Quirky Engagement:Wish I had a better pic but we did it!

Wait...wait wait...hold the phone
first of all.............I flew to Cannes:grin:
but...back to the thread title

Do you mean...........
He actually got The Musuem of Modern Art's musicians
to STOP playing.........in respect.......of his love for you
and his public pledge of commitment?


I was like.....whooooaa :blush:MOMA???????....
As a NYer...I fully appreciate what that meant

Gee...this man is head over heels.....congrats.& the highest happiness for you both

At some point..down the road.CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL.
on Engagements...title: Happy..I love you day..:yep:

Yeah! I thought this is a great year. I was invited to Cannes Film Festival for writing a short film (in the student section but still I was really excited about that!)

And I corrected in the thread at the beginning it was late at night and I typed the wrong museum!: I typed Moma it was the Met but yeah you get the idea. I don't know how he arranged that but it was very nice. I'm glad you can appreciate that because NY stops for no one, so I don't know how he was able to convince them to do that.:grin: Plus it's nice to know that even in a place that seems cynical, people really are gushy when it comes to love It was moving to see NYers clapping and the manager offering to take pics for us.

:grin: at the Chicken soup one. I really appreciated the effort. And I told him that when we have children we can always take them to the museum and tell them how he proposed.:yep:
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Congratulations on your engagement and on having such a thoughtful, intelligent, loving fiance! Have fun with your wedding planning and enjoy this time of anticipation before you walk down the aisle.

The ring is beautiful!
Congrats! I'm so happy for you! That was such an awesome engagement story. I love that poem too. Was it in In Her Shoes? I remember hearing it somewhere and tearing up.
I loved reading this. Big congrats. You have a very special guy lady. I wish you all nothing but happiness and cant wait to see the wedding pics. (for real too!)
Congrats girl!!! That's one of the most thoughtful and beautiful proposals I've heard. I wish you both a long and happy life together.
Beautiful story and an amazing FH. He really made the effort to make it a special occasion. Congrats to you both!

And the ring is wow!...:love::love::love:
how lovely!!!! i loved that story:)

congratulations!! your ring is beautiful.
I wish you both the best!!!
I just read the poem....sooooo sweet!!! He's definitely a romantic :yep: Romantic men make great husbands :yep: You'll be very happy for years to come :)!!