Random Hair Thoughts/Thinking out loud

Um ok... This new EQP butter aint sh**! I'm so mad I used to love that old version. I have this big jar and all I like about it is the smell! Bah, maybe I'll like it on my straightened hair...I dunno, I doubt it though.

I've heard this. what is so diff btwn the old and new?
If you use heat with it, its supposed to last 6-8 shampoos no matter what colour you use. but if your hair is pitch black I don't think the certain colours will even show maybe just a tint in the light...what colour were you thinking of trying?
SO volunteered to help me relax my hair next time but the image of him mixing the relaxer and parting my hair while wearing gloves is cracking me up.

At least he is open to listening when I talk about my hair.
If you use heat with it, its supposed to last 6-8 shampoos no matter what colour you use. but if your hair is pitch black I don't think the certain colours will even show maybe just a tint in the light...what colour were you thinking of trying?

My hair usually turns a brown colour because of the relaxer and sun too but I've been taking a multi-vitamin with copper so it helps to keep the original colour. I'm thinking jet black, blue black, or a mahogany colour.
Btw Alli, where'd you get the dye, I haven't seen them at my BSS and I think my mum would want one for grays.
I've heard this. what is so diff btwn the old and new?

Its not nearly as moisturizing, and it feels like there's a slightly waxy build up when I use it. Honestly to me, its now more like sealant than a moisturizer.

Aireen and divachyk, I wish we were geographically closer, from here its cheaper for me to buy a new prod online and send to you than mail what I have here :ohwell: I'll have to find some home grown PJs

AlliCat that style is GAWJUS!
Oh I didn't mean me, halee_J. I meant that you could probably give it to some family or friends to get rid of the products you don't like. Throwing it away would be such a waste. :grin:
My hair has been a bit "*** your flat iron" about remaining straight after I flat iron it. This step 4 (anti humidity spritz) in the Thermasmooth system appears to be the fix for that.

I know texlaxing is healthier for my hair but I've seen a few SSKs pop up....and I don't like it :nono:
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shasha8685 is that the only product you use in the thermasmooth system? How much longer does the smoothness last? I'm thinking of trying it out.
Debating on cutting some straight relaxed pieces off, so I'll be left with mostly texlaxed hair, and my 6+ months new growth.
shasha8685 is that the only product you use in the thermasmooth system? How much longer does the smoothness last? I'm thinking of trying it out.

I'm finding that the spritz allows me to wear my hair straight (w/o it puffing up) for about a week which is perfect for me since I wash and condition my hair weekly.

I mainly use the serum (step 3) and I'm just now trying step 4. I have used the shampoo and conditioner (which are pretty good btw) but I just prefer to use my staple shampoo and conditioners. All in all, the Thermasmooth system is a great system and I highly recommend that you try it out. A word of advice though--a little goes a long way with step 3. The serum is pretty thick and it can be easy to weigh your hair down if you use too much of it.
Its not nearly as moisturizing, and it feels like there's a slightly waxy build up when I use it. Honestly to me, its now more like sealant than a moisturizer.

@Aireen and @divachyk, I wish we were geographically closer, from here its cheaper for me to buy a new prod online and send to you than mail what I have here :ohwell: I'll have to find some home grown PJs

@AlliCat that style is GAWJUS!

When I heard all the fuss I finally went and purchased it. I couldn't understand why it was called a moisturizer because it is so thick. I only used it on my edges. I will probably have it forever using it this way LOL>
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Rusk sensory smoother leave-in

Oh how I thought I found a new love in you, but alas I must let you go for I have discovered I am allergic to you

I was using this only on my ends and then I had the wonderful I dea to apply allover and soon suffered from the itches. I guess the extract they use, I amallergic to. I had had the itchie about 20 minutes later.

Rusk, you will now be subjected to my ends until I use you up never to be purchased again.
Myjourney2009 yeah it is good for edges :yep:. I'm going to press my hair this weekend, lets see if maybe it can keep my hair moisturized without causing reversion.
i gotta figure out a hairstyle for my cousin's wedding. i saw a dress online that i wanna get. i'm going to go to the store to try it on. my mother said i might be too chunky for the dress....whatever...
i gotta figure out a hairstyle for my cousin's wedding. i saw a dress online that i wanna get. i'm going to go to the store to try it on. my mother said i might be too chunky for the dress....whatever...

Mothers - you gotta luv em. :lol: My mother will say something off the cuff to me and then want to come hug me. :lol: :lol: Yeah, yeah - whatever! Don't come over here with that "slap me and kiss me game". :lachen:
I just bought 2 jars of Vatika Frosting (1st time trying this) and stocked up my favorite Darcy's products and bought a few new items I've never tried before. I can't wait til they come!!!
I need some more Qhemets. I like how when my twistout is stretching out and getting bigger my hair looks wavy in the front :look:
I have 1 month (of 2) left of research, its like I am on vacay. My hair is flourishing because of all the time I can now devote to it (and my new membership and cyber obsession w/LHCF). What will happen to my hair in June when I am back to the long hours and wearing a surgical cap for that time. And wont be able to get on LHCF? Smh. I so love getting up with the sun and sitting at the kitchen table w/ the sun beaming in, great coffee, warm muffin, and the smell of henna marinating in my hair. I love my hair again.

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^^ Girl me 2!!

But I realized that I have to DC twice a week to keep my hair well moisturized during the winter months. That's alot of work. Giovanni helps some but not enough.

I wish I can find the right comb attachment for my blow dryer. I guess I'm off to the beauty supply store to see what works.