Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Where did you get the liquid b-complex from?

In Canada it is available at Shoppers Drug Mart, among other drugstore/pharmacies, to be taken as a sublingual supplement.

In America perhaps it is available at health food stores or at Costco?
Also Swanson's
Nature's Answer Liquid Vitamin B-Complex with Quik-Sorb - NaturalTangerine 8 fl oz Liquid - Swanson Health Products (swansonvitamins.com)
I love to order from Swanson's despite shipping at times,
as the prices are often better than here, and they have more things available - I think Swanson's is an American brand (IDK but perhaps it was started by Gloria Swanson, the classic film actress, as I know she was very interested in health and natural remedies?)
I'm so pleased with DIY-cream/balm-ing... my body + hair + scalp feel so nourished and soft from yesterday's application.
It's got everything and no irritation/bumps/etc which occur immediately with my sensitive skin.
It even has a soothing effect, maybe from the emu oil, idk. The fragrance is so soft, and pretty.
I'm gonna make more batches of this for gifts. I'll be extra super careful with hygiene, and esp now with the 'rona issue, I am stocked up on gloves, disinfectants, and whatnot!
Hair especially feels soft. It even works on lips, no chapped lips since yesterday. :meme: It's like everything in one, so I can get by just on this. So nice since I was wanting to purchase both a hair butter AND a body butter AND a lip butter, for yoinks.

I even already had a lab heating plate contraption, heat-resistant beakers and lab casseroles perfect for this :woot:
And the 'professional-looking' containers I'd purchased last year, still in boxes, just ready and waiting for DIY fun!
Did gina lift whatever nda she had her clients under? There are a lot of youtubers making vids about their now. Great for info, but I still wish black people that went the way of true perms (ammonium thioglycolates) would speak more on their jounrey so that people didn't get pigeon-holed into one brand name or stylist.
i'm so pleased, because I wanted to try out JoStylin's 'Fulani Wrap' technique.
(as she said in a comment to someone, instead of putting oil on scarf..
Make your hair damp and oil it instead of scarf, . for night-time or to minimize mess. and the scarf will just enclose it and make a greenhouse effect anyway)..

I didn't want to buy real silk online because of cost plus you don't know if it's real or not anyway..
(although it seems Jo just used a satin one for herself, to demonstrate ..as she used it in another video too and called it satin - makes sense, as same effect.. satin-silk is cheaper and good for hair too..

What I love is she always did the sensible approach and did not make unnecessary purchases.
Unlike me she never outrageous amounts of money spent in taking care of her long and healthy mane
Funny thing is.. in one video she mentioned she likes Pantene for pre shampoo..

because, she said; she likes spending on good quality conditioners and shampoos..

but thing is being a PJ I did not consider Pantene to be a good quality option.. but it does work..

Another girl with v long hair I loved.. I followed her because of her makeup videos which were casual, charming + creative but not OTT perfectionism...

she is white so her hair texture is different.

Her name is ThePinkLadyJ.. a great vibe like jostylin..
Her hair is long and healthy till knees...no ragged ends..she had it long since childhood ...because both her mom and dad had kept their hair long.

Well she said she only used pantene shampoo and conditioners.. from the dollar shop!

She changed her video visibility. They are all 'unlisted' now as she said she stopped being interested in makeup and didn't want to feel pressure to make more..

but I already had them in a playlist since her vibes and videos are anti depressant for me.. I contacted her and she said it was fine; I was welcome to watch them

Sorry.. so splurging is unnecessary for many ppl with long hair.. I know some ppl have no option but to splurge on treatments and products.. esp if there is a medical ailment affecting hair.

realized the item my dad left for me a couple weeks ago, it IS a silk scarf. i just opened it tonight (had not checked it before).
I had not asked for it ...nor was he aware that i was looking for silk. It was just a coincidence ...I wore it to the hospital..

Dabbed camellia oil/abyssinian oil blend all over washed and damp hair first. Covered with scarf ...
came back right now and my hair is in goooooood condition.
I am happy.

I am glad that that lady did not remove her videos despite stopping, because her:

Way of demonstrating
Are all first class! I love that jostylin lady.

We need that attitude to life that she has, to trend more :heart:
@bzb1990 I've been waiting on you to share your delicious sounding ingredients with the class since yesterday...please share! :love: :lol:
Oh sorry.. I did elsewhere. But just for my own bookmarking reference.

I figured you all have better products... or DIY combos and creations...
figured out already ..this would be nonsense compared to what you are used to but for me it's more self-satisfaction than an objective rave..

I'd like to taper it significantly to reduce the cost to just the effective and necessary ingredients

That is another reason it will not be helpful to people who already use
effective and better items, I think..

Here is a link below

Can get these ingredients from Eden Botanicals in America, New Directions aromatics in Canada, health food stores etc. For body butter base one can get from most pharmacies and drugstores.

Again plz don't take this as seriously as I did. I'm just pleased the way a toddler is at fingerprinting..

Post in thread 'What Product Combinations Did You Use On Your Hair Today?' https://longhaircareforum.com/threa...u-use-on-your-hair-today.773373/post-25576821
My mom told me what my dad left wasn't silk.
It was a very good quality pashmina that she told me is made from shaving the softest hairs of baby goats... just the small area below neck N before the belly and hand-woven intricately to make it feel softer ! That's why I thought it was silk. Man.

It should be an ok substitute for silk for hair strands. I braided hair and wrapped it in that scarf.
But idk if I will have the energy to braid and all for longer hair length. Maybe I will keep goal to collar bone or shoulders max.

I was reading research over the decades, about pollutants...
fat soluble pollutants ...ruining all kinds of things for polar bears.. it is horrifying. not just via global warming.. but them developing brain disorders!!...hormone issues!!

their private parts falling off (!!!!!!!)...more susceptible to diseases etc.. it was sad.

Then I read about a scientist in 2005 in a magazine explaining that polar bears have much stronger systems to get rid of and handle toxins, than do human beings ...

and if their meat sources can affect them that badly... humans have no chance.
So that got me to thinking about how we can have a lot of hair loss or balding with no known causes .... and how maybe this is one of the reasons ..idk ..it's not scientific but it's also not that unlikely..
My mom told me what my dad left wasn't silk.
It was a very good quality pashmina that she told me is made from shaving the softest hairs of baby goats... just the small area below neck N before the belly and hand-woven intricately to make it feel softer ! That's why I thought it was silk. Man.

It should be an ok substitute for silk for hair strands. I braided hair and wrapped it in that scarf.
But idk if I will have the energy to braid and all for longer hair length. Maybe I will keep goal to collar bone or shoulders max.

I was reading research over the decades, about pollutants...
fat soluble pollutants ...ruining all kinds of things for polar bears.. it is horrifying. not just via global warming.. but them developing brain disorders!!...hormone issues!!

their private parts falling off (!!!!!!!)...more susceptible to diseases etc.. it was sad.

Then I read about a scientist in 2005 in a magazine explaining that polar bears have much stronger systems to get rid of and handle toxins, than do human beings ...

and if their meat sources can affect them that badly... humans have no chance.
So that got me to thinking about how we can have a lot of hair loss or balding with no known causes .... and how maybe this is one of the reasons ..idk ..it's not scientific but it's also not that unlikely..
Go on somewhere
Go on somewhere
You can ignore n scroll past. Takes a second.

It matters to me because unexplained hair loss in women n girls is happening in my family like sister cousins aunts and I am looking for reasons .
I have been doing a research project for ecology all day on computer using the forum for breaks and this collection of articles reminded me of unexplained life threatening diseases like in my sons and hair loss in my family
Did gina lift whatever nda she had her clients under? There are a lot of youtubers making vids about their now. Great for info, but I still wish black people that went the way of true perms (ammonium thioglycolates) would speak more on their jounrey so that people didn't get pigeon-holed into one brand name or stylist.

I agree, and it’s not just with the Gina curl, there is a lack of info on the modern day experience with thio relaxer or perms in general. Even people who I used to watch that began sharing their journeys, end up disappearing, and you never find out if it was a long term success.
I agree, and it’s not just with the Gina curl, there is a lack of info on the modern day experience with thio relaxer or perms in general. Even people who I used to watch that began sharing their journeys, end up disappearing, and you never find out if it was a long term success.

