Questions you're tired of getting from family/friends...

Yeah, I remember that my mother was visiting and told me that I needed to buy a brush and she would be willing to help me get one(she wasn't trying to be mean--she genuinuely meant it). I had someone else later on in the day tell me thanks for combing my hair. Then, my brother told me that I needed to get my hair done because it looked terrible. I was really ready to give up my hair journey because I felt like hmm...
Yeah, I remember that my mother was visiting and told me that I needed to buy a brush and she would be willing to help me get one(she wasn't trying to be mean--she genuinuely meant it). I had someone else later on in the day tell me thanks for combing my hair. Then, my brother told me that I needed to get my hair done because it looked terrible. I was really ready to give up my hair journey because I felt like hmm...

Those the same exact comments I get all the time. But like I always say the haters are my motivators! :yep:

Here's a question I get all the time..

So...why are you putting oil in your hair twice? :ohwell: It called a moisturizer not oil and I use the JOJOBA OIL to seal. I get this question from the same two friends.
this thread is funny:lachen::lachen:
I'm tired of hearing...
Why dont you perm your hair??
Why do you wash your hair everyday??
Is that your real hair??

I get these questions from everyone I know including my own MOM!! I think its funny that they just dont & will never fully understand...:lachen::wallbash::lachen:
Everytime I talk about anything hair-related with my so-called BFF or the discussion of hair comes up, she immediately shakes her head at me as if what i'm saying is stupid. We talked about dying our hair, I mentioned that i wanted a natural rinse, color showers, she immediately looked at me like a little kid that said she wanted to dye her hair with kool aid and shook her head...she feels as if this "hair stuff" is a joke and i'll evenutally get over it..

I also hate when people ask me when will i relax...

or how much longer do i plan on going without doing my hair...

or why don't i trim...

but they all shut up whenever they see my hair straightened...i get lots of oooohhhhhs and ahhhhhssss... some people have even asked my sorors (not me...don't know why) what I do to my hair & how did it get so long thick & shiny?
From my co-workers and son: "Why don't you wear your hair straight more often? Your hair looks so nice and long." I've been working at this job for over 2 years, and all the AA ladies have the same length straight hair they had when I first started working there (ear length to above SL)....
From my mom, I'm tired of hearing: (I know all of this are not questions, but I'm tired of hearing them all the same)

When are you going to relax?
You "need" to relax your hair!!!
Your hair would be longer if you relaxed it! (that's true--shrinkage is a B)
I'm tired of looking at that librarian's ball on the back of your head! (BTW: she calls them balls not buns)

My classmates (I'm in cosmetology school):

When are you going to wear your hair down?
When are you going to let someone do something to your hair?