywhere else.
I found an app that works for blocking the ads on this site if anyone else has had the issue. 1blocker on Apple Store seems to work once configured correctly.

I was ready to throw in the towel cause that was ridiculous. The other issue is the new promoters they now have.. as if people don’t have enough ads everywhere else.
THANK you I will try the 1blocker cus I really cannot with these ads.
I found an app that works for blocking the ads on this site if anyone else has had the issue. 1blocker on Apple Store seems to work once configured correctly.

I was ready to throw in the towel cause that was ridiculous. The other issue is the new promoters they now have.. as if people don’t have enough ads everywhere else.
New promoters? Where on the site are they and what are they promoting?
New promoters? Where on the site are they and what are they promoting?
One posted in ‘Relaxed Hair - How long til your next relaxer’ today. I put the account on ignore, but it’s about an alternative relaxer treatment iirc.

ETA: I went back and read the ad again. It's not even an alternative relaxer like I thought. It sounds like it's just a deep conditioner, so now I'm really like Cardi B "WHAT WAS THE REASON?" if it's not even a replacement for the product being discussed smh
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I wish this board was back 2010 era hot. I wanted community which I get a little bit but I so wanted more. I love the knowledge I have gained in my time here but I think with the things popping up a chapter may end. Hopefully my hair will flourish.
Any thoughts on whether this method would cause more or less strain on fine hair than the traditonal braiding method (or any other issues that could arise)?

I dont want to have it as thick as this and probably around 10 - 12"

Any thoughts on whether this method would cause more or less strain on fine hair than the traditonal braiding method (or any other issues that could arise)?

I dont want to have it as thick as this and probably around 10 - 12"

Aww, she's so cute.

IME, this texture hair tends to be really lightweight so as long as you don't overload your section, it shouldn't cause much stress to fine hair. I also have fine hair and I've used similar hair primarily to crochet.

It seems to me that the braid and crochet individuals would create a more secure attachment as she mentioned. I'm not sure that it would cause less stress to fine hair. As the style grows out, the hair would still be hanging/weighing on the hair. In this case, I wonder if the split caused by the crocheting at the base would cause more stress than hair hanging from the intact base. But I believe as long as you use really lightweight hair and you don't try to pull a large amount of the hair through, as you said, you should be ok.

As a fine haired lady, I've made the mistake of trying to pull a thick twist through the base of my braids and have regretted it. Even though the hair was lightweight, the strain and pain from pulling the thick twist through caused me to take down the style just days after I had finished it. :bricks:
Aww, she's so cute.

IME, this texture hair tends to be really lightweight so as long as you don't overload your section, it shouldn't cause much stress to fine hair. I also have fine hair and I've used similar hair primarily to crochet.

It seems to me that the braid and crochet individuals would create a more secure attachment as she mentioned. I'm not sure that it would cause less stress to fine hair. As the style grows out, the hair would still be hanging/weighing on the hair. In this case, I wonder if the split caused by the crocheting at the base would cause more stress than hair hanging from the intact base. But I believe as long as you use really lightweight hair and you don't try to pull a large amount of the hair through, as you said, you should be ok.

As a fine haired lady, I've made the mistake of trying to pull a thick twist through the base of my braids and have regretted it. Even though the hair was lightweight, the strain and pain from pulling the thick twist through caused me to take down the style just days after I had finished it. :bricks:

Thank you so much from your insight! I'll keeping it light and a low amount of packs.

She is really pretty :)
I gave in and just did cornrows. For me not looking in the mirror, they don't look half bad.

Here is the "straighter" side. The ends look like heat damage, but it's from the 1st failed relaxer lol. I was trying to get all of my hair on the same page, but I probably should have used a comb to smooth instead of my hands. The otherside is just huge lol.


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It looks good to me. My hair has reverted it’s wild.
I think mine has too lol. I think next time, when I touch up the new growth, I'm gonna go to the next time which is...idk. I looked at the jar to see what the next time was cause I've been doing 8 minutes flat which includes application and smoothing, but this is what the jar says:

I've been following what the jar says for fine hair but doing roughly everything in (4 minutes application, 4 minutes smoothing)
8 minutes flat. Maybe I'll increase the smoothing time to 5-7 minutes, but this means I would have to do my whole head at once, and I haven't done that in a long time. It's a bit scary for Elmo :laugh:

I also need to buy an applicator brush, since I won't be doing yearly stretches anymore. It was easier when my head was shorter. I also don't know how long I'm gonna stretch my relaxers. Ideally I would like to shoot for every 6 months, but honestly I don't know if I'll make it that long. Maybe every 4 months? Idk if I can commit to that. That seems like a lot for me. Maybe a Fall/Winter Relaxer and a Spring/Summer? Hmm, I know from the last quarter of the year I want to be freshly relaxed. The confusion comes because I want to have freshly relaxed hair for my birthday in the fall, but I also want to have freshly relaxed hair before January 1st. I just have to go in the New Year with something new lol The only reason I want freshly relaxed hair in the summer is cause it gets too hot and I can't think lol brain be scrambled hard with cheese.

My bad y'all this was definitely a ramble, and I still don't know what I want to do.
@ItsMeLilLucky - No need to apologize! You're literally in the right place ("Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud"). I read the whole post thinking "Ooh I wonder what she's gonna do!" lol
Thanks girl. I have a journal on my phone and sometimes I be forgetting this isn't my journal :laugh:

I think what I might do is 1 relaxer in October, one before the New Year, and for the summer, when I get tired or before it gets too hot. Maybe late May/June? Or maybe I'll just relax whenever I get too much new growth and it stresses me out:rofl:
I'm thinking instead of months, maybe I'll do my relaxer according to how many inches I have. I usually have the average growth spurt, so maybe 2 ½ or 3 inches?

But I'm leaning towards whenever it stresses me out too much, regardless of the time limit :lachen::duck::abducted:
If I don't have anything I want freshly relaxed hair for, then I'll just chill out until I don't feel like chilling anymore.

What I do know for certain is that I need to start relaxing my whole head at once. I have some sore spots from doing this recent half/half method. User error. I don't know if I over applied protective cream (i had the itchies bad), or was it the water pressure, and I didn't rinse well enough? I was sweating a little too. Maybe I need to change my protective cream? I know until then no more creamy crack until I've recovered.
@ItsMeLilLucky stand up comedian you are. This game with relaxers is wild. I typically do regular times but I’m wondering if I need to go longer. Back in the day a just for me would have me slick now it’s like relaxers aren’t the same which has one playing chemist and opening one to damage.