And it seems like persons that went the way of thio, were less inclined to... idk try? Like when a relaxed lady starts seeing breakage there's usually some exploration of options/techniques to slow it, but no they just seem to disappear and then come back natural.
And it seems like persons that went the way of thio, were less inclined to... idk try? Like when a relaxed lady starts seeing breakage there's usually some exploration of options/techniques to slow it, but no they just seem to disappear and then come back natural.
I remember seeing a blogger who messed hers up but I don’t recall how (edit: not her fault, really). I also remember seeing a black lady who got a curly perm done in Japan. I’m curious in a detached way for the same reasons- where is the info on long term success (from someone other than her poster girl)?

edit: Anne O’Nyme- it was a leave-in product that interfered with her hair.
I remember seeing a blogger who messed hers up but I don’t recall how (edit: not her fault, really). I also remember seeing a black lady who got a curly perm done in Japan. I’m curious in a detached way for the same reasons- where is the info on long term success (from someone other than her poster girl)?

edit: Anne O’Nyme- it was a leave-in product that interfered with her hair.
I follow and really like Anne, she has a similar density to me so seeing how a perm looked on her strands was very much the confirmation I needed to not go in that direction. And she's really the only thio-girl I can think of that's actually showcasing her journey with the breakage and how she's trying to grow out her hair. Interested to see where she takes her hair (hopefully once it's all healthy) in future.
And it seems like persons that went the way of thio, were less inclined to... idk try? Like when a relaxed lady starts seeing breakage there's usually some exploration of options/techniques to slow it, but no they just seem to disappear and then come back natural.

Yes! I was researching thio a few months back, and I watched quite a few videos where they were getting their first service, and then the next video would be 3 mos -1 year later, and they have a whole new head of natural hair.

I think maybe it’s the expectation that it’s supposed to be better than a relaxer that throws them off. They give up once they start experiencing problems, and realize they have to take extra care of it just like if they had a relaxer. I wish more people would actually document the entire journey though.
I understand that Covid and holiday shopping is making deliveries delayed. Got it.

I think the option to purchase expedited shipping should be removed if the seller isn’t going to hold up to their end of the bargain. I get that usps can’t guarantee my products in 3 business days, but if you can’t guarantee you’ll get my products TO usps in 3 business days, don’t take my $10.99. In fact, I want my $10.99 back. Please and thank you.
I remember seeing a blogger who messed hers up but I don’t recall how (edit: not her fault, really). I also remember seeing a black lady who got a curly perm done in Japan. I’m curious in a detached way for the same reasons- where is the info on long term success (from someone other than her poster girl)?

edit: Anne O’Nyme- it was a leave-in product that interfered with her hair.

I have a hard time believing she got all that damage from using the Deva Curl product. I think her hair was over processed after her last touch up.
I can never find the briogeo conditioner I want. I love the curl charisma conditioner. When I ran out, it was sold out everywhere. Purchased the farewell frizz conditioner. Almost identical to curl charisma. Ran out, can’t find either conditioner in the store. Now tomorrow I’m trying their banana conditioner?

I hope it works.
I can never find the briogeo conditioner I want. I love the curl charisma conditioner. When I ran out, it was sold out everywhere. Purchased the farewell frizz conditioner. Almost identical to curl charisma. Ran out, can’t find either conditioner in the store. Now tomorrow I’m trying their banana conditioner?

I hope it works.
Did you try buying directly from the Briogeo website?
Did you try buying directly from the Briogeo website?
Once I did, and they were sold out of the curl charisma. I have a Nordstrom across the street and a Sephora across two streets from my apartment, so I usually try both places before I check online.

I don’t know what’s going on with the supply. I’m not going to wait until this banana conditioner is almost empty before I try to buy more. I just don’t like stocking up on extras.
my dad didn't look like this: :nono:
and 'subtly hint' about how ugly I look with short hair -
because my son was there to distract him. i could only have kids over because my brother came to help.

i hope my foot gets better soon they can be here all day again, so when he skypes, he stops randomly hanging up from how bad he thinks i look.

he never says anything to my sister cuz despite the balding patch (
which she covers up nicely)
her hair is close to the waist and she does nothing for it - when i gave her a hair mask for a gift , she was so excited.
on the phone she'd talk about it all the time.
it was a revelation for her :rofl:
i told him before, she has straight hair, it's easy.
he thinks our type of hair is easy but that's because he has kept it short all his life.
Whitney posted this vid last night of how she uses the revair to stretch her curls

I notice she doesn’t really use it anymore for straight blow outs, which kinda makes sense to me. Maybe I’ll dust my revair off next time I’m doing a twist out
I wish I could find a replacement of Nature's Gate ALOE conditioner which they discont'd years ago and idk if they still exist but I know for sure that one stopped being made according to the salesperson.

I liked their entire line but the Aloe conditioner had made my hair the best it had ever been and never ever found anything close.