Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

Lord, did I make a mistake asking you to send my future husband as my friend? Because, our relationship is unreal! How can two people who haven't seen or talk to each other in over 10 years hook back up and it feels right?

But Father, my head is on straight and I'm trusting you to take the reins and deliver and lead him (and keep me in check). You know my heart (although, sometimes I want to be and act like a female) you know my heart in this situation.

I want you to have all of the glory!
Do not be fooled by outward demeanor nor appearances. Oftentimes, the very people that appear the strongest rocks in the faith are crumbling. They struggle. Don't ever feel you are less spiritually than another. No one is further along in YOUR spiritual walk than you are. We should remember to pray for all because the one's who we think to be the strongest are often at their weakest and they need help.

Pickle craving is over! Wow I had a lot to say today...I wish someone would post after me.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Strength comes from 'our' weaknesses. It's allowing Jesus to be the 'strong one', not we ourselves.

"The very moment' I surrender 'my all' to Jesus, is when I become strong. His embrace of me is all I need and always have.

It is in Him that I am able to go from strength to strength and from glory to glory. He never fails to uphold me with His mighty arm.

For those reading, who may feel 'not so strong' and are faced with a challenge that seems that all is going wrong, this is for you. :Rose:

There are no 'Samson's' in humanity. The humanity of man is frail and without substance.

In my very weakest of moments, ones of great fear and uncertanties, it is at these moments, when I have become the strongest, for Jesus always steps in and takes over. He overrides all that is not of Him.

God lovingly reminds me of His promises:

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

------ Deuteronomy 31:6

"It is in Him, that I am made strong."

"We have been made more than conquerors in Jesus Christ our Lord."

Praise be to God. I am never intimidated, for God is with me...even until the end of time...

Praise God, Praise God, Bless your holy name, Jesus. Prasie God. It is in you, that we are 'all' made strong. Each of us.

Bless your Holy Name, Jesus forever and ever, Amen and Amen. :Rose:

I love the Lord, for He heard my cry, my voice never fails to reach, Him, even in His Temple High in Heaven. For He never fails to come down and stand before our enemies.

Be blessed, those who read this. There's someone who fears that they cannot handle a certain situation or certain one who seems to be in control over them.

Yet, all throughout His Word, God says, fear not, for you will not be overtaken and you shall see and cheer the Victory, which I am there to bring through for you. The enemy shall not win.

Be blessed and shout for joy. God has heard and God has seen. He is right there to rescue you and bring you out in Victory, in His name, which is Jesus.

Be not afraid... only believe. You are strong in the Lord indeed.

As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. ----- Joshua 14:11

No matter what challenges, both to go out and to come in, so your strength in the Lord, is now and will be then and always.

Yes, Precious Loves of Jesus ... you are strong. :Rose:
I don't know how or when it happened, but sometime in the past couple days God really changed my heart. I can't describe it, but I feel a sense of renewal, and want to live my life in a completely new way, I have never in all my 23 years felt such a desire to live for God; to live a life that is pleasing to him, in every way. It is such an amazing feeling, knowing that I am loved by Love himself!

I love this Christian forum, I need to post more, and stop lurking. I just feel blessed because I have learned so much from you ladies, you're touching more people than you know :)
I don't know how or when it happened, but sometime in the past couple days God really changed my heart. I can't describe it, but I feel a sense of renewal, and want to live my life in a completely new way, I have never in all my 23 years felt such a desire to live for God; to live a life that is pleasing to him, in every way. It is such an amazing feeling, knowing that I am loved by Love himself!

I love this Christian forum, I need to post more, and stop lurking. I just feel blessed because I have learned so much from you ladies,
you're touching more people than you know :
Amen, sis...amen!

Bless you! :rosebud:
Do not be fooled by outward demeanor nor appearances. Oftentimes, the very people that appear the strongest rocks in the faith are crumbling. They struggle. Don't ever feel you are less spiritually than another. No one is further along in YOUR spiritual walk than you are. We should remember to pray for all because the one's who we think to be the strongest are often at their weakest and they need help.

Pickle craving is over! Wow I had a lot to say today...I wish someone would post after me.

