Put Your Number In My Phone


Well-Known Member
The title should read, "Put My Number in your Phone". My mistake. Is this some sort of new phenomenon? I havn't been single in 8 years. Now that I am single, I have come across three men who have approached me...one outside of a hardware store, one at TGI Fiday's, and one at the library. Each of them either gave me their number or told me to placed their number in my cell phone. I'm traditional, and Im used to a man asking for the woman's phone number. They weren't really my type, and I don't know if maybe they could tell...but is this some sort of new phenomenon? They were in their 20s, early 30s.
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I am not single but in the last 8 days 2 men have approached me and ask me for my number while holding their phone out.

I am a nervous wreck when strangers approach me. You need to holla at me from a distance. Grown folks getting kidnapped and such.
Definitely not new--- but I HATE when a man asks me for my number. Give me yours and let me make the decision on whether I want to call you. But then again, I am an introvert so that probably has something to do with it. I screen my calls before I expend unnecessary energy talking to someone. I have to "build up" for our conversations.
A lot of guys seem to do this lately. I flip it on them immediately and put their number in my phone and as he's standing right there I say ok, I just called yours so that you could have mine.

If they wait on me to call them first it'll never happen. I'm bad at calling people period anyway though, even girlfriends. So if he's one of those types who expects the women to chase him or take the lead then he's not for me anyway and he was weeded out early on.
A lot of guys seem to do this lately. I flip it on them immediately and put their number in my phone and as he's standing right there I say ok, I just called yours so that you could have mine.

If they wait on me to call them first it'll never happen. I'm bad at calling people period anyway though, even girlfriends. So if he's one of those types who expects the women to chase him or take the lead then he's not for me anyway and he was weeded out early on.
I agree. Whoa onto him who was waiting for me to call. Lol aint gonna happen.
And all for what....to text. My friend is going through this right now...All this dude does is text ...never calls. Promises to call then texts to death. She has finally stopped responding. I'm so glad I came from yesteryear....loooong conversations on the landline every day. Not knowing HE was calling until you picked up the phone :lol: and all the thrills that came with simpler times.
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I'm at the point now where I don't give my number out. I know it's not tradition, but I'm tired of tradition.

I'll take your card and then decide if I want to contact you. This helps eliminate married men and men with live-in girlfriends. They want your number so they can call/text you when they are away from their wife/girlfriend. If you take their number, you can call at anytime and potentially bust them-- so they decline when you ask.
that's what google voice numbers are for. because they'll call you right there and then.
This.... If they ask for mine,I give them my google number, once they call it, I block em. If they insist to give me theirs; I tell them off back, It's no point in me taking your number because i'm horrible at hitting people up. If they insist on still giving me their number I shrug say ok, take it, and never hit them up. If they see me and ask, I remind them of what I said.