Attention Daily Co-washers...


I think some people get excite that alot of things on this board work for them, and they want to try it too (this is not a beat-up situation on you, but needed to get that out). Alot of harsh products are not good for my hair, MT is not good left on my scalp, just like wearing my hair out is not good for me daily, and unforturnally I had to learn that the whole way. Also if some says that a product is not good for them doesn't mean it won't be good for you. I truly think co-washing everyday is too much for some people, maybe you should just cut back to once or twice a week and find a few way to keep ur curly styles last longer without wetting them all the time.

Also you should incorporate using protein more that twice a month if you co-wash more than twice a week. I love Trader Joe's Nourish Spa conditioner, you should try that out as well.
When I co-wash, I run the condish through my hair with little manipulation. I massage my scalp with the pads of my fingers and that's it. When I rinse, I just let the water run through my hair, little to no manipulation.

I co-wash daily. I use the hair one olive oil from Sally's.

I also pre-poo with a light coat of coconut oil.
One thing that helps *my* hair is oil rinsing. I'll do this maybe once a week after my co-wash. Am loving castor oil right now for that.
All of the suggestions have been extremely helpful. After reading them and thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that maybe I'm just one of those people who can't co-wash. My hair does very well with aloe and lighter oils. I can't use anything too heavy ie: my sister who has much finer and straighter hair that I do uses Blue Magic and some Herbal Essence gel and her hair is growing like a stinkin weed. I was like ain't that Anyhow, the more natural the conditioner the better-- which I'm sure is the case for most.... I haven't ever used one w/o cones so I don't know if that would work better or not. Coconut oil just seems to sit on my hair... it'll make it look like a frizzy, shiny mess. Olive oil doesn't do much either.

If you like natural conditioners have you ever tried Nature's Gate( or They seem to work well for me and provide excellent slip without compromising.
It took me not cowashing for a week to figure out cowashing was doing more harm then good. I have cowashed almost daily since 11/08 and thought I was doing a great thing for my hair. I recently stopped cowashing, and my hair stays moisturized so much longer. My hair used to get dry 4 hours after cowashing. I would always question my leave in. But it turned out the cowashing was the culprit. I still rinse my hair with water everyday though.
I definitely think some things are not for everyone. During spring & summer I cowash 5x/wk. During fall & winter 3x/wk. My hair loves cowashing. I don't believe it is too much manipulation because I only detangle on full hair days which is 2x/wk. I am still able to do this being over 5 months post with about 3 inches of new growth. I also apply my leave in, moisturize, and seal on wet hair. It really works for me.

The way I cowash: I apply conditioner to new growth only and massage, rinse, then apply to full head, put cap on for 5 minutes, then rinse, done
I don't think it matters what conditioner you use. If your hair can't take it, it just can't. I know for me co-washing is not moisturizing like it is for some so your hair could be getting dried out.

Like I said before co-washing for me is not moisturizing on it's own. Most conditioners are full of cones and other bad things so doucing your hair in that daily is probably blocking a lot of moisture out. Your hair strands are probably getting coated which is leading to more dryness.

My hair gets the most moisture from a good moisturizer and oil. I know people say water is the best moisturizer but I just don't see it, lol. When I wet my hair yes it is moisturized because it's wet....once it dries that is gone. I need a creamy leave-in that isn't gonna evaporate into thin air, lol.

Pokahontas made some VERY good points! I wanted cowashing to work for me so bad since it was all the rave on the hairboards and not just this one. I tried cons with and without cones and I still just think it was too much. Like you said OP, it seemed to me also like my hair was in better shape when I washed it once a month before coming here! As much as I didn't want to I backed off of cowashing and now only wash/henna/DC,etc. once a week. My hair is responding a LOT better and like Poka said it's more moisturized with good leave ins than when I was wetting it daily. I guess the key is for you to find good leave ins that will keep your hair moisturized for days so that you don't feel the need to cowash so much. I hear good things about Qhemet(waiting on my first order to arrive).

I actually like being on a once a week routine because I don't have to bother with wet hair and detangling on a daily basis.


I think some people get excite that alot of things on this board work for them, and they want to try it too (this is not a beat-up situation on you, but needed to get that out). Alot of harsh products are not good for my hair, MT is not good left on my scalp, just like wearing my hair out is not good for me daily, and unforturnally I had to learn that the whole way. Also if some says that a product is not good for them doesn't mean it won't be good for you. I truly think co-washing everyday is too much for some people, maybe you should just cut back to once or twice a week and find a few way to keep ur curly styles last longer without wetting them all the time.

Also you should incorporate using protein more that twice a month if you co-wash more than twice a week. I love Trader Joe's Nourish Spa conditioner, you should try that out as well.

Yup, not for everyone:nono:

I actually just started using TJ Nourish Spa and it is good! Great slip and no cones! I never feel like I have any residue on my hair after rinsing it out. I use it to help rinse out my henna, it's nice and light but effective.
If you're having splits, what kind of manipulation are you doing to your hair while it's wet? That's when hair is the most fragile and you're most likely to cause split ends. And if you're relaxed, I wouldn't cowash everyday. Relaxer hair is already too fragile.