Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

i dont think nutrition has as much to do with hair quality as we think. It does help but not in the way it is for people just genetically blessed in that area.

My son’s hair is so much healthier than mine whether long or short despite having malnutrition issues etc much of his life from a genetic disease and GERD absorption issues....

his hair and eyelashes never suffered for it surprisingly (always shiny, thick and lush).

he also has the two rows of long eyelashes like they say elizabeth taylor had. Top and bottom. If nutrition mattered that much how come even when he was on verge of death prior to the doctor who saved his life and made up for every other specialist and doctors negligence...why was his hair always healthy And grew very fast too.

yet people who see all curls as the same say he got the hair from me...

but my hair is fine and nowhere near as dense or shiny ..

even in my pics as a child my hair was not good..always the wispiest and fluffy but fine and fragile,

knots though my mom would try to jerk the combs and brush through it , it would never work (she didnt know about detangling or conditioner and just told me my hair was a problem)
porosity and moisture balance is also spot on and perfect for his strands. If you add something they look nice but he doesnt even need conditioner.
I’m trying to make some Ayurvedic oil. I think I burned it. Idk. I left it on the candle warmer for a full day, I’m not sure if I was supposed to do it that long. The smell is really strong now. At first I could smell the peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils I put in, now I can’t.
I’m trying to make some Ayurvedic oil. I think I burned it. Idk. I left it on the candle warmer for a full day, I’m not sure if I was supposed to do it that long. The smell is really strong now. At first I could smell the peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils I put in, now I can’t.
What was the mix? Def too long but also EOs should generally be added after you start letting the mix cool.
What was the mix? Def too long but also EOs should generally be added after you start letting the mix cool.

Brahmi, Fenugreek, Amla, Neem, and Tulsi in Olive Oil.

Yeah, I realized as soon as I made it that I was supposed to wait until later to add the EO. To my knowledge the worst case ithat I made the EO ineffective. Or is there something worse I should be concerned about?

I think I’m going to start a second batch and see if it comes out the same. I hate playing with good olive oil like this.

How long to leave it on the warmer this time?
Brahmi, Fenugreek, Amla, Neem, and Tulsi in Olive Oil.

Yeah, I realized as soon as I made it that I was supposed to wait until later to add the EO. To my knowledge the worst case ithat I made the EO ineffective. Or is there something worse I should be concerned about?

I think I’m going to start a second batch and see if it comes out the same. I hate playing with good olive oil like this.

How long to leave it on the warmer this time?
Not sure how different the heat is for a warmer (I use a slow cooker if I'm heating my mixes) but an hour or two should fine.
Not sure how different the heat is for a warmer (I use a slow cooker if I'm heating my mixes) but an hour or two should fine.

I did a forum search and some people have been leaving their oil mixes on the candle warmer for days and weeks, so I’m probably good. I think my mix just stinks. Lol I’ll add more olive oil and EO after I strain it.

I think the slow cooker gets much hotter than a candle warmer. I could lift the mason jar up and hold the bottom for a short time without being burned (it was hot, but not scalding).
I did a forum search and some people have been leaving their oil mixes on the candle warmer for days and weeks, so I’m probably good. I think my mix just stinks. Lol I’ll add more olive oil and EO after I strain it.

I think the slow cooker gets much hotter than a candle warmer. I could lift the mason jar up and hold the bottom for a short time without being burned (it was hot, but not scalding).
Wow, weeks? The only time I infuse that long is if I'm leaving a jar in the window letting the sun heat it instead.
Man I am feeling good.

The hair salon my brother took me to (I pressed like on their FB page) just posted pics of my haircut, and I see a couple of 'likes' and 1 'love'...

man I thought I was crazy thinking I loved the cut because people --mainly my dad everyone else is nicer about it--tell me I look very very ugly in short hair. I love all lengths.

I just love that I have hair- so many ppl do not.

He frowned when he saw my hair today on Skype but didn't say anything. Oh well.
This hairdo of Dorothy Dandridge's is lovely. I wonder what length one would have to grow it to?

Her hair was goals for me for years, but I never saw something like this where I can see what looks like natural texture. (Admittedly I only saw pictures of her, never in action so maybe there are videos out there that capture it.)
She reminds me of Tatyana Ali in this. Oh man speaking of F.P. cast.. Karyn Parsons' hair is also goals.

