PSA: Proper Hair Posting Etiquette! :)

I think we need to get a thesaurus to find other terms to use other than regimen/regiment/reggie/regime/registerment/regilitus etc. I think I've pretty much OD'd on the term.

I can deal with bad grammer, made up words, etc BUT PLEASE DO NOT POST YOU WHOLE MESSAGE IN CAPS or txt spk whn u r on a reglr cmptr.

And I think it's proper etiquette to keep jerk face tendencies to a minimum. In other words, there's a difference between honesty and being a poopy head (hey, I said nothing about being mature). Don't be a poopy head.
I think we need to get a thesaurus to find other terms to use other than regimen/regiment/reggie/regime/registerment/regilitus etc. I think I've pretty much OD'd on the term.

I can deal with bad grammer, made up words, etc BUT PLEASE DO NOT POST YOU WHOLE MESSAGE IN CAPS or txt spk whn u r on a reglr cmptr.

And I think it's proper etiquette to keep jerk face tendencies to a minimum. In other words, there's a difference between honesty and being a poopy head (hey, I said nothing about being mature). Don't be a poopy head.

Lady Speedstick: Love your whole post! Text speak...yuck! I have a girlfriend who emails me in text speak. I just delete and call her because I don't know WHAT she is writing.

"Poopy head" and "jerk face" = perfect description. ^5 to you, lady!!! I always wonder how people don't know they are being poopy.

Still love this thread. You made my weekend, OP!

Well.....going to bed now. Have a great week, everyone!!

This thread is hilarious... I guess I'm guilty of that back thing :look:

My only etiquette critique is when the title of the thread has something to do w/ a hair update w/ pics (b/c I love update threads :grin:) and you have to click on a link to the pics... that drives me nuts and I lose interest... I would much prefer for ppl to just post the pics in the thread :yep:
Damn....this is why I don't really be posting pics much at all! :lachen:

It's those bras that are positioned so high it's near the neck that get me. :look:
:lachen::lachen:I had to laugh at this. The high bra's get me too....i'm like, hold i wearing mine wrong, lol. Mine is darn near my waistline.:lachen:
I hate when people ask when they know the picture isn't a good one for other people to judge. Like how can I see what length you are if you have on a super baggy t-shirt, or the pic is super blurry/dark, or if you're a big girl like me and you have fat rolls so your shoulder blades/waist are hidden.

And then everybody has to play a guessing game. It's not fun. Make it easy on us and yourself please.
This just made me think of when people create threads asking their hair type and you go in and there's a pic of their relaxed or straightened hair
I think we need to get a thesaurus to find other terms to use other than regimen/regiment/reggie/regime/registerment/regilitus etc. I think I've pretty much OD'd on the term.


I looked up synonyms of regimen and found:

My only etiquette critique is when the title of the thread has something to do w/ a hair update w/ pics (b/c I love update threads :grin:) and you have to click on a link to the pics... that drives me nuts and I lose interest... I would much prefer for ppl to just post the pics in the thread :yep:

Some people take a step further and say "check my Fotki link on my personal page" :wallbash:

I just close the page and don't bother. If you're too lazy to post a picture or even the friggin link then forget about it :rolleyes::lachen:
In regards to the exchange forum.

Please don't bump up the same "for sale" list 20 times, without adding additional products or changing your prices. After 10 bumps you need to realize that either nobody wants your stuff or your prices and shipping costs are way too high!

It distracts from the new stuff being added that I may actually want!
:lachen: Robot, you kill me.

1) Before you ask a question, do a search, please. :wallbash: It is likely you will find your answer. The objective of the forum is to share information, and there is plenty of it on here..."plenty" being a staggering understatement...

2) When a thread is started that encourages every responder to post a picture, don't refer to your signature. Signatures tend to change as time elapses and older threads (like this one) get bumped all the time. How am I going to see the picture you meant for the thread if it isn't in your signature because it's two years later? :rolleyes:

3) Read the forum rules. 'Nuff said.
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  • Don't say you're 80% relaxed and 20% natural. What IS that?!?! Renatural? Nelaxed? It doesn't exist.

LMAO @ Nelaxed :lol: I guess thats some transitioners way of comparing how much natural vs. relaxed hair they have, I think it makes more sense to maybe measure how many inches of natural hair you have. Or maybe just show a pic.
This may have been stated but if someone befriend you, if it's not a problem please befriend them in return. :yep:

Thank you!!! again! I'm learning popularity goes a long way around here.

I saw this forum as encouragement regardless of what your level of knowledge is.....cuz at one point we were all new to the hair game, correct? I know a lot of people are not looking for friends which is ok cuz I'm good too but a lil patience, warmness, and a welcome will certainly continue to grow this site and bring/keep good members.

NO ONE knows EVERYTHING....everyday is a learning experience! :yep: We can agree to disagree but we most certain do not have to be rude and disrespectful. :nono:

Thanks to the ladies that's willing to help others and share the KNOWLEDGE!!! :rosebud:
Yo this ish is funny! :lachen:

On a serious note, I am so glad I read ALL 14 pages, it will help cut down on my being a nuisance....LOL
Thank you!!! again! I'm learning popularity goes a long way around here.

I saw this forum as encouragement regardless of what your level of knowledge is.....cuz at one point we were all new to the hair game, correct? I know a lot of people are not looking for friends which is ok cuz I'm good too but a lil patience, warmness, and a welcome will certainly continue to grow this site and bring/keep good members.

NO ONE knows EVERYTHING....everyday is a learning experience! :yep: We can agree to disagree but we most certain do not have to be rude and disrespectful. :nono:

Thanks to the ladies that's willing to help others and share the KNOWLEDGE!!! :rosebud:

I remember when I first joined this site, it was all about learning and me and my hair. Now that I've gotten used to all the information floating about, I really enjoy the ladies and atmosphere here. :yep: I only really started befriending others a month or two ago.
-- Do NOT come in here posting impressive progress pictures and NOT post your regimen! You know dang well people want to know what you've been doing. Don't try to act all brand new and then disappear until AFTER you've gotten 2-3 pages of compliments.

-- And this has been said so many times, I still don't know why people do it: don't quote pictures! One or two are fine, but posts that have about six different pictures in it and ones that are HUGE, don't quote them and disrupt the viewing pleasure of your LHCF sisters. :yep:

I completely agree with these two

LOL @ the bold. I thought I was blunt :lachen:
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I remember when I first joined this site, it was all about learning and me and my hair. Now that I've gotten used to all the information floating about, I really enjoy the ladies and atmosphere here. :yep: I only really started befriending others a month or two ago.

Oh definitely!!!! You're 100% correct...I'm in that stage now "learning me and my hair".....its a task within itself :lachen:....but things are going surprisely well :clapping:

For the most part I've had a pretty good experience here, I've had some wonderful well known Vets reach out to me.

Honestly, sometimes there is way too much information to searches bring posts from back in 2005. :wallbash: Does anyone know if there are criterias we can enter to specify the date range for our search?

I don't befriend (no certain reason) but I definitely would not accept a befriend request either.

The hair game is an ever evolving thing, huh? Thanks so much for your help!
Honestly, sometimes there is way too much information to searches bring posts from back in 2005. :wallbash: Does anyone know if there are criterias we can enter to specify the date range for our search?

You should use the advanced search. By default, the results should be in order of 'last posting date', so that should help!
My only etiquette critique is when the title of the thread has something to do w/ a hair update w/ pics (b/c I love update threads :grin:) and you have to click on a link to the pics... that drives me nuts and I lose interest... I would much prefer for ppl to just post the pics in the thread :yep:

And then you need a password, which is in their profile so you have to go there, get the password and go back to click on the link and enter the password. :grin:


I looked up synonyms of regimen and found:


Why don't we just use routine?
Who ever decided it had to be a "regimen" just because you're referring to hair?
Thanks. I am guilty of quoting pics. Didn't realize not to do it. Some of these "rules" are just known by those that have been here longer. But I hear you on the pics. LOL. There is no sub for good pics. HHG.
I'm not naming names, so please don't think I'm calling anybody in particular out ( I mentioned it to somebody today on a post, but I'm not referring to her).. BUT...

I HATE it when people post a new thread asking everyone to look at their progress pictures only to find
- no pictures
- the OP is asking us to visit her Fotki
- Her Fotki is locked and we have to ask for the password

That's too much work for me! At least unlock the Fotki. Actually just post the pictures by directly linking it to Fotki. It'll still stay locked but you can share pics with others.

*drops mike*
I didn't realize that I had to befriend people in return. I thought it was automatic once you click on accept. My bad! that not how it works?
Doesn't someone send you a request, you accept it, and then you two are friends? Like on facebook?

Or did ST mean that like...if someone is friendly to you, then be friendly in return? I'm so confused. :lachen:
I'm not naming names, so please don't think I'm calling anybody in particular out ( I mentioned it to somebody today on a post, but I'm not referring to her).. BUT...

I HATE it when people post a new thread asking everyone to look at their progress pictures only to find
- no pictures
- the OP is asking us to visit her Fotki
- Her Fotki is locked and we have to ask for the password

That's too much work for me! At least unlock the Fotki. Actually just post the pictures by directly linking it to Fotki. It'll still stay locked but you can share pics with others.

*drops mike*
Yes, Yes, and Yes and not only is the album locked but they have multiple albums with in the album that are locked:nono:.

And I'm :lachen::lachen:about trading items and leaving hair in them:blush:

As far as the big pics, I love them. I wanna see your hair up close and personal. I don't wanna come in a thread talking about your banging hair cut but the pic is a thumbnail of you from across the room :nono: