Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Can't seem to get it in UK, the joke is I contacted roux fb page, they said that they had people asking them about it for months but didn't know either. Maybe they are trying to get people to use it as an everyday maintenence product rather than go to for when you have a problem which is how I had use it. To make more money.
Can't seem to get it in UK, the joke is I contacted roux fb page, they said that they had people asking them about it for months but didn't know either. Maybe they are trying to get people to use it as an everyday maintenence product rather than go to for when you have a problem which is how I had use it. To make more money.

I think this is exactly the case.
Hair food :

In AM I had aloe drink with my silica supplement (Silicea gel) mixed in.

Had my white snow fungus (the word fungus sounds bad but it isn't gross). Can get from East Asian markets.
(have to prepare it specifically like this:

put hot, just-boiled water on it,
leave to soak, until the whole thing swells into a flower shape - about 20 minutes - then discard water.
Wash under running water, and put boiled water again to soak for another 20 minutes at least - THEN eat. Can eat plain, sugared, or salty).
Had with mayo + vindaloo paste mixed in (flavour + the mayo has protein).

That's one of my 'hair growth foods' (hopeful).
When I eat just 1 of this item, I feel so full, regardless of what I add into it, if anything.

It might be a good weight loss food too. Overall , t's a fairly cheap way to feel full too.
Having it alongside soup (for nutrition) would be a good weight loss dinner I bet. Maybe with less mayo.
i dont think nutrition has as much to do with hair quality as we think. It does help but not in the way it is for people just genetically blessed in that area.

My son’s hair is so much healthier than mine whether long or short despite having malnutrition issues etc much of his life from a genetic disease and GERD absorption issues....

his hair and eyelashes never suffered for it surprisingly (always shiny, thick and lush).

he also has the two rows of long eyelashes like they say elizabeth taylor had. Top and bottom. If nutrition mattered that much how come even when he was on verge of death prior to the doctor who saved his life and made up for every other specialist and doctors negligence...why was his hair always healthy And grew very fast too.

yet people who see all curls as the same say he got the hair from me...

but my hair is fine and nowhere near as dense or shiny ..

even in my pics as a child my hair was not good..always the wispiest and fluffy but fine and fragile,

knots though my mom would try to jerk the combs and brush through it , it would never work (she didnt know about detangling or conditioner and just told me my hair was a problem)
porosity and moisture balance is also spot on and perfect for his strands. If you add something they look nice but he doesnt even need conditioner.
It's really about retention and a healthy scalp. Not genetics. Genetics determine hair color and texture. People use genetics as a scapegoat when they can't maintain their length.
It's really about retention and a healthy scalp. Not genetics. Genetics determine hair color and texture. People use genetics as a scapegoat when they can't maintain their length.
I do agree that genetics can be used as an excuse for poor care habits but genetics also determine the thickness of the hair. Fine hair is very different than coarse hair. Coarser hair can withstand more manipulation. Also, genetics can effect the terminal length of the hair which eventually can effect how long it can get. Genetics can effect thinning patterns or balding.
I do agree that genetics can be used as an excuse for poor care habits but genetics also determine the thickness of the hair. Fine hair is very different than coarse hair. Coarser hair can withstand more manipulation. Also, genetics can effect the terminal length of the hair which eventually can effect how long it can get. Genetics can effect thinning patterns or balding.
Now that makes a lot of sense! Perhaps shiny, thick, strong hair is an X-linked genetic trait, in my family? :violin:

but good news, our girls still have plentiful body hair to make up for lacklustre crowning glories....
I forgot the thread, or the user who posted it-- but someone here had shared a video of a girl with
LUSCIOUS 4c hair (i think she said 4b/4c?) -
she was showing how that hair needs moisture. My favourite person
from 'natural hair youtube,' Jostylin also said this in all her blogs and videos on the subject.

Anyway, that lady's hair has been on my mind for...since I viewed that video. She was detangling and braiding it.
I had it on mute so I could pay attention to the technique, but really I realize I was just gazing in pure adoration at her hair.
:freakout:I'm already a person prone to envy + jealousy (which is not good) and try to rein it in. But man.

There's enough out there to loosen/straighten hair, but I am ignorant about anything that may exist to mimic the
gorgeous fluffy, soft, textured, cloud-looking beauty of that type of hair.

I can obsess about such hair all day. I seriously adore it.

When I was little, I had a cute doll with hair that resembled it.
eta: her face/way she was made was like this, same style-
but hair was different, an older face (like they were aiming for a 6 yr old look, not a baby),
more content/serene-looking than this (closed mouth smile)
and much darker skin/eyes than this - but this style basically -
maybe the same company made them both --
and with a pink gingham dress, a white shirt under it, and white pants.

I saw her at wal mart and waited to buy her for months, my mom wouldn't let me because of the cost -
but any time we went to Wmart, she'd let me go to the toy section, just to look at the doll.

I got birthday money and asked my mom to take me straight to WMart to get the doll.
She came with her hair in 2 braids, and bangs, and it was similar to type 4 hair, looking back.
My sister ruined her hair and clothes, she covered her in orange play doh once. the play doh hardened on it and nothing would fix it.
I was so sad, I felt like the doll was sad and I couldn't do anything to help and ended up giving her away.
Even then, as a child, I was hair-obsessed.
They don't make that doll anymore.

