Questions you're tired of getting from family/friends...

Ditto to the one who wrote: What did you put in your hair?"

The funny thing is that I sometimes look at my hair and wonder if I did anything to it. The only thing I do most often now that I have BC is wash and leave-in condition. Sometimes, I do IC gel...but not always. In fact, not usually. Gel is too much work.

Yesterday, out of curiosity, I asked my DD who was sitting in the backseat of the car, "Does my hair seem only sporadically curly in random places or really, truly curly all over the back of my head?" I think I think the back of my head MUST be one GREAT BIG, HUGE KITCHEN!!!!

When she said CURLY ALL OVER, even in the top and on the sides, I almost died!!!

I think that's why people ask me what I put in my hair. I didn't know my own texture at all when I was relaxed. It's weird to find out I am curly when I thought I was...I don't know....scary and nappy and "bad hair" - whatever that means. Society messes me up completely, and I believed society!

I mean no offense to anyone with my wording. This is what I think of myself, so I hope everyone understands. I am growing and it's strange to find that my hair is NOT what I thought it was. It's soft, manageable, easy to comb through, no kinks, and just a pleasure to deal with....

...and I am a DARK BROWN SISTER!!! No one told me this was possible. I am in a different "transition" at the moment...

hmmmmm....I think I...

love it....

I hate when people ask me why I don't relax my hair or straighten it since it's so long.

A. It's not long
B. Why is it that once naturals get to a certain length people think they "should" get a relaxer/straighten?
My sister: Can I take you to a dominican salon to get your hair straightened? Please just once? :perplexed

Me: No thank you I love my curls!:
my roommates are of asian descent one is southeast asian one is south asian
they are just mystified by my hair
they shampoo often because after one day you can smell the oil on their hair yuck
i think they are mystified by the fact that I cant wash my hair every day
maybe they think im dirty hahaha

they always ask me how often do you wash your hair?
My 6 yr. old DS: "Mom , you smell like a coconut. Why do you always smell like a coconut?"

Me: "Smells nice and sweet, right?"

DS: "Nah, makes you smell kinda gross actually."

me: i'm going to give up my fridge in my room (my hair products:grin:) for my son so he can have milk readily available at night.

them: you have a fridge for hair products, that's a shame you like hair that much, i have never seen anyone into hair like that!!!!

me: :rolleyes:
My Sister: Why did you cut off all of your hair?
ME: Relaxing my hair was causing damage.
My Sister: You know you're bald.
ME: It's only hair it will grow back get over it.
MY Sister: You'll never get a man with no hair.
ME: *(#$*&$*(%($%($%N $%R_$%U($%$()%

Then I went somewhere and repented.

I love this dialogue.
My 6 yr. old DS: "Mom , you smell like a coconut. Why do you always smell like a coconut?"

Me: "Smells nice and sweet, right?"

DS: "Nah, makes you smell kinda gross actually."


:lachen:OMGeesh. I can't wait to have children, for classic moments such as this.
The main question I'm tired of hearing is "Why do you always wear your hair in a bun?" Damn, I'm so tired of that one, and when I do wear my hair down it get :shocked:.
The question I get - "So what are you gonna' do with it?" Well I think I'll take it out for a hamburger and maybe we'll stop and get a movie...

Or from one extreme to another - "When are you going to relax it or (from DS) are you going to loc it?"

NO to both.

I really love my natural hair and can't keep from touching it. I love the softness, the texture and even the way it does it's own thing by the end of the day.
:dinner: This is me and my hair now!
DH: When are you going to finish your hair?
Me: I am finished. It's just drying. (I had just shingled for the first time.)
DH: Hmmmm...(walked out slowly, looking back at me a few times, confused...)


DH: What are those? (pointing to my head)
Me: Curls?
DH: Hmmmmm...(continually sneaking looks at me during the movie)


DH: (as we are walking out the door) How are you wearing your hair when we get back to the US?
Me: Like this but a little longer, I guess, since it will have grown a tiny bit by June.
DH:'s starting to grow on me.
Me: (smile)

I haven't gotten new questions, thank God, for the past week. Maybe I'm in the clear now.

