Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

Today I am reminded of Pslams 143:2

"Do not enter into judgement with Your servant, for in Your sight no one living is righteous."

NLT says Pslams 143:2 "Don't bring your servant to trial! Compared to you, no one is perfect!"


We are ALL a Work in Progress! All of us!
The Lord is so wonderful! I'm so happy and refreshed today and I know that I am loved and cared for. It's such a wonderful thing to know that you are loved and cared for!

Thank you, Lord!
Thank you, my loving husband!
Thank you, to all my good friends!
Thank you, my beautiful children!
Thank you, my e-friends!

I am blessed and HIGHLY FAVORED of the Lord and I lack nothing...hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!
Proverbs 15 1-3.


A gentle answer turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger. The wise person makes learning a joy; fools spout foolishness. The is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good. Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tounge crushes the spirit.

I Praise the Lord for my builder today! Through him I realized God works all things out for our good.

Father, I thank you, I am able to say "Lord forgive them for they do not know what they do!" Amen.
The Lord is so wonderful! I'm so happy and refreshed today and I know that I am loved and cared for. It's such a wonderful thing to know that you are loved and cared for!

Thank you, Lord!
Thank you, my loving husband!
Thank you, to all my good friends!
Thank you, my beautiful children!
Thank you, my e-friends!

I am blessed and HIGHLY FAVORED of the Lord and I lack nothing...hallelujah, thank you Jesus!!!
:amen: Thank you for your post, I praise God right along with you. :meme:

I couldn't log in earlier, and as I was leaving the medical center this morning, I was praising God for all of my blessings and when I saw your post, it was total confirmation.

I praise God for His faithfulness! He gave me a 'carriage ride' this morning; He got me to my appointment on time, in spite of the rain.

Thank You Jesus!

And you know what else? I praise God for you and our mutual 'sister', whom we dearly love; the many blessings of love and friendships that we have here and offline.

I thank God for my loved ones. For the men who love me ... :blush3:

When I later got into work, this morning, the phone rang. It was one of my baby's and he said, "You're There"! I said, yeah! I'm here! He missed me. :lol: The men in my life.... :love3: I can't take two steps without them sending out an APB.. :lol:

I thank God for my babygirl who is so loving so kind, so full of God's love and His word.

My babygirl is perfect...... Just like me. :yep:
Thank you Jesus!
-This forum is for those who know JESUS CHRIST to be their LORD and SAVIOR. It is not here to question HIS existence or criticize those who believe in HIM.
-Any posts and/or threads not related to The LORD JESUS will be moved to the Off Topic Forum.
-Inappropriate posts and/or threads will be removed or deleted all together.

Thank-you, in advance, for your anticipated cooperation. Be blessed, ladies. :)

taken from the Christian Forum Rules Thread :)
God Bless!
Lord... it's raining today and you just keep showering me with more and more blessings.

The other day, I was thinking that I would like to have a thermos bottle to carry hot water for my tea. It was just a passing thought that I had quickly tucked away.

Lord thank you for remembering me. Gee whiz. My boss just came to me with a black carrying pouch and inside is a slender silver thermos and two travel 'coffee mugs' to match. :woohoo2:

Lord... :thankyou: so much. :love2: I'm so smiley today.... ;)

I mean, gee whiz. This is far more than what I asked you for. Way more. Now I can take my tea with me to class in the travel mug and also have fresh hot water for an extra cup, later on.

Lord, you never fail me. I can never thank you enough.

My boss didn't have a clue of what I shared with you. No clue that I wanted a thermos. It was just a thought that was shared between you and me. A thought that YOU brought to pass.

Each day, you never fail to bless me and yet today, the blessings just keep overflowing...

Lord, I thank you for my boss. I thank you for YOU.

This just 'amazes' me. God you knew how I wanted this for as the weather gets cold, I can have my green tea with me. :yep:

There's plenty of room in the pouch to hold my lemon and other condiments, plastic spoons, etc. I'm so tickled about this .... :meme:

I mean, this is what I wanted and Lord God you just did it.

You know, this is about having a personal relationship with you, Lord. Not about the material things. But about in a relationship with you, where you take the little things just to let me know that you are 'here'. That you care about the little things that matter to me.

And it's this very little thing, that makes you all the more big.

Nothing in this universe can come near, let alone touch who ou are.


Lord, you are the Creator and You are the Giver of all good things.

Only fools seek things outside of you. Only fools! Lord I just can't imagine why. You have everything that anyone of us could ever need.

