Questions you're tired of getting from family/friends...


New Member
I wash/co-wash every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday...

Every Monday and Wednesday my mom asks me: Why are you washing you're hair again (she doesn't ask about Saturday because we go to church on Sunday and that's the only time I wear my hair down)?

Every Tuesday and Thursday my mom asks me: Why do you wash your hair just to wear it up?

:wallbash: :rolleyes: :perplexed :wallbash: :rolleyes: :perplexed :wallbash: :rolleyes: :perplexed :wallbash:
I only cowash twice a week, if that, and my mom always asks why I wash my hair so much. Also a lot of time I wash late and DC overnight, and my dad's a night owl so he's always up when I do and asks me, you're washin' hair at (whatever time it is)?! *sigh* Yes daddy lol! I love my parents. :)
DD, DH and DS: When are you going to get a relaxer??????

They are not used to seeing my hair not "done".....I rocked braid outs for a few weeks, bunned a few days and now i'm just air drying.
I'm tired of my hubby asking "what happened to my low-maintanance sweetie?"
Dear, your low-maintance sweetie was tired of not having any hair on her head.
Like it or Lump it.
My mom and my siblings doesn't know about my hair journey because I don't live with them. My daughters are the only ones that know about this site and my hair care practices, and they do it too. One is even a member. So I feel free to do all of the unusual things that I want to do. LOL
MY SON SAID thats why you are sick with a cold you are always washing your hair:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:but my DD understands her hair is growing like a weed from what i have learn on here.:wallbash:
My Dad...."When are you going to comb them napes in the back of your head?
My Mom..." You got some of that stinky grease in your hair head?
My Sister.."Do you ever wear your hair, ? My response it is my hair just in its natural state?
Family and Friends:"When I do wear my hair down, is that your hair?????
And it isn't all that long?

Oh My Daugther father says to me, One day last week...Man, what happened to your hair it use to be long, now its just a mess....Did it fall out? I said no...It's all still here!!!
My family: When are you ever going to wear your real hair (I always have on a lacefront). My family hasn't seen my hair in years...:look:
My son: Mom, why not wear your real hair, its long:grin:
Not a question, but I am tired of hearing people say, "It's just hair." To me, my hair is sort of a hobby. I listen to people go on about their other hobbies. Why should hair care be discounted as a hobby.
My Sister: Why did you cut off all of your hair?
ME: Relaxing my hair was causing damage.
My Sister: You know you're bald.
ME: It's only hair it will grow back get over it.
MY Sister: You'll never get a man with no hair.
ME: *(#$*&$*(%($%($%N $%R_$%U($%$()%

Then I went somewhere and repented.
I don't talk about it with people outside my family. They said all the usual stuff at first but now I've got them all on the bandwagon. My sister and mom are transitioning
my aunt's hair is past shoulder length in less than 1 yr when her weekly stylist visits couldn't get her past just above shoulder length.
My other aunt and her daughter have been wearing kinky twist and letting me DC and moisturize in between. I'm still working on them, my aunts too lazy to oil and ty her her daughters hair at night.

My hubby is the only one who still talks mess, but he loves my hair long so I know it's all in fun.
"your hair looks like sh!t and youre a fool if you think its cute"
i got that this past saturday when i big chopped. mind you i dont have a twa. if i flat iron it will be sl so wtf.....
"When will you be done with school?":wallbash:

Ugh, Get outta my face with that! I'll finish when I finish!

Hair related- Well actually they leave me alone about my hair, lol. As a matter of fact I dont catch any flack from them.
My mom usually asks
"When are you going to comb your hair?" (when I wear it in braidouts)
"Why are you trying to grow your hair, black people don't have long hair"
"Why are you on that site again?, You know all those women have weaves. That's not their hair !"

She refuses to believe.
My friends and family have the nerve....the AUDACITY to ask me when I'm at home..."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Questions I'm sick of hearing - "Your hair is a such a nice length, you're crazy for not wearing it....I just don't understand"

My silent response is - "You wouldn't" and then I feel compelled to refer them to LHCF.
People have stopped asking me questions because they see how good my hair looks when I style it to go out, especially rollersets and some braidouts. And also because I really don't care what people say about my hair, I love my hair :-)

Someone asked me last year, "Are you going natural?" (not in a nice way) during my usual 19 week stretch, I was mad at myself (later on) for explaining to her that my hair looked poofy because I went to the gym that morning.

I hope people keep their opinions to themselves while I'm transitioning this year, it will be interesting!
"Why do you still wear weaves, your hair is already down your back (my hair is just past my SL mind you :ohwell:) ?"

Other than that the comments are positive because everyone can see the results. I love that they ask lots of questions and I am more that eager to answer them.
My family ask me nothing; I am a hairstylist so they assume I am doing it all right. I mentioned Co-Wash the other day and got a Frown from one of my cousins who said she didn't get it. Called me up and I explained from there she said that one wash a week was too much and every other week is what she does so Co-Wash was out of the question. No one ask me much thank GOODNESS!
"When are you going to press your hair?"--from my mom

She can't stand my twist-outs. She thinks it sends a "negative message", especially in a professional environment.
"Why are you wearing a wig? Your hair is long." The person I hear this most often from is my MIL. :rolleyes:

Others in my family try to use positive reinforcement. When they see a wig that they THINK is my real hair, they praise me to the skies and try to tell me that my real hair is pretty and I don't need to wear fake hair! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

That wig that always fools them is Beyonce by Motown Tress. I wish I had another one of that wig, it was fabu.
from my sister: "ooohh, can you try that on my hair next?"
from my mom: " you did put what in your hair? hmmm, well once i see how your sisters turn out you can come and do mine too!!!
from my best friend: "okay, now talk slow and tell me what i am looking for again (while she is in the store)

it's has been all positive feedback so far. i even have a co-worker lurking around the site DAILY!!!
"What did you buy now?" Don't worry about this over here, I got this!

My #1, zero no higher most irkdedness (I made that up) question from random family (cousins, etc that I don't particularly like):
"What do you put in your hair?" :eh: My response is usually "What do you mean?" This is usually followed by a barrage of stupid ish. Ask a specific question if there's something you want to know. Maybe I just need to be more patient. Certain parts of my family I cannot STAND so anything they say instantly irks me anyway.
My mom: Why do you wash your hair so much?
My dad: It's about time you learned how to do it yourself. (He always complained about the amount of money I spent in the salon. I use to be one of those people that had to be in the salon every week, and then I realized nobody is going to treat your hair better than you will.)
My SO: Did you forget to comb your hair today? Yeah, he definitely isn't into the braidouts. My response, get over it.

Friends and Coworkers: Who did your hair?
Me: I did.
Friends and Coworkers: Stop lying, you know you didn't do your hair.

Of course I'm thinking wtf, why would I lie about who did my hair and why is it so unbelievable that I did it myself. Just because you jack your head up doesn't mean I don't know what to do for mine.
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