Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

@AlliCat I love your hair, it looks so sophisticated! How did you do it?

thanks for the nice comment. the bun in my siggy was created by making a high ponytail with an ouchless band, grabbing the ends and pushing them up to give the bun volume, then tuck the ends under and pin it with a bobby pin
OT to hair: Sitting at my desk listening a training podcast. BORING!

I just bought 2 jars of Vatika Frosting (1st time trying this) and stocked up my favorite Darcy's products and bought a few new items I've never tried before. I can't wait til they come!!!
naturalagain2 - vatika frosting smells delicious. I even use on my dh's hair. :lick: IDareT'sHair uses it to soothe her scalp post-TU. I'm trying that out also because I have a few relaxer scabs. I'm alternating vatika frosting and neosporin.

thanks for the nice comment. the bun in my siggy was created by making a high ponytail with an ouchless band, grabbing the ends and pushing them up to give the bun volume, then tuck the ends under and pin it with a bobby pin
AlliCat - GORGEOUS bun. I'm so jealous. So full. Such volume. I'mma try this after I wash and air dry. I get more volume when air drying than roller setting.
Running out of Qhemets. I need to order ASAP. When I get a full day off, I need to straighten my hair. Can't wait to see what it looks like. I guess I need to buy a heat protectant, but don't know which is the best out there right now.
So I flat ironed last night and my longest layer reaches BSL :yay:

I am happy that I am getting closer to a new length. I guess increasing my protein and frequency of S&Ds has positively impacted my retention

Not claiming till all of my hair comfortably hangs @ BSL which is still a few months away *sigh*
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So I I flat ironed last night and my longest layer reaches BSL :yay:

I am happy that I am getting closer to a new length. I guess increasing my protein and frequency of S&Ds has positively impacted my retention

Not claiming till all of my hair comfortably hangs @ BSL which is still a few months away *sigh*

Congratulations, girl! :grin: S&D is the truth, hair feels so much better when you snip the ends. I did one last night on one particular section of my hair that had tons of split ends.

I hope you drop some pics when you're BSL, I need some eye candy. :lick: :grin:
Congratulations, girl! :grin: S&D is the truth, hair feels so much better when you snip the ends. I did one last night on one particular section of my hair that had tons of split ends.

I hope you drop some pics when you're BSL, I need some eye candy. :lick: :grin:

Thanks Chica!

when the day comes I will make a pic heavy celebration thread :grin:

I am just happy to see some visible progress
How are everyone's edges and nape doing? I'm seeing some progress on mine but it's slower than I would like. Do you guys give that area a lot of attention with protein or moisture? I'm planning to sleep in some ORS Hair Mayo because when I did that during the start of my journey my edges took OFF! I pretty much cleared my schedule just to do my hair this weekend, strange I know but I want some me time to cheer myself up. Anyway, I would like feedback please! I'm so tempted to sleep in some of my Suave but I need to use up my older products and it's meant to be a rinse out conditioner so I don't wanna waste my time.
Thanks Chica!

when the day comes I will make a pic heavy celebration thread :grin:

I am just happy to see some visible progress

GREAT! I'll be watching out for that to celebrate with you! I'm so happy for you! :grin: I suspect good things for members and growth/retention for the summer. :grin:
Ooooh! Your hair looks thick! I'm really liking your V as well. What shape do you want your hair to be in when you get to your goal?

My hair revolts against what I want and grows in a V. Each Time I even it up to a U it just does what it wants anyway.

I want to maintain my final goal in a U shaped .

but I rarely rock straight hair so Im letting it be for now. and curling covers up the "uneveness" for now
When this weave itches, I swear that I will be taking it out as soon as I get back from Vegas, but on the other hand...when it behaves...I want to leave it in forever.

I am going to take it out, enjoy my hair for most of May and June, and then put the hair back in for my vacation...
There this young lady at my job that has natural hair. She desires more info and I freely gave her advice of that I could share (since I'm relaxed). She visits some boards but isn't hardcore hair like me/us. Is it bad that I don't want her to know about LHCF? Not that I'm being stingy but that I just want a place where I can be me, do me and not worry about coworkers gossiping about my hair fettish, posts, etc. I don't talk about jack but this is my escape. I plan to refer to other natural sites that I know of. She's gonna have to find LHCF on her own. Bad or Justified? Tell me. I can take it.
There this young lady at my job that has natural hair. She desires more info and I freely gave her advice of that I could share (since I'm relaxed). She visits some boards but isn't hardcore hair like me/us. Is it bad that I don't want her to know about LHCF? Not that I'm being stingy but that I just want a place where I can be me, do me and not worry about coworkers gossiping about my hair fettish, posts, etc. I don't talk about jack but this is my escape. I plan to refer to other natural sites that I know of. She's gonna have to find LHCF on her own. Bad or Justified? Tell me. I can take it.