I remember looking obsessively in Wmart, once I realized, hey I'm an adult ,I can buy things.
I don't even know her name. It began with a J, but it wasn't Jamila or Jemima.
Even my other favourite toy, 'Bloomer Bunny' - they stopped making him too. They have pretty crummy dolls nowadays compared to back then.
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Regular t-shirts are not long enough for my hair anymore, it's annoying how the ends keep hanging out of it and dripping. I decided to sew in two cotton shirts together to make a bigger hair towel. I am not a crafty person, but I think I did a good job lol

Which leads me too, I stopped using a regular towel on my hair for years. T-shirts are so much better.
I would add two more annoying naturals to that list.

#4) The “I can’t 4c it” natural - She’s hair type 4c (or believes she is), and thinks she has the most difficult hair known to mankind. She side eyes every style, tool, technique, or natural with a looser curl pattern, cause “not my 4c hair”.

#5) The I want to relax natural - She wants to relax her hair very, very, very badly. She may have been a natural for many years, but every second of that time she’s been longing for a relaxer, and verbally agonizing over it. You want to hold her down, base her scalp, and slap on some ORS no-lye, just to finally put her out of her misery.
A spray bottle from the dollar store can change your hair's life ! :headspin:
Makes it so easy to apply to scalp even if your hair is all pinned up or 'done.' You can 'access' the scalp, rub it around after lightly, and cover your head in a minute. No excuses like 'ima wait till wash day'...

Rice water from the fridge, made 2 days ago (1/4 cup so it's not wasteful and can make fresh every couple of days - next time I'll just make it the same day to mitigate risk of spoiling)
+ Silica (Silicea brand) supplement gel 1/2 Tablespoon (I don't have aloe vera that would have been first choice because this supplement is expensive)
+ small amount of MSM powder (1/4 tspn)
+ chamomile/spearmint tea water with some honey (about 1/4 cup total) +
cassia EO 2 drops (i love this scent, it's just really strong)+ lemongrass EO 5 drops + roman chamomile EO 5 drops
+ few drops of my camellia oil/abyssinian oil/prickly pear oil blend
shake it + spray it.
Scalp (I don't like that word) feels amazing, refreshed, not itchy and dry, like it did this morning.
And the soothed feeling has not evaporated away >_>

Think I can extend Wash day till tomorrow.

Sprayed it on my hair too, as I wanna use it up quickly.
Hair feels softer, better.. it must have 'refreshed' the conditioners I had used as 'leave-ins'- THANK YOU FOR PUTTING IT IN MY HEAD GOD- I can't believe I wasn't doing this before! So easy to DIY, I've had EO raw materials (from perfume - making) since the autumn of 2019...
I'm so happy to find a way to use stuff up that I spent so much cash on.
In future batches of this, I will make it without the EOs, and then divide it
to make a separate one for hair, and a separate one to spray on the the scalp.
THEN in the scalp one, add in the EOs mentioned above (they smell AMAZING together)

add LIQUID B-complex (as Jostylin mentioned in an article, Turkish doctors
recommend this as an essential ingredient for a homemade hair-growth tonic)

Woohoo! I feel so good getting my DIY groove back :woot:If it truly works out long term, I will make it for my tomboy mom to use, she has beautiful, shiny, straight hair which she is hellbent on destroying it seems.
Every aspect of her was naturally blessed --which I envy her for-- but she seems to want to neglect and ruin those blessings (the physical ones) :freakout:

She doesn't use any store-bought item I give her, either
A spray bottle from the dollar store can change your hair's life ! :headspin:
Makes it so easy to apply to scalp even if your hair is all pinned up or 'done.' You can 'access' the scalp, rub it around after lightly, and cover your head in a minute. No excuses like 'ima wait till wash day'...

Rice water from the fridge, made 2 days ago (1/4 cup so it's not wasteful and can make fresh every couple of days - next time I'll just make it the same day to mitigate risk of spoiling)
+ Silica (Silicea brand) supplement gel 1/2 Tablespoon (I don't have aloe vera that would have been first choice because this supplement is expensive)
+ small amount of MSM powder (1/4 tspn)
+ chamomile/spearmint tea water with some honey (about 1/4 cup total) +
cassia EO 2 drops (i love this scent, it's just really strong)+ lemongrass EO 5 drops + roman chamomile EO 5 drops
+ few drops of my camellia oil/abyssinian oil/prickly pear oil blend
shake it + spray it.
Scalp (I don't like that word) feels amazing, refreshed, not itchy and dry, like it did this morning.
And the soothed feeling has not evaporated away >_>

Think I can extend Wash day till tomorrow.

Sprayed it on my hair too, as I wanna use it up quickly.
Hair feels softer, better.. it must have 'refreshed' the conditioners I had used as 'leave-ins'- THANK YOU FOR PUTTING IT IN MY HEAD GOD- I can't believe I wasn't doing this before! So easy to DIY, I've had EO raw materials (from perfume - making) since the autumn of 2019...
I'm so happy to find a way to use stuff up that I spent so much cash on.
In future batches of this, I will make it without the EOs, and then divide it
to make a separate one for hair, and a separate one to spray on the the scalp.
THEN in the scalp one, add in the EOs mentioned above (they smell AMAZING together)

add LIQUID B-complex (as Jostylin mentioned in an article, Turkish doctors
recommend this as an essential ingredient for a homemade hair-growth tonic)

Woohoo! I feel so good getting my DIY groove back :woot:If it truly works out long term, I will make it for my tomboy mom to use, she has beautiful, shiny, straight hair which she is hellbent on destroying it seems.
Every aspect of her was naturally blessed --which I envy her for-- but she seems to want to neglect and ruin those blessings (the physical ones) :freakout:

She doesn't use any store-bought item I give her, either
Where did you get the liquid b-complex from?