Quick and dirty poll: what is your length status

What is your hairl length?

  • Ear length or above

    Votes: 67 7.5%
  • Chin length

    Votes: 108 12.0%
  • Shoulder length - most of hair rests/brushes on shoulders

    Votes: 304 33.8%
  • Armpit length

    Votes: 225 25.0%
  • brastrap length

    Votes: 122 13.6%
  • midback length

    Votes: 45 5.0%
  • waistlength and beyond

    Votes: 28 3.1%

  • Total voters
can someone tell me what length this is please

Looks like BSL! Cool!
shoulder and bangs that are growing out and now they reach the bottom of my nose.
..damn layers
I voted shoulder length because my nape is shoulder length, but the rest is neck length. Neck length wasn't an option. My hair is inching towards full SL.
Neck length here (darn long neck...). The nape does cross SL, but I will consider myself NL until it's a full SL.
I voted shoulder length but I'm at least armpit length in the back, shoulder near my ear and collarbone near my front which I hate because my front is taking forever to catch up with my back if that makes any sense. I wish it was other option because as of now my hair length is a little on the bipolar side of things.
i am currently offically SL.but , i know that i am passed SL but not quite yet APL. my hair is 19 iches long last time i measured on DEC 6TH.i got an relaxer after 12 week stretch.on dec 30th.so , i havent measured yet,,,,,since then so it may be longer. i know that i only need 7 more inches to be BSL.YAYYYYYYYY:yawn:
I'm sporting a TWA for the 2nd time in 1.5 year. Not b/c of damage, but b/c of wanting to go Natural.

Now ladies, I must admit...I'm loving the Short\Curly thing! I wash and go...and the ease of doing that right now over Houston's hot summer is right on time! Not to mention, I have great growth in 3 short weeks.

By doing the TWA it has also allowed me to use my MTG like every day! I had trouble doing that wearing my hair straight\permed and NL.... I even use to wash and air dry.

"MY" TWA is just wow! When they say "love all lenghts" you really should embrace what you have now, b/c when it gets longer...(man!) All I could do is think of what I could do to my hair next and when would be a good day to wash it....lol Now...just wash~n~go baby, wash~n~go!..lol:lachen: