Random Christian thought's thread continued ...

Yay! I went with my cousin to church today and I loved it! God was really there and everything I needed to know and hear and learn, I did! The Pastor used to be a Rev at my church when I was a little kid, and he remembers me! He was shocked when he saw me cuz he didn't know that my cousin is my cousin.

UGH....now I want to start going there instead of my own church since I feel no growth there. Maybe I'll start going to the early morning service when I need to be at my church for my kids.

Since I still feel like Job, but I learned that I'm not gonna complain I can just cry as long as I praise GOD as I do all of it too.

I learned soo much in two hours........I'm supposed to visit with another friend next week...but I don't know if I really want to go or just go back again next Sunday.
It's important to realize that your own interpretation is not going to be another's, even if you are in the same denomination. And just look at all the denominations. They exist because someone interpreted something another way. Thinking that one way is incorrect is like asking someone else to say your interpretation is incorrect. You can answer the question according to your own tradition without accusing those who do not belong to yours as incorrect. And there are actually scriptures backing that up.

Of course, if it's absolute proven heresy, you can expect all denominations to tear it apart. Tenets of the faith? We should all be on the same page. How we live those out? That's where you have differing denominations. Your private revelation is truth for your own personal life, not necessarily for another's. Answering a question based upon your own tradition is just demonstrating how you do things.
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I'm so sad. My mama was right. I can't hug him anymore. Not in a Christian sisterly way because the last time we did that, maybe I was trippin but I could have sworn our side hug turned more into an embrace. :nono: I can't take that from him :lachen: :cry:

Now how do I get out of hugging him without being rude? :perplexed And yes this is really messing with my umm mind. :look:
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I'm so sad. My mama was right. I can't hug him anymore. Not in a Christian sisterly way because the last time we did that, maybe I was trippin but I could have sworn our side hug turned more into an embrace. :nono: I can't take that from him :lachen: :cry:

Now how do I get out of hugging him without being rude? :perplexed And yes this is really messing with my umm mind. :look:

Is he single and available???
For Nonie:

Your inbox is full...but to answer your question:

"LOL...I almost had to google because I had a brain fart! It's called "The Hiding Place" but there are several books. I found them to be such beautiful people! Thanks for CD Universe, I'll look them up.
Jesus is Lord. There is no other like him. He is God's Son. He is my savior. He is the Spirit that guides me through life. Where would I be without his Blood. Thank You God for loving me enough to make such a sacrafice on my behalf.

I'm in a bible study with book/workbook materials about reaching out to the lost. But I'm struggling b/c if we are not supposed to judge others, who are we to say that someone is not saved? I'm just deeply confused.
My pastor has been preaching a message about being Military Minded. I must say that it has had some resonance on me. I have been fasting all week and I've been conquering it like a sharp shooter. The only reason why I'm even mentionng this is because I was afraid to committ to this fast in fear that I would struggle too hard and ultimately break it. But God is good because he has given me the strength to sustain, despite the fact that I thought I couldn't. I'm grateful for that.

I'm in a bible study with book/workbook materials about reaching out to the lost. But I'm struggling b/c if we are not supposed to judge others, who are we to say that someone is not saved? I'm just deeply confused.

Hi hairlove, that they don't believe in Jesus Christ is not a judgement but a fact. Someone saying i'm black for instance is a fact and not a judgement. Hope that helps to clarify at least a little bit.
What does the bible say about older women being with younger men? What does the bible say about women wanting to find a spouse???

I don't think the bible says anything about older women being with younger men ... I would assume it's ok as long as one can respect the man and be submissive even with the age difference.
Can we cite our url's with our posts? It makes the internet experience, blogging and forum visiting all the more easy if one provides proper citation. I liken the omission of url's as either a guest taking credit for that great casserole on the buffet or the host telling the guests to go get their own glasses and ice for a sit-down dinner.
I really wish I knew Why because then maybe I could just get over it. But what is it that God wants me to be doing if he doesn't want that for me? There's a whole lot of life left and want to be fulfilled.
When presenting arguments, I wish people would first identify their particular denomination so I can know that they are representing that sect in which they were taught. That way, when we all send information, there is no misunderstanding that someone is attempting to discredit another. It simply becomes "this is how we are taught" rather than assuming one has the absolutely truth and authority for all denominations. Interpretations are incredibly subjective.
Some folks need to spend more time studying their bible and less time studying conspiracy theories, the occult, and satanism.
I have trouble praying out loud. I feel silly talking out loud in my room. I find myself praying in my head at random times just thinking "Lord, thank you...." and going from there. If I do pray out loud its in the shower since the run of the water doesn't make me feel so weird hearing my own voice in a room by myself.

Since I have trouble praying out loud I have trouble praying with other people cause I don't know what to say. I feel like my prayers aren't strong and I find myself struggling to not ramble and have a meaningful prayer or not say something stupid. I don't mind public speaking but I don't like talking about things I don't know and that's how I feel when I pray.
I have trouble praying out loud. I feel silly talking out loud in my room. I find myself praying in my head at random times just thinking "Lord, thank you...." and going from there. If I do pray out loud its in the shower since the run of the water doesn't make me feel so weird hearing my own voice in a room by myself.

Since I have trouble praying out loud I have trouble praying with other people cause I don't know what to say. I feel like my prayers aren't strong and I find myself struggling to not ramble and have a meaningful prayer or not say something stupid. I don't mind public speaking but I don't like talking about things I don't know and that's how I feel when I pray.

God truly does know your heart. Ask him to help you speak when necessary. If you ever have trouble finding the words to say, here is a good place to check for prayers that you can say and speak to specific situations.
life is precious. hug your kids, family, friends and tell them you love them. You can never know when your last moment will be. Wouldn't it be horrible to leave this world and leave a loved one not knowing whether or not you truly loved them.

No matter what you say, God will hear your voice. :yep: Praying is like faith, the more you practice it, the easier it gets. But pray without ceasing, no matter what comes out of your mouth, because God knows your heart. Sometimes we can say nothing or just sigh, and still commune with him.

[SIZE=+4]Evening and morning and at noon will I utter my complaint and moan and sigh, and He will hear my voice. Psalm 55: 17[/SIZE]

I have trouble praying out loud. I feel silly talking out loud in my room. I find myself praying in my head at random times just thinking "Lord, thank you...." and going from there. If I do pray out loud its in the shower since the run of the water doesn't make me feel so weird hearing my own voice in a room by myself.

Since I have trouble praying out loud I have trouble praying with other people cause I don't know what to say. I feel like my prayers aren't strong and I find myself struggling to not ramble and have a meaningful prayer or not say something stupid. I don't mind public speaking but I don't like talking about things I don't know and that's how I feel when I pray.
Hmmmm....I know God answered my prayer about who it would be...but I didn't know that going through it to get to the dream he showed me would be this hard and frustrating. And does it matter if I fail the challege but learn the lesson to pass next time?
Anyone whose had a dream about who God told them to marry...do you know if God told them too? (rhetotical) Cuz I swear .... he knows. I wonder if he knows I know. Or maybe he just thinks I dunno.
dear daydreem,
just a friendly reminder that you put it in God's hands. leave it there. you are reknowned for trying to control what you can't control and you know that that does not work out well for you. i'm telling you, girl... let go, let God.