Good points. It is important to remember that every person has struggles, no matter how things may look on the outside.

Matthew 24:24 - For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

Even the "very elect" are being attacked from every angle and need prayer!
Lord God, I am so unworthy, yet you keep showing your love towards me.

Praise be to God, you have showered with with unending blessings; each morning they await me, as the fragrant morning dew.

I am like a tree planted by the 'rivers of water', you've nurtured my youth, my leaves have not withered; you've restored my soul and quenched my thirst... you've quenched my thirst for you.

Not one thing in my life, have I ever lacked; not one denial have I ever known from you. Always here, always there; right beside me, fully abiding in me, with me you are always, everywhere.

Because of you, I'm always abounding, stronger and stronger in you. Your light within me glows stronger and stronger, keeping mine enemies at bay.

Nothing can come against me, no matter what they think or say. For I am yours, and you have your work for me. It matters not the opposition, for you are in control of my Destiny.

I love you Lord... I love you with all of my heart. Yet it's still not enough compared to the heart I have from you.

Lord God, from the very beginning, I fell in love with you and in this love, you've always loved me more.

Of this love, we share, which abides in me, I have never been more sure, of who and whose I am, eternally yours forever more. :giveheart:

With all of my heart I thank you, Lord Jesus. No regrets, no fears, yet these tears are those of joy, for all you are to me, and more for all that I am to you.

With all of my heart and soul... Lord God of All, I thank you. :Rose:

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an Everlasting Love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

-- Jeremiah 31:6
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Who said I was talking specifically about me? I'm talking about everybody in the world. This was a revelation that Jesus gave to another believer in the faith I know of. He told her to pray for even those who appear to be strong rocks in the faith because those are often the ones who are at their weakest. Outward appearances mean nothing. By appearance, I'm talking about position such as pastorships, priests, counselors and all others who regularly edify each other. :perplexed It was a call for us all to remember each other, whether we think others are stronger than us or not...they might be in need of prayer and are being neglected by others because they appear to have it all together. I'm a catholic and a realist...we definitely believe in prayer and the beginning of it all is humility. Only G-d is perfect and any strength is from Him. We have different lingos...so you won't really find us talking about how "strong" we are in the L-rd, we operate from a stance of humility to say, "pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amein."

Don't be so hard on yourself. Strength comes from 'our' weaknesses. It's allowing Jesus to be the 'strong one', not we ourselves.

"The very moment' I surrender 'my all' to Jesus, is when I become strong. His embrace of me is all I need and always have.

It is in Him that I am able to go from strength to strength and from glory to glory. He never fails to uphold me with His mighty arm.

For those reading, who may feel 'not so strong' and are faced with a challenge that seems that all is going wrong, this is for you. :Rose:

There are no 'Samson's' in humanity. The humanity of man is frail and without substance.

In my very weakest of moments, ones of great fear and uncertanties, it is at these moments, when I have become the strongest, for Jesus always steps in and takes over. He overrides all that is not of Him.

God lovingly reminds me of His promises:

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

------ Deuteronomy 31:6

"It is in Him, that I am made strong."

"We have been made more than conquerors in Jesus Christ our Lord."

Praise be to God. I am never intimidated, for God is with me...even until the end of time...

Praise God, Praise God, Bless your holy name, Jesus. Prasie God. It is in you, that we are 'all' made strong. Each of us.

Bless your Holy Name, Jesus forever and ever, Amen and Amen. :Rose:

I love the Lord, for He heard my cry, my voice never fails to reach, Him, even in His Temple High in Heaven. For He never fails to come down and stand before our enemies.

Be blessed, those who read this. There's someone who fears that they cannot handle a certain situation or certain one who seems to be in control over them.

Yet, all throughout His Word, God says, fear not, for you will not be overtaken and you shall see and cheer the Victory, which I am there to bring through for you. The enemy shall not win.

Be blessed and shout for joy. God has heard and God has seen. He is right there to rescue you and bring you out in Victory, in His name, which is Jesus.

Be not afraid... only believe. You are strong in the Lord indeed.

As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. ----- Joshua 14:11

No matter what challenges, both to go out and to come in, so your strength in the Lord, is now and will be then and always.

Yes, Precious Loves of Jesus ... you are strong. :Rose:
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I definitely understand your point GV and agree. But I don't think Shimmie meant anything by her statements...they were directed toward anyone who needed encouragement.
"You have to be careful about it, aspirin is a spirit." Implying that things like alcohol have evil in them, drugs have evil in them, etc. No, it's not the thing that G-d created nor the chemical composition having spirits...it's man's intent. Because if that were true, why take a tylenol or other? Isn't that participating in spiritism? How on earth is that christianity? My goodness!
Happy Sunday Ladies!

Shimmie- thank you for continuously showering us with words of encouragement! You have a passion for Christ and a passion for people. The love and concern you have in your heart for others pours out beautifully from your mouth...:love2:

We all learn from each other and that's what make this forum unique and special.

Well, it's cold outside but the sun is shining so I'm going to enjoy this beautiful day!
Why isn't something being done about it? It's time to shine and step in and actually be christians about it, rather than gloating over how spiritual we are. Sigh...it's so very wrong. It's called....FEDERAL OFFENSE...sheesh!
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Who said I was talking specifically about me? I'm talking about everybody in the world. This was a revelation that Jesus gave to another believer in the faith I know of. He told her to pray for even those who appear to be strong rocks in the faith because those are often the ones who are at their weakest. Outward appearances mean nothing.

By appearance, I'm talking about position such as pastorships, priests, counselors and all others who regularly edify each other. :perplexed

It was a call for us all to remember each other, whether we think others are stronger than us or not...they might be in need of prayer and are being neglected by others because they appear to have it all together. I'm a catholic and a realist...we definitely believe in prayer and the beginning of it all is humility.

Only G-d is perfect and any strength is from Him. We have different lingos...so you won't really find us talking about how "strong" we are in the L-rd, we operate from a stance of humility to say, "pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amein."

"You have to be careful about it, aspirin is a spirit." Implying that things like alcohol have evil in them, drugs have evil in them, etc. No, it's not the thing that G-d created nor the chemical composition having spirits...it's man's intent. Because if that were true, why take a tylenol or other? Isn't that participating in spiritism? How on earth is that christianity? My goodness!

Why isn't something being done about it? It's time to shine and step in and actually be christians about it, rather than gloating over how spiritual we are.

Sigh...it's so very wrong.

What's going on GV? Is everything okay? We all have 'our days'.

Whatever's going on, my prayers are that 'it shall be well' and not get the best of you.

'We all have our days', but we're not in them alone. No matter what's going on, that 'appears' to be getting to you, you're cared about. :giveheart:
I definitely understand your point GV and agree. But I don't think Shimmie meant anything by her statements...they were directed toward anyone who needed encouragement.

Happy Sunday Ladies!

Shimmie- thank you for continuously showering us with words of encouragement! You have a passion for Christ and a passion for people. The love and concern you have in your heart for others pours out beautifully from your mouth...:love2:

We all learn from each other and that's what make this forum unique and special.

Well, it's cold outside but the sun is shining so I'm going to enjoy this beautiful day!
:kiss: Thanks Ladies. We're all 'one' in Christ Jesus and need each other, for Iron sharpens Iron.

It's our 'oneness' that helps us stay strong. I wouldn't trade any of you for the world. For along with Jesus, you have each sharpen my Iron in more ways than I could ever thank you for.

What's going on GV? Is everything okay? We all have 'our days'.

Whatever's going on, my prayers are that 'it shall be well' and not get the best of you.

'We all have our days', but we're not in them alone. No matter what's going on, that 'appears' to be getting to you, you're cared about. :giveheart:

I love you too, mami...it wasn't a big thing....but please pm me now!!!!!!
Regardless of what we see or hear in this present time...

- Being a child of God does makes a difference in this world.

- Sharing the gospel does makes a difference in this world.

- Being faithful does makes a difference in this world.

- Prayer does makes a difference in this world.

- Your testimony does makes a difference in this world.

