Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

I think I'm getting addicted to taking all these supplements consistantly... I might even buy some fish oil like my parents used to force feed me when I was younger, gave me GREAT skin back then too. :giggle:
Too lazy to wash my hair or get up and get my mail from the post office at the drugstore. :sad:
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So one of the cops/security guards in my building's lobby decides to take it upon himself to tell me to take this "crap" out of my head. No one asked you ya effin jerk! I snapped my head and said "did you pay for it? are you my father? are you my fiance? NO so mind ya damn business!!" Jerks I swear.
So one of the cops/security guards in my building's lobby decides to take it upon himself to tell me to take this "crap" out of my head. No one asked you ya effin jerk! I snapped my head and said "did you pay for it? are you my father? are you my fiance? NO so mind ya damn business!!" Jerks I swear.

Ugh, people are the WORST sometimes. Thinking they're important and that their opinion matters, honey your opinion isn't worth squat 90% of the time in my books! Do you, Nikki.
For some reason my sideburns are thinning. Good: I hated them. My older bro used to pick with me about them when Ashanti came out lmao!
Bad: I have no idea what's making them thin. I don't braid or twist tight at the root. Oh, well... Whatever it is it best not touch my edges.
The more I learn about my hair and I go through these products, I really believe I will be able to make most of what I need with just a few basic ingredients. I can't wait to use up some of these products so I can try my own version of this Shea Moisture smoothie that doesn't turn my hair white.
Hmmm. Weather is starting to get a little warmer around here. Soon it'll be time for me to start using coconut oil on my hair again.
I hereby dub the area under my sink as " Reject Product Island" :rolleyes: Its really too much now, I need to find someone to give these things to or just throw them away.
Um ok... This new EQP butter aint sh**! I'm so mad I used to love that old version. I have this big jar and all I like about it is the smell! Bah, maybe I'll like it on my straightened hair...I dunno, I doubt it though.
Naptural85's twists are gorgeous!!
almost made me wanna do some. almost. but i know my hair won't look like that-it's much less dense. :(
i gave my hair a good detangling session and trim. i feel pretty good about my hair right now. oh and i was bad too. i used a regular comb to detangle with. it got all of the shed hairs out and tangles.
shortdub78 how long does co-washing usually take you? I hate doing my hair on a worknight, but it seemed like the other night I got done washing and styling (chunky twists) within 2-3 hrs. do you just style into a puff? TIA

PYT i cowashed, detangled, chunky twists, and trimmed all 1 1/2 hour. it usually takes me 2-3 hours as well, but i needed to hurry, so i was working pretty fast. i wear it wild and free for two days. if it starts looking crazy on the second day, i use my ouchless headband just to push back the front a little.
I'm sick of people staring at my hair everywhere I go. I cant walk around my campus for one day without somebody staring at my hair! If your going to stare, you could at least say hi or something! Rude Much?
Welp, time to get back to working out! Which means this straight hair is going to shrink and revert something serious.

Straight hair, you were fun while it lasted. We had some good times these past couple of days. I will see you again in 5 months when hopefully you will be down my back! bye bye
I dyed my hair "natural black" today for the first time and I absolutely love it. before it was a brownish color due to relaxers and the sun :ohwell: The color is semi-permanent. I don't like they way it makes my hair feel (kind of odd, I guess I just have to get used to it) but it looks healthier and thicker so I gotta do rinses more often
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I dyed my hair "natural black" today for the first time and I absolutely love it. before it was a brownish color due to relaxers and the sun :ohwell: The color is semi-permanent. I don't like they way it makes my hair feel (kind of odd, I guess I just have to get used to it) but it looks healthier and thicker so I gotta do rinses more often

AlliCat, keep me updated on this please! I have a Clairol colour I'm dying to use!

What was the brand btw?! Does it make your hair feel rough? You said it's semi-permanent but you rinsed so does it have peroxide? :grin:
My internship is right by the Honeyfig store :blush: They sell Qhemet, Kinky curly, Jane Carter etc; all under one roof. That store is awesome! looking forward to browsing all summer :yep: Key word: browsing :drunk: I already have so many products I'm trying to use up
@AlliCat, keep me updated on this please! I have a Clairol colour I'm dying to use!

What was the brand btw?! Does it make your hair feel rough? You said it's semi-permanent but you rinsed so does it have peroxide? :grin:


^^That's what I used (Dark and Lovely Reviving Colors Semi-Permanent Haircolor). It says no ammonia or peroxide on the box and based on the instructions it's meant to be used on relaxer day after neutralizing. It made my hair hard to comb and kind of straw-feeling as I was applying it :ohwell: but after a DC my hair feels/looks stronger, and thicker so the pros outweigh that one con

^^That's what I used (Dark and Lovely Reviving Colors Semi-Permanent Haircolor). It says no ammonia or peroxide on the box and based on the instructions it's meant to be used on relaxer day after neutralizing. It made my hair hard to comb and kind of straw-feeling as I was applying it :ohwell: but after a DC my hair feels/looks stronger, and thicker so the pros outweigh that one con

Do you know if the colour stays if it's another colour other than black?