I don't have to answer to anyone as I don't live with my family apart from my daughter, and she doesn't ask questions anymore!
"Are you going to cut your hair?" NO!!
"How much longer are you going to let it grow?" TILL IT STOPS!!
mom when are you going to wash your hair?
(she thinks washing my hair is the reason why my hair is so long which is kinda true but dang you dont have to chase me down the street to ask me did i wash my hair today and drag me back in the house and force me to wash my hair when all i was doing was gettinng the mail from the mail box:spinning:

sometimes i feel she wants me to have longer hair more then i do:sad:
You know its funny because the same people that ask that are the same people that don't have any hair. My neighbour is always relaxing and messing with her hair I told her about the site and now she is using the techniques and her sister is like When are you going to relax your hair.

Your hair is nappy. YOU hair is this.

She said to her sister

Yeah but look NOW I have some hair what is your problem.

She is like I wear weaves and they grow my hair.

She said you have been wearing weaves so long your hair should be down to the floor

Okay time stood still

Realisation was wrenching

"Why you wait so long to get a relaxer"?....*ummm I only stretch for 16 weeks*
I've only been natural for a year and I don't live where I grew up so most of the ppl around me have mostly known me with a relaxer i.e. don't know me from Adam.

So the number one annoying question I get is "How do you get your hair like that?" This is my hair. "Yes, but what do you put in it to get it like that?" Oh, well I use... for curl definition. Still not convinced they keep going on as if they think it's a weave or a jherri curl. It's especially annoying coming from someone with my skin tone. It's like they think that only some magical product will get my hair to curl.

And I, not gifted with the patience for ignorance, simply move on.
Why don't you ever wear your hair down? Its because I am lazy

Why are you going natural? Because I just want to try it to see what a natual look for me would be.

Is that your hair? Yes my hair is just super thick.
SO: Another box came in the mail today for you.
ME: ok
SO: What did you order now?
ME: Hair Products
SO: So now I have to deal with you ordering clothes and hair products?
ME: Yup!
SO: It's never that much hair in the world
ME: **rolling eyes and sucking my teeth**
Mom: Why you wanna go natural? Your hair JUST started growing...
Me: I just want to see my natural texture for the first time

And the question I hate most from her
Mom: You blame ME?
Me: No, mom, there's nothing to blame anybody for....

We have this convo about once a week. (I've only just decided to transition a month ago..)
What are you planning to do with your hair?

I don't know. I didn't know that I had to 'do' something with it. :lol: maybe take it to dinner of a long walk in the park?

Are you going to get locs?

No. I do not plan to loc my hair anytime in the near future. Maybe when I'm old and can't fuss with my hair anymore.

Why did you cut all of your beautiful hair off?

Because I wanted to.

Are you going to perm/relax it again

No I'm not.

Well I don't see how you do it because I need to be able to comb my hair

I can comb my hair just fine. :look:
My mom: Everytime I visit she ask, "Your really not going to relax again?"
Me: "No mom, do you have to ask me the same question everytime I see you?" "Still love you anyway."

I can't!
"Are you going to cut your hair?" NO!!
"How much longer are you going to let it grow?" TILL IT STOPS!!

You're hair is amazing!:lick:

BFF: When are your relaxing your hair
Me: Soon
BFF: How can you stand it. I'd be crazy! Aren't you tired of that ponytail? Come go to my hairsylist with me. She straighten you out. Have you made an appointment to relax yet? And on and on. She means well. I just laugh at her. She's a very healty and thick BSL so I'm a little "green" with envy. :)
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My sisters: How do you get your hair to look like that? Your hair is so nappy it would lock up really quick, Why don't you do it?

Me: I use a relaxer to loosen the curl patter and I like my hair like this and I do not want locks(every one of them wears braids, wigs, or weaves becasue there hair is jack up)