- Standing on the word of God does makes a difference in this world

- Righteousness, holiness, and sanctification do makes a
difference in this world

- Words of encouragement do makes a difference in this world

- Forgiveness does makes a difference in this world

- Sunday sermons and going to church do makes a difference
in this world.

HAPPY FRIDAY.....:bighug: And from the words of my grandmother "Keep, Keeping On....."

~Peace and Blessings
Matthew 5:10Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
More churches have been destroyed by the Accuser of the Brethren and its fault-finding than by either immorality or misuse of church funds. So prevalent is this influence in our society that, among many, fault-finding has been elevated to the status of a “ministry!” The Lord has promised, however, that in His house accusing one another will be replaced with prayer, and fault-finding with a love that covers a multitude of sins.

In an attempt to hinder, if not altogether halt the next move of God, Satan has sent forth an army of fault-finding demons against the church. The purpose of this assault is to entice the Body of Christ away from the perfections of Jesus and onto the imperfections of one another.

The fault-finder spirit will incite individuals to spend days and even weeks unearthing old faults or sins in their minister or church. The people who are held captive by this deceitful spirit become “crusaders,” irreconcilable enemies of their former assemblies. In most cases, the things they deem wrong or lacking are the very areas in which the Lord seeks to position them for intercession. What might otherwise be an opportunity for spiritual growth and meeting a need, becomes an occasion of stumbling and withdrawal. In truth, their criticisms are a smokescreen for a prayerless heart and an unwillingness to serve.

Christ Himself could not satisfy the “standards” of this spirit when it spoke through the Pharisees. No matter what Jesus did, the Pharisees found fault with Him.

If you personally have not consulted with and listened to the individual of whom you are critical, how can you be sure that you are not fulfilling the role of the accuser of the brethren? Even the “. . . Law does not judge a man, unless it first hears from him” (John 7:51).The enemies’ purpose in this assault is to discredit the minister so it can discredit his message. I have personally listened to scores of pastors from many denominational backgrounds. The timing of this spirit’s attack upon their congregations almost always was just prior to, or immediately after, a significant breakthrough. The unchallenged assault of this demon always stopped the forward progress of their church.

When this spirit infiltrates an individual’s mind, its accusations come with such venom and intimidation that even those who should “know better” are bewildered and then seduced by its influence. Nearly all involved take their eyes off Jesus and focus upon “issues,” ignoring during the contention that Jesus is actually praying for His body to become one. Beguiled by this demon, accusations and counter accusations rifle through the soul of the congregation, stimulating suspicion and fear among the people. Devastation wracks the targeted church, while discouragement blankets and seeks to destroy the pastor and his family, or other servants of God in the Church.

Nearly every minister reading this has faced the assault of the fault-finder spirit at one time or another. Each has known the depression of trying to track down this accusing spirit as it whispers its gossip through the local church: trusted friends seem distant, established relationships shaken, and the vision of the church quagmired in strife and inaction.

To mask the diabolical nature of its activity, the fault-finder will often garb its criticisms in religious clothing. Under the pretense of protecting sheep from a “gnat-sized” error in doctrine, it forces the flock to swallow a “camel-sized” error of loveless correction, attempting to correct violations of Scripture! Where is the “spirit of gentleness” of which Paul speaks in Galatians 6:1, the humility in “looking to yourselves, lest you too be tempted?” Where is the love motive to “restore such a one?”

The church does need correction, but the ministry of reproof must be patterned after Christ and not the accuser of the brethren. When Jesus corrected the churches in Asia (Revelation 2-3), He sandwiched His rebuke between praise and promises. He reassured the churches that the Voice about to expose their sin was the very Voice which inspired their virtue. After encouraging them, He then brought correction.Is this not His way with each of us? Even in the most serious corrections, the voice of Jesus is always the embodiment of “grace and truth” (John 1:14). Jesus said of the sheep, “. . . they know His voice. And a stranger they simply will not follow but will flee from him” (John 10:5). Remember, if the word of rebuke or correction does not offer grace for restoration, it is not the voice of your Shepherd. If you are one of Christ’s sheep, you will flee from it.