Even something as small as a Thermos. How much more will you not give? For in the ultimate, you gave us your Life and covered us with your Blood. Why would anyone who says they know you, seek anywhere else, outside of you? How is this so? How sad... :nono:

Oh well. This didn't come from the universe. :lachen: That's for certain. Not even 'Martians' can take credit for this. :nono:

It came directly from you. Thank you, again and again.

Thank you for my blue scarf that covers the mess on my desk. :giggle:

I love you Lord. :kiss: Thank you so very, very much, for loving me all the way through. In your precious and holy name, Amen and Amen.

My Thermos from Heaven... :love2:

ITA.. good rain today. Glad you got your thermos. God does bless us when we most need it.

I also have a lot to be thankful for... and testify that God is so good! :clap: A loving husband who is there for me, no matter what. He makes me feel special, esp today. I thank God you for him every single day...DH just text me asking if I'm online again... :laugh: and that he misses me. I'm all :grin: right now.

I hope everyone here stays blessed today!

It's a new day....


You know, this is about having a personal relationship with you, Lord. Not about the material things. But about in a relationship with you, where you take the little things just to let me know that you are 'here'. That you care about the little things that matter to me.

And it's this very little thing, that makes you all the more big.

Nothing in this universe can come near, let alone touch who ou are.

My cousin shared this with me this morning....

Don't become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war.

Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil?

Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God's holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives.

God himself put it this way:

"I'll live in them, move into them;
I'll be their God and they'll be my people.
So leave the corruption and compromise;
leave it for good," says God.
"Don't link up with those who will pollute you.
I want you all for myself.
I'll be a Father to you;
you'll be sons and daughters to me."
The Word of the Master, God.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 MSG
It's starting to make sense... :Rose:
I just love your stories, Shimmie. You are such a blessing to me and my ministry. Sometimes, I share some of your stories when I teach...and they love it and want more:grin:...you must get that book finished:yep:

I praise God for 'her' too Shimmie...what a blessing she is to my life! :love2:

It's so good to know we have people that love us and care for us, right?

Talk to you later, sis!

:amen: Thank you for your post, I praise God right along with you. :meme:

I couldn't log in earlier, and as I was leaving the medical center this morning, I was praising God for all of my blessings and when I saw your post, it was total confirmation.

I praise God for His faithfulness! He gave me a 'carriage ride' this morning; He got me to my appointment on time, in spite of the rain.

Thank You Jesus!

And you know what else? I praise God for you and our mutual 'sister', whom we dearly love; the many blessings of love and friendships that we have here and offline.

I thank God for my loved ones. For the men who love me ... :blush3:

When I later got into work, this morning, the phone rang. It was one of my baby's and he said, "You're There"! I said, yeah! I'm here! He missed me. :lol: The men in my life.... :love3: I can't take two steps without them sending out an APB.. :lol:

I thank God for my babygirl who is so loving so kind, so full of God's love and His word.

My babygirl is perfect...... Just like me. :yep:
Thank you Jesus!
Lord... it's raining today and you just keep showering me with more and more blessings.

The other day, I was thinking that I would like to have a thermos bottle to carry hot water for my tea. It was just a passing thought that I had quickly tucked away.

Lord thank you for remembering me. Gee whiz. My boss just came to me with a black carrying pouch and inside is a slender silver thermos and two travel 'coffee mugs' to match. :woohoo2:

Lord... :thankyou: so much. :love2: I'm so smiley today.... ;)

I mean, gee whiz. This is far more than what I asked you for. Way more. Now I can take my tea with me to class in the travel mug and also have fresh hot water for an extra cup, later on.

Lord, you never fail me. I can never thank you enough.

My boss didn't have a clue of what I shared with you. No clue that I wanted a thermos. It was just a thought that was shared between you and me. A thought that YOU brought to pass.

Each day, you never fail to bless me and yet today, the blessings just keep overflowing...

Lord, I thank you for my boss. I thank you for YOU.

This just 'amazes' me. God you knew how I wanted this for as the weather gets cold, I can have my green tea with me. :yep:

There's plenty of room in the pouch to hold my lemon and other condiments, plastic spoons, etc. I'm so tickled about this .... :meme:

I mean, this is what I wanted and Lord God you just did it.

You know, this is about having a personal relationship with you, Lord. Not about the material things. But about in a relationship with you, where you take the little things just to let me know that you are 'here'. That you care about the little things that matter to me.

And it's this very little thing, that makes you all the more big.

Nothing in this universe can come near, let alone touch who ou are.


Lord, you are the Creator and You are the Giver of all good things.

Only fools seek things outside of you. Only fools! Lord I just can't imagine why. You have everything that anyone of us could ever need.