Today while at the mall for an errand - I had to wait, so I was wandering around ... I saw some Chinese ladies (when waiting for phone data transfer, was wandering around) in one of the little rooms (they all have clear glass, so you can see inside getting their hair done even if you don't mean to...)
hair all in narrow rollers, done to make them really tight curls.

I was thinking, man...
I was usually wishing for their hair all my life...for
basically being straight and perfectly easy to take care of and go out the door not worrying about how to style it, or standing out in a crowd of lots of people, compared to curls, and here they are getting their hair done into really really tight curls, paying someone.

I mean, when you're trained that something about you is a problem you fail to see that actually a lot of people would love your 'problem.'
I stopped minding my hair for always being commented on. after I learned of the ancestry. One of dad's ancestors was captured in Sudan, by French -- and among many who was brought back, as a slave, and also lived to see a law pass that ENDED slavery in France. So it's cool how you can still see genes showing ancestry, in people, even if they don't have a family tree they still know things about them are a reflection of so many generations -

I even read once, how things like trauma (and therefore, the opposite too??) can affect genes ( genetic markers being 'switched on' ?).

So basically you might think why is it that our family has a disproportionate number of XYZ thing.. (eg a disorder).but maybe it was genetic, from something many of your recent ancestors experienced together (like from being colonized brutally)? IDK. Just rambling.

It could also be that you're really good at something (e.g. art) and maybe your ancestors (because back in the day, families usually took on one field/job for generations) were like, people who painted and did the intricate religious calligraphy in the tiles in the Taj Mahal??
it makes you feel like you aren't weird for not looking like majority of other people in your country. I mean, it makes you feel like you have roots and not just weird.

Plus it's fun to boing
this abyssinian oil/camellia combo with the Shea butter today, is giving me extreme shrinkage, hair's springy enough for that.
I don't like this much hair that's coming out of this hair dryer... little and long pieces alike. Is that common for anyone else? It could also be due to how many knots I had in my hair after my twist out.

Might have to rethink blow drying often if so.
updated my picture to show me a hairstyle i did after straightening it and then pincurling into circle puffs from 2016. that can be a realistic goal length by March, i think.

Seems the uneven curl types in it, show the least,
if i FORCE it into a SLEEK look with heat. I cannot make it uniformly curly (same curl type I mean) except with the Olaplex 6, so far. even that isn't really harmonious looking but it's better than without where you have puff here, smooth there, stylized over there, curls here, random jutting out wave at awkward angle there.

Now I just want to never use heat again and shape with twists and wet pincurls with the shea butter like I've been doing.

it's like 5 types of curl patterns all scattered randomly, no sense to it-and then it gives an effect of disharmony.
esp at a short length
rather than heat i'm doing the twists and accepting the uneven texture.
Thanks. I've done those things. Still shedding, unfortunately. Next up is Alter Ego garlic mask.

Try @spacetygrss Negesbanda Green Smoothie Anti Shedding Hair rinse.

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Thanks. I've done those things. Still shedding, unfortunately. Next up is Alter Ego garlic mask.
It may be that you have already covered this area, but just in case:
EDIT TO ADD: I'm so silly, i didn't read your original post about this where you mentioned blood work is fine! Sorry ignore me
Iron deficiency anemia
Medication can cause shedding
Water quality (shower head filter might help? have not tried personally)

First two would need requisition from Doctor (luckily due to Covid19 they do not need to see in person so no sitting in a waiting room with unpredictable wait time) for a blood test, and discuss

If it was due to iron deficiency, that will take time to stop even after you correct the issue (I guess for the process of it absorbing and signalling to your body all is ok)..

Example : my iron levels get worse + shedding worsens - when I drink coffee to excess (I still drink coffee but not as much as before)

A poster here also mentioned about scalp health - Shea Butter Growth And Retention Thread 2020 | Page 7 | Long Hair Care Forum
- when it was untreated and unknown to her, it was causing shedding. Oils and stuff were making it worse.
I don't like this much hair that's coming out of this hair dryer... little and long pieces alike. Is that common for anyone else? It could also be due to how many knots I had in my hair after my twist out.

Might have to rethink blow drying often if so.

Which hair dryer and what technique are you using (round brush, paddle brush, etc)?