To find an indictment against the church, it is important to note, the enemy must draw his accusations from hell. If we have repented of our sins, no record of them nor of our mistakes exists in Heaven. As it is written, “Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies…” (Romans 8:33). Jesus is not condemning us, but rather is at the Father’s right hand interceding on our behalf.

The second weapon this spirit uses against us is our past mistakes and poor decisions. Each of us has an inherent propensity toward ignorance. One does not have to read far into the history of the saints to discover they were not called because of their intrinsic wisdom. In truth, we all have made mistakes. Hopefully, we have at least learned from them and developed humility because of them. This fault-finding spirit, however, takes our past mistakes and parades them before our memory, criticizing our efforts to do God’s will, thus keeping us in bondage to the past.

When the enemy pits us against one another, it first provokes us to jealousy or fear. The security of our place in life seems threatened by another’s success. Perhaps to justify our personal failures or flaws, we magnify the past shortcomings of others. The more our jealousy grows, the more this demon exploits our thoughts until nothing about the individual or his church seems right.

In the final stage we actually wage a campaign against him. No defense he offers will satisfy us. We are convinced he is deceived and dangerous; and we think it is up to us to warn others. Yet the truth is, the person whose mind is controlled by the fault-finder spirit is the one who is deceived and dangerous. For his own unrepentant thoughts toward jealousy and fleshly criticism have supplied hell with a “lumber yard” of material to erect walls between members of the body of Christ.

The fault-finders and gossips are already planted in the church–perhaps you are such a one! When the living God is making your pastor more deeply dependent, and thus more easily shaped for His purposes, do you criticize his apparent lack of anointing? Although he did not abandon you during your time of need, do you abandon him now, when your faith might be the very encouragement he needs to fully yield to the cross?

Those who are sympathetic to the accuser of the brethren fulfill, by application, Matthew 24:28, “Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.” The backbiting of these vulture-like individuals actually feeds their lower nature, for they seek what is dead in a church; they are attracted to what is dying.

When the accuser comes, it brings distorted facts and condemnation. Those who are trapped by this spirit never research the virtues in the organization or person they are attacking. With the same zeal that the fault-finders seek to unearth sin, those who will conquer this enemy must earnestly seek God’s heart and His calling for those they would reprove.

True correction, therefore, will proceed with reverence, not revenge. Indeed, are not those whom we seek to correct Christ’s servants? Are they not His possessions? Is it possible the works of which we are jealous, and thus critical, might the the very works of Christ? Also, let us ask ourselves: why has God chosen us to bring His rebuke? Are we walking in Christ’s pattern?

These are important questions, for to be anointed with Christ’s authority to rebuke, we must be committed to melt with Christ’s love. But, if we are angry, embittered or jealous toward another, we cannot even pray correctly for that person, much less reprove him. Jesus, the great Lion of Judah, was declared worthy to bring forth judgment by virtue of His nature: He was a Lamb slain for men’s sin. If we are not determined to die for men, we have no right to judge them.

Our attitude should be one of prayer and love, leaving a blessing for what we gained by our time spent in the church. If there has indeed been sin in the ministry, we should contact the church authorities and leave the situation with them.

Indeed, the Lord’s word to us is that in the House of the Lord criticism must be replaced with prayer, and fault-finding eliminated with a covering love. Where there is error, we must go with a motive to restore. Where there are wrong doctrines, let us maintain a gentle spirit correcting those in opposition.

Lord Jesus, forgive us for our lack of prayer and the weakness of our love. Master, we want to be like You. When we see a need, instead of criticizing, help us to lay down our lives and meet it. Lord, deliver Your church of this fault-finding spirit! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I pray I keep to YOUR timing Lord and not my own. I'm so confused.

The 'peace' of God is all over you; peace that nothing and no one can ever take from you. In this peace, you shall have every answer fulfilled.

For His Namesake, God is leading you in the way in which you should go. You will not be lead astray. :Rose:
Today I am reminded of Pslams 143:2

"Do not enter into judgement with Your servant, for in Your sight no one living is righteous."

NLT says Pslams 143:2 "Don't bring your servant to trial! Compared to you, no one is perfect!"


We are ALL a Work in Progress! All of us!