Even something as small as a Thermos. How much more will you not give? For in the ultimate, you gave us your Life and covered us with your Blood. Why would anyone who says they know you, seek anywhere else, outside of you? How is this so? How sad... :nono:

Oh well. This didn't come from the universe. :lachen: That's for certain. Not even 'Martians' can take credit for this. :nono:

It came directly from you. Thank you, again and again.

Thank you for my blue scarf that covers the mess on my desk. :giggle:

I love you Lord. :kiss: Thank you so very, very much, for loving me all the way through. In your precious and holy name, Amen and Amen.

My Thermos from Heaven... :love2:


The Lord truly is good, Shimmie....He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

Blessings, always....:love2:
I hope this is not vain of me, but I am just thankful that the Divine gave me the clarity to realize that my season of singleness is not the scourge I imagined it to be. It is truly a blessing in disguise. I am starting to realize what I am gaining. I am discovering new interests and hobbies, and I am joining groups to meet people. I am no longer sad or even contemplating the relationship that I lost. I am grateful for the life I have, the family I have, the friends I have and will make, and for the fortitude to move forward and love myself more. If he shows up great, if not; oh well. Peace.
Been sitting at my Lord's feet,
Having the time of my life!

I enjoy spending time with Him...there is nothing like it!!!

For those who struggle, God says..."Pick up your cross and follow me!"

Thank you, Lord! :love2:


I knew, that I knew, that I knew until I got tested on it and then I didn't know anything for a long while. I was in a place that was full of strife, condemnation and gossip. I had people talking about me behind my back, in front of me, all around me.

I had prayed so hard that I just wanted people to see Jesus in me and what I was hearing was that I'm not even a christian. I love the Lord with all my heart and to hear people say these things was ripping my heart out. My spirit man felt like some one had cut me open with a knife and I was bleeding to death. I felt like the woman with the issue of blood. I had no energy, and all I could do was crawl and try to reach the hem of Jesus garment.

I had been praying and studying and trying to figure out what in the world is going on. What am I doing wrong? One day I absolutely felt like I could not take this anymore and I started praying for God to exalt me. I wanted people to see Jesus in me desperately and I didn't want to feel this way anymore. I felt like I was dying spiritually and I wanted God in my life.

It was then that God gave me a vision. I was in Jesus and I could see what he saw. He was being nailed to the cross. God let me feel some of what Jesus felt. I could feel the rejection that he felt. You know how it feels when someones heading toward you, and you know that they don't like you? Your stomach gets tied up in knots. That's how it was but there was a mob of people and it was multiplied by a bunch.

I never felt any of the physical pain, just the rejection. I saw Jesus look to his left and I saw the guard driving the nail in, and a tear coming out of Jesus eye while he was watching. He loved the guard that was driving the nail and he could feel the hate coming from him.

Then God spoke to me and said, "Now you pick up your cross and follow me" All I could do then was cry and repent. I hadn't even touched the surface of what Jesus went through and I couldn't take anymore. This was a major pity party and God sat me straight on some things.

Our pastor preached a sermon sometime after that and in it he said, regardless of what you're going through, if God is talking to you, you're OK. It's when he stops talking to you that there's a problem. I could see a light bulb going on right then, God had been talking to me the whole time! I'm OK. I needed to go through those things for God to make me stronger.

The joy of the Lord is my strength and I was allowing what other people thought and said about me affect my walk. I was too, all my joy was almost gone or at least I couldn't find it.

I don't know where you are in your walk with Jesus but persecution is part of it. Don't let what other people think about you affect you, because we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. When you get that revelation, you can go on and do what God wants you to do...with Joy. Remember, God loves you and he will never leave you nor forsake you!!

Another thing to remember is Jesus example "Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do."
taken from the Christian Forum Rules Thread :)
God Bless!

Since I wrote that rule, let me offer some clarification so that everyone knows what I was talking about. I don't want there to be any confussion.

When we started this forum, there were a lot of people angry about it, and for a time just about anyone who believed, didn't believe, were of different faiths, or just wanted to express their unhappiness with the CF were posting in here. So I wrote the rule to make it clear to everyone that this forum was for believers in CHRIST, period. Therefore, if there were people who were unhappy about this forum for any reason, were of different faiths and wanted to compare their beliefs, questioned why we were here, or were just looking for a fight, this wasn't the place, and I didn't want to see any of that drama played out here. That was the sole intent of the post.

