Question for anyone who's hair has retained significant health and length...

Do you attract better people/situations as your hair gets longer and healthier?

  • yes

    Votes: 49 43.0%
  • no

    Votes: 65 57.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The longer my hair became the more hate I received and the more weave comments I heard. I still get the weave comments but less hate.
This thread had me laughing so hard that others came here to read it with me... (calms down...) The cheese sliding of the cracker though...oh hell that was the best :lachen:

Anyways, in response to the OP; I won't say that it attracted 'better people." Maybe just received more attention in general. Good people will like you if your hair is an inch to 1000 feet long.

The wrong people will notice a good trait about you and ONLY care because it'd a good trait.

I won't even lie, once my hair reached bsl and I teased it out so that it was thick, I got waaay more attention. Some people said, 'I love your hair' So I guess that;s good...

But even then, that attention included more negative attention from kangs. I could be half way across walmart and you could hear 'em (and everyone else in the damn store) still talkin about you. :ohwell:
In my experience, things have gotten worse because I deal with many jealous females out in public in general and also on my job who have even said to me that they are jealous of my hair length. It is hard because I don't try to better myself to make some else feel bad about themselves.
I'm so upset...I just lost a half hour of my life reading this thread, going to defunct YouTube pages...I can't get that time back, y'all. But doggone it, it was entertaining!!!
Hmm. More compliments and more men who are really shallow and judge a black woman by her hair length. But overall I think that attracting positive people and situations depends on your attitude. So maybe you have a better attitude because of your hair so you are attracting better people? I dunno.
:lachen::lachen: when I lost all my hair I was already married, and just had babies, so growing my hair just makes ME happy...I'm already in the best possible situation! I guess my In Laws are into my hair now too...but that's just whatever. :drunk:
OP you might be on to something. I've been promoted twice at work in the past 5 years and I think it's due to my long hair. I also won $25 on a scratch ticket a few months ago and that never happened when my hair was short.

In all seriousness I think that your confidence is up and people are noticing. I have to admit I feel more content now that I've achieved natural, long hair. In the past I felt like something was missing. I can scratch that off my bucket list.

ETA: Hold up! Who bumped this old a** thread?! LMAO

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I remember this thread actually (I've been lurking for YEARS but never created an account till this year). But anyways I think OP does make a valid point.

Someone else posted that it may be a confidence thing. Like your hair is longer so your more confident which means you put yourself in better situations & others are attracted to you more. Although the OP said she was confident before her long hair I do think that this could possibly be true.

Also, we have to realize that we live in a very vain world. First appearances mean a lot to people. There's a reason why theres still racism or overweight people sometimes feel that they are mistreated or people are meaner to them because their fat. (Btw this is from experiments I've seen done by countless talk show hosts - get a pretty skinny girl to put on a fat suit and she is ignored, neglected etc. But once she takes it off and is back to her hot self again, then she is receiving all of the attention).

The current standard of beauty is thin, long pretty hair, & nice features. Now add a cute hair style, some fashionable clothes & make up and you have a bombshell. Thats why so many women (regardless of race) run to get extensions or spend so much on makeup. I can see why people would gravitate towards a black female who is strutting her stuff and flipping her long hair than a black woman who has broken edges and raggedy ends. Its because we live in an appearance based society. And although we may not see the world this way, we have to realize that there are some people who do.
Lol wow I have never seen this thread.

I think when you feel good you can often attract certain energy, people, and situations into your life. Can having great hair play into that? To a degree sure.

Does having long hair play into that? That's hard to say. I know women of other races who have gone from short to really long hair and it doesn't appear their lives have undergone some huge positive transformation. Besides some people look cuter with short hair. I have seen people get more attention from cutting all their hair off.

Looking good as a whole can certainly draw positive attention to yourself though.
man, people can be so mean for no reason at all, just to get a laugh. I understand what she means by not fitting in, i mean, she asked a simple question "Do you feel you get more positive attention the longer you hair gets", and she got laughed off of LHCF! something aint right about that yall.
But anyway, my answer to the question would be, no, atleast not yet lol