Quirky Engagement:Wish I had a better pic but we did it!


Well-Known Member
I had to tell the ladies at lhcf! I'm engaged! Yay.:grin::bdance: To think I was really not going to go. Here's what happened:

I flew to see my mom after flying from NY to france (for Cannes Film Fest) and back to Ky (so I was pretty Jet lagged. I was only there in Ky for one week when my sweetie asked me to fly to Connecticut to see him as he wanted me to come to his best friend's wedding. He asked earlier but I said it was too close to my trips and I probably would not be able to. This time he really said he wanted me to come, and besides we could celebrate I love you day. It was a one year anniversary of the first time we said I love you.

I arrived in Connecticut. He said he wanted to take me to NY because I go to school there (NYU master's program) and that's where we usually hang out. I was SO tired. I really didn't want to go. But he said we'd have fun so off we went, after my slight protest of maybe we could just go to a restaurant or something and call it a day until tomorrow:

He took me to a spa to get a massage while he arranged some stuff (I'd later find out. He came back and we went to the MET to get wine and cheese (mocktail for me) and there's a string quartet there. MET is the Metropolitan museum of modern art but they have this cafe in the middle of the museum that's really a nice place to go to. We're geeks so we really enjoy stuff like this and also plays and arty stuff. So we sat there and listened to the music and I started talking about the exhibits I hadn't seen that I wanted to see after we finished our drinks. Well he pulls out a ...

I'm like I thought you didn't have any work. He smiles and said he did a worth analysis on me. I was like:blush:. Excuse me? He grinned and said you know how we joke about that. He'll say something like if you can see here on this chart (imaginary...he'd just hold up a hand) your worth is here so don't be sad...if I was upset about something, and then he'll proceed to tell me about why he loves me and what's wonderful in my life so I can count my blessings.

So I thought it was cute that he actually did a work up. But I was like really, why would you do all that work geek! And he laughed when I said that, and he turned the computer to me and sure enough there was a graph. So anyways he shows this chart and says as you can see here: and he has this graph that goes all the way to the top for personality, warmth, supportiveness, and on and on. And I was like that's not fair because I'm at the top on all of them. So he's like slow down. I didn't get to chart two...my negatives:lachen:. I kid you not he clicks his computer, and it's a slide show that goes to the second chart which is my negative. Which is that I don't put the lid tightly on things. That's it. Then he clicks again and shows the two charts side by side and says "as you can see here your positives are off the chart compared to that". ANd I laugh and tell him he's being modest but thanks because I KNOW I have more than that. And he goes on with his for lack of a better word presentation (though he is joking in the middle and cracking me up).

He then proceeds to go on to his positives and negatives. Again he's modest when he says he's "allegedly" stubborn. So I tell him that has to be taken off. It should just say stubborn under the negative. And we laugh again. So then he goes on to level of hotness:spinning: and shows a candle for average versus the sun and says I'm the sun (sweet right but I roll my eyes and laugh cause it's all in fun). He then goes on to the next graph which shows three things me by myself, him by himself and us together.

So I'm like cute. Okay he's pretty much saying we're good together happy I love you day. So He goes into the speal about how the graph shows we're good by ourselves but of course off the charts together. Then he clicks to the next screen which shows my dog cookie squinting. And I crack up because I sent him this pic of cookie with her eyes all slanted because she gets like that when she's really concentrating. So he says that cookies' squinting because she reviewed all the data and she agrees with our merger, and he gets on his knees. The screen clicks to WILL YOU MARRY ME.

By now people are looking. The quartet stops. I guess he planned it with the manager because now he says, "You didn't think I'd ask without romance did you?" and he actually starts to recite one of my favorite poems by EE cummings that I sent to him about almost a year ago. I remember seeing it in a movie, remembering it, and looking it up. I emailed it to him and said isn't it lovely? Of course he kept that and remembered it. And of course he forgets words and starts laughing in the middle and starts paraphrasing and people clap, and then he remembers the rest and gets to the end, and he reaches in his pocket and pulls out the ring. Everyone claps as I say yes. The manager takes our pics, the quartet starts playing again and I'm laughing and shaking at the same time because I really did NOT expect this.

What I like about the ring is this...in January he pulls me in a shop to see what I like (rings) and I don't like them. I like a few but not wowed. He asks why not, just curious, and I say that the middle stone I'd want a ruby or something like that because I like rubies and they're also stones with healing energy, protective, and strengthening energy. Plus I just like the color. So that was that. I let it go. I thought he MIGHT propose but unless someone does...I mean it's all just guessing so I just move on. I know he's asked my dad about this stuff but then he blows me off the scent with the wedding and stuff of his friends. Not a peep. Meanwhile he was having it custom made.

So we wrapped up the day at our favorite restaurant, and then went to see a broadway musical that I've been looking forward to with Kristen Chenowith (love her) in Promises promises.

So here's a pic. Now it's not the best cause it's by camera phone so it really doesn't capture its beauty and it's in the car on an overcast day but oh well I'm still ready to show it! The center is ruby with diamonds around it. I HAD to take it cause my mom just couldn't wait until I got back to KY. She wanted me to take a pic and send it to her phone. But anyways I love it, and I'm happy. And it was fun showing up at his friend's wedding and of course they all knew and were laughing and saying it's just like him to do something analytical like a powerpoint but still make it hysterical at the same time. I love him:infatuated:

YAY I have a fiance! And he's wonderful, intelligent, funny, supportive and quirky...everything I could ever want!:grin:
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Thanks! Ha ha! Not yet...we were talking today about March or May. Just trying to pin it down now.

I realize the engagement was odd, but we're just quirky nerdy people and we fell in love and I'm really happy!
:dance7::bouncy::congrats:WOOOHOOO, I'm SO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!! What a wonderful engagement story thank you for sharing and NICE BLING GURL!:grin:
I :love: the ring. I always wanted a colored stone and I think a purple sapphire might work for me. Congrats :grin:
Yay! Congrats! What a cute and creative proposal. Wishing you too continued success and blessings. Your ring is really pretty. :D
I :love: the ring. I always wanted a colored stone and I think a purple sapphire might work for me. Congrats :grin:

I'm definitely a colored stone lover. I wish I could capture it against the diamonds because it really sets it off but ah well you know camera phones...er at least mine just never does get the pic quite right.

Had to search but found it: Here's the poem that he butchered lol! But it was the meaning that I loved, and I loved that he remembered something I sent him a long while ago. :grin::

EE Cummings
i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate
(for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
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AWWW Congratulations!!!!!

Your story was so Sweet and the ring is beautiful! Good Luck to you guys!

Lol stories like this give me hope that Romance isnt dead.
:cry: That is the sweetest proposal ever. has the geek in me in tears

:grin: CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement:dance7:

Your pm almost made me jump out of my bed! Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!! I'm so happy for you. Many, many congrats. Thanks for sharing all the details. You have a good one, girl. I love how he remembered your poem and the kind of ring you liked. Your story really encouraged me.

You probably haven't set a date yet, but you know I want the details. Lol!!
Awww congratulations!!! I loved reading your engagement story too. So sweet and geeky :grin:

And the ring is just beautiful!
Congratulations LD!
Your story and ring are beautiful!
I wish you all of the Blessings in your future life with your FH and your career after school.
Wow... that was really sweet!Thanks for sharing such a beautiful, personal moment! Congratulations lady!:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
What a beautiful engagement story! Congrats to you both...

...your ring is AMAZING! Sound like you have a really wonderful guy!
Wait...wait wait...hold the phone
first of all.............I flew to Cannes:grin:
but...back to the thread title

Do you mean...........
He actually got The Musuem of Modern Art's musicians
to STOP playing.........in respect.......of his love for you
and his public pledge of commitment?


I was like.....whooooaa :blush:MOMA???????....
As a NYer...I fully appreciate what that meant
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)

Gee...this man is head over heels.....congrats.& the highest happiness for you both

At some point..down the road.CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL.
on Engagements...title: Happy..I love you day..:yep:
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Congratulations..you'll never be bored...sounds like a great match. 'Happylations' to ya!!

Thanks so much to everyone for the congrats. BrooklynSouth you are so right for sure:lachen:! He's definitely a culmination of opposites all wrapped up in a bow: unique, hysterical but uptight,nerdy but spontaneous, romantic and also very alpha dog when he needs to be a leader. Kinda a Barack Obama but funnier (and I can't speak for the Pres' romantic side but I can vouch for my sweetie even though it's in an quirky way). I think that's why I'm always amused and definitely happy. I'm surprised everyone thought it was as romantic as I did. I thought for sure I'd get a what are you kidding me? He did graphs with slides? GRAPHS:lachen:!