It's normal that disagreements arise among members, and certainly I expected that there would be some disagreements among Christian sisters, but in my mind, I always believed that disagreements would play out differently here than they would on the rest of the forum, so apart from Beverly's post adding to the rules, I didn't think that it would be necessary to say more. But I see now that I may have to update or change the rules a bit. I'll work on it.
I hope this is not vain of me, but I am just thankful that the Divine gave me the clarity to realize that my season of singleness is not the scourge I imagined it to be. It is truly a blessing in disguise. I am starting to realize what I am gaining. I am discovering new interests and hobbies, and I am joining groups to meet people. I am no longer sad or even contemplating the relationship that I lost. I am grateful for the life I have, the family I have, the friends I have and will make, and for the fortitude to move forward and love myself more. If he shows up great, if not; oh well. Peace.

This is excellent! :yep: And now that you've reached this place of peace and understanding, it shall happen when you least expect it. Watch. This is how GOD works. When you're not looking for it or expecting it, expect it. :lol: GOD is awesome! Blessings to you, sis! :rosebud:
The Lord truly is good, Shimmie....He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!

Blessings, always....:love2:
Amen, Pastor Wavy... Amen. :love2:

And Pastor, it's not about the thermos. That's just a material thing. But it's the WAY that the Lord surprised me with it. I mean, it was just a thought! A thought --- I'm always talking to Him about my thoughts.

And today when my boss came into the office and smiled at me, I was just too through.

God is Holy, God is More than Worthy, God is our Father and He's Daddy.

We 'His' Daughters are Daddy's girls.

Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. He's Still always God. :amen:

And I love my big cup of tea.... :coffee:

You know I'm cute now with my silver mugs. :reddancer:

Can't tell me nuthin. I'm wearing my patent leather shoes and handbag with this. Silver and black is a hook up. :lol:

Just having fun with my blessings, that's all.

I love you, Pastor Wavy and Pastor 'A' and our precious sisters too. :love3:

For those who struggle, God says..."Pick up your cross and follow me!"

Thank you, Lord! :love2:


I knew, that I knew, that I knew until I got tested on it and then I didn't know anything for a long while. I was in a place that was full of strife, condemnation and gossip. I had people talking about me behind my back, in front of me, all around me.

I had prayed so hard that I just wanted people to see Jesus in me and what I was hearing was that I'm not even a christian. I love the Lord with all my heart and to hear people say these things was ripping my heart out. My spirit man felt like some one had cut me open with a knife and I was bleeding to death. I felt like the woman with the issue of blood. I had no energy, and all I could do was crawl and try to reach the hem of Jesus garment.

I had been praying and studying and trying to figure out what in the world is going on. What am I doing wrong? One day I absolutely felt like I could not take this anymore and I started praying for God to exalt me. I wanted people to see Jesus in me desperately and I didn't want to feel this way anymore. I felt like I was dying spiritually and I wanted God in my life.

It was then that God gave me a vision. I was in Jesus and I could see what he saw. He was being nailed to the cross. God let me feel some of what Jesus felt. I could feel the rejection that he felt. You know how it feels when someones heading toward you, and you know that they don't like you? Your stomach gets tied up in knots. That's how it was but there was a mob of people and it was multiplied by a bunch.

I never felt any of the physical pain, just the rejection. I saw Jesus look to his left and I saw the guard driving the nail in, and a tear coming out of Jesus eye while he was watching. He loved the guard that was driving the nail and he could feel the hate coming from him.

Then God spoke to me and said, "Now you pick up your cross and follow me" All I could do then was cry and repent. I hadn't even touched the surface of what Jesus went through and I couldn't take anymore. This was a major pity party and God sat me straight on some things.

Our pastor preached a sermon sometime after that and in it he said, regardless of what you're going through, if God is talking to you, you're OK. It's when he stops talking to you that there's a problem. I could see a light bulb going on right then, God had been talking to me the whole time! I'm OK. I needed to go through those things for God to make me stronger.

The joy of the Lord is my strength and I was allowing what other people thought and said about me affect my walk. I was too, all my joy was almost gone or at least I couldn't find it.

I don't know where you are in your walk with Jesus but persecution is part of it. Don't let what other people think about you affect you, because we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. When you get that revelation, you can go on and do what God wants you to do...with Joy. Remember, God loves you and he will never leave you nor forsake you!!

Another thing to remember is Jesus example "Father Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do."

My God... this is beautiful. :Rose:
I just love your stories, Shimmie.

You are such a blessing to me and my ministry. Sometimes, I share some of your stories when I teach...and they love it and want more:grin:...you must get that book finished:yep:

I praise God for 'her' too Shimmie...what a blessing she is to my life! :love2:

It's so good to know we have people that love us and care for us, right?

Talk to you later, sis!