Justified, I totally get it. The workplace in my opinion can have one of the worst gossip over the most minute of details. You can give her hints but all in all, I understand if you want her to find this place without your help. My mum told her sister about here and she wanted to join, I was totally against it, good thing she decided against becoming a paid member or even a lurker. :look:
Suddenly, I want to play with my hair. I am so overwhelmed by it styling-wise but I am tired of these cornrows now. *sigh* Wish I wasn't so wishy-washy about my hair lately. I will do crochet braids next week... let's see how long that lasts. :look:
Aireen, thank you for making me feel a bit validated. I actually extended the truth to her and told her that I did not join any of the sites I will refer her too so that she wasn't tempted to ask me my screen name. I told her I learned of them through googling questions and the sites popped up in the search window. I'm a supervisor and she's a junior employee/intern type so we're not even in the same grouping of personnel which further complicates the matter.
@Aireen, thank you for making me feel a bit validated. I actually extended the truth to her and told her that I did not join any of the sites I will refer her too so that she wasn't tempted to ask me my screen name. I told her I learned of them through googling questions and the sites popped up in the search window. I'm a supervisor and she's a junior employee/intern type so we're not even in the same grouping of personnel which further complicates the matter.

I preach all about black hair care to my friends who want to know, but to go around advertising LHCF... I don't ever do that. Hair forums aren't for everyone (especially ones where you have to pay to post). I think I would just get side-eyes and people would just think I'm hair obsessed (which I am but they don't need to know that :sekret:)

so yeah, I understand why you would keep it to yourself
Aireen, thank you for making me feel a bit validated. I actually extended the truth to her and told her that I did not join any of the sites I will refer her too so that she wasn't tempted to ask me my screen name. I told her I learned of them through googling questions and the sites popped up in the search window. I'm a supervisor and she's a junior employee/intern type so we're not even in the same grouping of personnel which further complicates the matter.

divachyk : In all honesty, she can find the same information that is here on the internet in general. It just depends on what forum you prefer; for me, I don't like BHM and prefer here even though I do think this forum has their inconsistencies that I don't see changing anytime soon — then again, where doesn't? Also if you're not looking at forums, the information is still available just not condensed. I'll be honest again and say that LHCF didn't help me as much as other members claim. I didn't have broken off, mistreated hair before joining or becoming active on the forum. If you look at my hair album on my profile it may look that way in the first picture but I generally pull a lot of my hair foward so the back will look a little odd. (This is why I made a semi-trolling thread a while back asking about dry hair and why some ladies have it. I remember a few people preaching about LHCF helping them oh-so-much but I couldn't relate lol. :giggle:)

What LHCF has helped me to do is become even more open-minded about products and has given me new ideas that I can try in future. It's also helped me seek out an active and updated source of information just for general reading or if anything goes wrong in the future. I can say here is more of an addiction to satisfy my hair fetish than a helpful resource that has been beneficial to me. :look:
@Aireen and @AlliCat - thanks ladies. I think with that...I will see her gladly just say, you mentioned all the sites that I would suggest to you. She knows about certain naturals on yt. I will suggest she continues to watch their yt and google whatever else she's looking for and go from there. If she has a question, I'll try my best to answer but will leave it at that. She does know the basics though, so in a weirdo kinda way, it was cool to speak to someone IRL about certain topics but all and all, I prefer to not get wrapped up into that with her.
Then she's already good to go. She knows the names on YT, the typical information given about hair, and she has internet access to seek more information if she needs. Don't worry about it, she'll be fine, you did good! :grin: :lol:

EDIT: Lmao at my typo. I hate when I type here instead of hair or use their, there, or they're interchangeably unconsciously. :lol:
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Finally got a decent regimen in place so I'm thinking no more new products. But there is always that thought of "what if" this product will rock my world more than what I'm using already. I almost gave in and bought some SheaMoisture products since people have been raving, but decided not to.

Dropped my flat iron and it broke so I will need a new one. But other than that, I really should be set for the rest of the year pretty much.