Crackers Phinn
Either A Blessing Or A Lesson.
Early in my natural days I stumbled upon Aveda Be Curly Curl enhancer and it became my staple leave in. When I first started buying, it was around $10 and every time I bought a new container, the price went up and it seemed like the container got smaller. By the time it got to $17-$18 I was like this is ridiculous but I had also relaxed and dropped it from the rotation. This pooh is $27 for 6.7 ounces now and unlike before it looks like I'm going to need almost the entire line to get the results I want.I made a Black Friday Aveda haul too, and was tempted to get the Be Curly leave in as my free item. I guess I’m definitely going to have to grab it this summer when I go back to a curly routine. I had the leave in back in the day, but I’m sure I wasn’t using it right.
My hair care routine is fairly expensive now, mostly Aveda and Kerastase, with a few other salon products thrown in from Joico mostly. I’m fine with this, cause I’m seeing better results.
Speaking of my Aveda haul. I ordered:
2 large paddle brush
2 Brilliant universal styling cream
2 Brilliant finishing gloss
1 Control paste
1 Free Smooth Infusion styler
They only sent me one paddle brush, and one of my finishing glosses had a crack in the bottle. Called them, they sent out replacements right away. That package came today, and it was much heavier than the original package, so I’m confused. I open it, and it’s my stuff plus a liter of Blue Malva shampoo. I look it up and it’s a damn $60 purple shampoo for blondes and grey heads... What kind of unlucky luck is this?!Of all the things they could have gifted or accidentally sent me, they chose the one item they sell that I can’t do anything with.
I was part of the craze when wetline first took off on the board and found the results to be so-so and just went back to ecostyler. I hadn't tried the Anthony Dickey Hair Rules wash and go method before. That has been a game changer. I put it off for so long because I really didn't think it would work with reg deg nappy hair but it does. I still have to use a gel with the Aveda products but I've been using ecostyler from jump and see how the results vary with different products.Glad you find a combo that works. Imo that one of the biggest hurdles. I've been wanting to try wetline cause it's so popular but me and gel only wash and gos fight every time I try it.