Ummmm, I dunno ... :lol: You may regret those words. Cause from here on all you're gonna hear about is my new Silver Thermos that the Lord blessed me with. :grin:

From now on when you see me coming with it in my hand, you'll be doing this... :peek:


Hugs Precious Sister... Give my 'brother' a hug for me too; and tell him about my new thermos. I'ma bring it with me okay? Don't forget it's a 'travel' one. So I can't leave it home. It'll miss me. :cry4:

I'm getting 'silly'. It's time for me to go to bed. Sweet sleep. :sleep2: :Rose:
I can't believe I cried so much at women's service last night.I think it was backed up for the last 5 months...I feel so free and not that temporary thing..I feel like Im doing all I can to get God word..Joyce meyer cds,bible,cf,starting to go to church again,building relationships,not cursing people out but Im still a work in progress..
I can't believe I cried so much at women's service last night.I think it was backed up for the last 5 months...I feel so free and not that temporary thing..I feel like Im doing all I can to get God word..Joyce meyer cds,bible,cf,starting to go to church again,building relationships,not cursing people out but Im still a work in progress..
do all you can to stand

you will always be a work in progress and thats ok because thats just what your supposed to be :bighug:

I think I need to cry/release like that with the LORD, I have a feeling the moment will come:yep:
I love Jesus and he loves me...I can actually say that without feeling goofy...Man God is awesome on my good and bad days..God is God all the time which is so awesome when everything around me is changing God is solid..
I can't believe I cried so much at women's service last night.I think it was backed up for the last 5 months...I feel so free and not that temporary thing..I feel like Im doing all I can to get God word..Joyce meyer cds,bible,cf,starting to go to church again,building relationships,not cursing people out but Im still a work in progress..

I am so happy for you, Sweet Coco... :giveheart:
Amen, Pastor Wavy... Amen. :love2:

And Pastor, it's not about the thermos. That's just a material thing. But it's the WAY that the Lord surprised me with it. I mean, it was just a thought! A thought --- I'm always talking to Him about my thoughts.

And today when my boss came into the office and smiled at me, I was just too through.

God is Holy, God is More than Worthy, God is our Father and He's Daddy.

We 'His' Daughters are Daddy's girls.

Praise Him. Praise Him. Praise Him. He's Still always God. :amen:

And I love my big cup of tea.... :coffee:

You know I'm cute now with my silver mugs. :reddancer:

Can't tell me nuthin. I'm wearing my patent leather shoes and handbag with this. Silver and black is a hook up. :lol:

Just having fun with my blessings, that's all.

I love you, Pastor Wavy and Pastor 'A' and our precious sisters too. :love3:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:I love the smiley with the mug....:rofl: too cute!

I still love your stories....even this one!:grin:

Love you too :kiss:

Ummmm, I dunno ... :lol: You may regret those words. Cause from here on all you're gonna hear about is my new Silver Thermos that the Lord blessed me with. :grin:

From now on when you see me coming with it in my hand, you'll be doing this... :peek:


Hugs Precious Sister... Give my 'brother' a hug for me too; and tell him about my new thermos. I'ma bring it with me okay? Don't forget it's a 'travel' one. So I can't leave it home. It'll miss me. :cry4:

I'm getting 'silly'. It's time for me to go to bed. Sweet sleep. :sleep2: :Rose:
I will make sure to tell him about your thermos...you just make sure to put this story in your book...:love2:

I can't believe I cried so much at women's service last night.I think it was backed up for the last 5 months...I feel so free and not that temporary thing..I feel like Im doing all I can to get God word..Joyce meyer cds,bible,cf,starting to go to church again,building relationships,not cursing people out but Im still a work in progress..

I love Jesus and he loves me...I can actually say that without feeling goofy...Man God is awesome on my good and bad days..God is God all the time which is so awesome when everything around me is changing God is solid..
You have blessed me so much with your posts....thank you for sharing! :rosebud:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:I love the smiley with the mug....:rofl: too cute!

I still love your stories....even this one!:grin:

Love you too :kiss:

I will make sure to tell him about your thermos...you just make sure to put this story in your book...:love2:

You have blessed me so much with your posts....thank you for sharing! :rosebud:


Thanks Darlin'
Life can be so interesting sometimes. I got two perspectives -- a young woman just starting out, and one just about to give up. My niece became homecoming queen and I'm so giddy :grin: Not because she won, but because I'm just proud of the kid... beauty, brains and personality.

On the other side of the specrtum, my single Christian girlfriend posted a pic on FB with her newlywed girlfriend. She's counting us off, one by one and feeling down about not being married yet. So she's in my prayers today. Not because she's down and out but because marriage is the desire of her heart. :yep: