PSA: Proper Hair Posting Etiquette! :)

Stop making stupid threads about every compliment or insult you get over the course of 24 hours. It's not that deep. You just look like a drama queen that needs attention. And making multiple threads a day, week or whatever for something stupid is just plain annoying.

Lol. I agree but I think it depends on whether a newbie(<1 year of joining) versus a veteran(>1 year of joining). When you are new, you are not used to sharing information and being attacked by outsiders--granted people should know that not every friend/family member will support them unless they see results. However, it is annoying when people talk about what someone said about black woman's hair when you have been in the game for 5+ years(which is the equivalent of 30 years in the hair game). I understand that it is annoying.....:wallbash:
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Lol. I agree but I think it depends on whether a newbie(<1 year of joining) versus a veteran(>1 year of joining). When you are new, you are not used to sharing information and being attacked by outsiders--granted people should know that not every friend/family member will support them unless they see results. However, it is annoying when people talk about what someone said about black woman's hair when you have been in the game for 5+ years(which is the equivalent of 30 years in the hair game). I understand that it is annoying.....:wallbash:

naaah son...not talking about newbies. :lachen:
Because one "thank you" wasn't enough. :thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou:

I cringe every time I see that. You know folks are already talking about those obsessive black women using coochie cream to make their hair grow... but we then have to add horrible grammar to the mix.

We :dead: ourselves with bad grammar. Aside: The BBC did a documentary on the English language last year while we were still in Britain, and the bottom line for what wording is correct depends on 2 things: (1) How a word is used by the masses who speak the language and (2) How a word is used in standardized testing. Many words do change with time and cultural importance, so the key is to use words as they are accepted by nearly everyone and also as they are used in benchmark tests like the SAT, etc. Thanks for your "thank you." I taught Language Arts and Literature for middle grades for 5 years, and I absolutely love our language like I do my own skin.

I have a question since we're talking about etiquette. Does anyone know why some threads get shut down? I posted a response to a thread once, and the thread completely disappeared by the following morning when I went to read what others had said in addition to me. (I didn't start the thread.) What is Beverly's standard for this board? I'm sure it's a great one, but I just don't know. *going to look for Beverly's rules* :grin:

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What is Beverly's standard for this board? I'm sure it's a great one, but I just don't know. *going to look for Beverly's rules* :grin:

I don't know if you found the rules but if not, here you go. Threads will get closed down for violating any of those. There are also rules pertaining to different forums and those are posted as stickies at the top in the particular forum. HTH
omg, this line literally made me bust out loud!! lolol :lachen:btw, i'm sure i'm guilty of most of this. but this was a funny thread. :grin:

Me too. I'm still smiling.

I'm EXTRA guilty too, but this thread is so good-mannered that I don't really care if I don't follow suggested etiquette in other threads. We're just sharing our thoughts. I am amazed and blessed that no one who wants to fuss by this point has actually done so. Way to go, us!!!

I'm gonna post large pics when my day comes to do it, and I will probably ask what my length is just because it feels soooo good when people co-sign with your length after you have worked so hard to grow your hair. Long hair will be so :lick: to me.

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I've seen PatTodd's hair up close and personal and even was blessed to touch it....she got it going on, for real:yep::yep::yep:

Aw girl :blush: thanks! :hug2:

And I can attest that Ayurveda has made N & W's beautiful curly hair full and soft!
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I like how no one is taking offense at the posts lol.

I have one and it's for newbies; when people answer your questions, be gracious enough to come back and say thank you. You don't have to use the thanks button but saying "thanks ladies" will suffice. I think many threads go unanswered cos of this :yep:
The only thing I can say is when one creates a new post, and a lengthy one at that, boasting of their hair updates and how wonderful and long it has grown; and then you finally get to the bottom of the thread and just to find a link to fotki album is posted.

Somewhere between having to read your long post and finally having to click to an external site to see your interest gets lost....and I just exit right on out.
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When you're selling stuff on the exchange board, please don't sell it for $3 and then charge $20 for shipping. You're only trying to get full price for a 1/2 jar of something!!
my only complaint would be starting threads that ask what certain words mean...that are typically elementary type words on the board. Such as what is a cowash, baggy, DC, etc. If u have to make a thread asking what these terms mean, clearly u did not search first. B.C. there are a gazillion threads with answers on these subjects. And if you've been here since '04...and are just now asking what a cowash is......where have u been?
When you're selling stuff on the exchange board, please don't sell it for $3 and then charge $20 for shipping. You're only trying to get full price for a 1/2 jar of something!!


I've never personally witnessed this!
Whoops. :lol: I don't have any amazing pictures for people to ask for my reggie (yet)!

I co-wash with any of my fave condishes (HE HH, TJ Nourish Spa, or VS So Sexy) whenever I feel like it, and moisturize with shea butter and seal with JBCO daily! Wash and DC once a week and I'm good to go! :grin:

ETA: I just picked up a little vial of the Fermodyl for the heck of it. :up: It's good stuff! So, I use that on my wash days as a leave-in.
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Wow, some people are hard core with the progress pics. I suppose I better buy one of those length t-shirts. I always have my husband take my shots. He takes it strictly level. He has me square my shoulders because he knows that an accurate picture is important to me...that's how I track my own progress on the computer. I just choose to share them with others. Sometimes I wear a different bra, so I suppose that is an issue, s it means that from bra to bra the length of my hair may appear different in the shot...but you can normally tell that by looking at the rest of a person's shot, their armpits, etc.

Man if it is really so serious, maybe we should have a criterion list for people who want to post progress pics :(
We should have an LHCF rewards program. When you reach a certain # of thanks, say 100, you win a cheapie hair product. When you get to 500, you win a salon brand product. When you get to 5,000, you win a flat iron! :grin: (I am so joking... or am I...LOL)

Now you KNOW thats askin for trouble. :giggle: There would be folks with 5 and 6 user accounts creating threads and thanking themselves all day long! :lachen:
LOL yeah the PJs would find a way to work the system :lachen:
Then you'll have folks trying to put stuff on layaway and get stuff on "credick"... telling Beverly... "I wanna get the flatiron cuz my youngest child baby-daddy bout to get outta jail and my hurr gotta be tight. I ain't got the 5000 'Thank You's' RET NOW... but I can PUT SOMTHIN ON IT. I can give you 1000 today, and Queesha gon let me borrow 250 on Friday... and I'll make payments on the rest..."
dang i'm so 3 days late:

melodies815, nonie got it. big a$$ pics...thanks

if folks can't spell regimen, why not spell reggie. at least when you jack up a it where folks socially accept it....did i really just say that mess. lol wow.

ahma hav ta go bak ta skoo on dis 1! geesh, i think we may need a dictionary thread if we keep this jk

so how are y'all giving out 10,000 thank you's. are y'all going in alllllllll your threads/posts and thanking each and every person in them. i still think we should have a title like a tyson 'n holyfield bout. There should be a thank you champ....including the fhi ceramic iron.
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thank you mahogany_horizons!!!

you know what IRKED me though? not necessarily only on this board.

if you KNOW you have $2 and $3 dollar products..stop trying to swap for things that cost $16 or $20. only one lady said "i know what i want is expensive and the stuff i have is sort of cheap so ill give multiple things for the one product." i gave her kudos.

and for the love of GAWD...please don't contact me about wanting to swap...mind you YOU EMAIL MEEEEEEEEEEE cause you barge in on another post to someone else requesting things, and then i tell you how much i want to charge and then instead of sending me the damn money you want to try to get me to swap products instead of the cash. and every other email you keep trying to offer me products when i specifically said NO. Jesus keep me near the cross! :wallbash:

and if you swap products, don't send out a jar with hairs in or around the container. that's just not kosher. it's nearly akin to seeing hairs on soap in the shower and it's not cool.