Quirky Engagement:Wish I had a better pic but we did it!

Hands down, best engagement story I've ever heard.

I would have been in hog heaven throughout the whole thing, from the museum to the charts to the string quartet to the ring.

Please offer your fiance my congratulations on a job very well done.
I don't know how I missed this thread. Congratulations! What an awesome story. I can't wait to see the pics and read about the details.
You almost had me crying at work! That was just precious. My mouth was open the whole time....Oh My...you are one blessed lady.
Congratulations!!! It reflects the two of you - and thats how it should be!

(lovin the Ruby by the way)!
Congrats! I dont have the attention span to read long stories :lol: BUT your ring is absolutely gorgeous. I told my SO awhile a go that I would love a colored stone in my engagement ring
Congrats! I dont have the attention span to read long stories :lol: BUT your ring is absolutely gorgeous. I told my SO awhile a go that I would love a colored stone in my engagement ring
:) my regular stories and responses are mostly "longer" than normal,so of course this one had to be a lot longer lol! That's how I roll:lachen:
This is an awesome engagement story! My SO and I are total geeks as well, always museum-ing it up, so it's nice to hear of another couple doing it so I don't feel so weird :laugh:.