PSA: Proper Hair Posting Etiquette! :)

I didn't realize that I had to befriend people in return. I thought it was automatic once you click on accept. My bad!

It's just like facebook, myspace, blackplanet, oobawooba, and all the other social networking sites. If you accept a friend request you both are "friends". Maybe she meant something else though :lachen: that not how it works?
Doesn't someone send you a request, you accept it, and then you two are friends? Like on facebook?

Or did ST mean that like...if someone is friendly to you, then be friendly in return? I'm so confused. :lachen:

It's not? :look:

It's just like facebook, myspace, blackplanet, oobawooba, and all the other social networking sites. If you accept a friend request you both are "friends". Maybe she meant something else though :lachen:


You should use the advanced search. By default, the results should be in order of 'last posting date', so that should help!

Personally, I always search for answers rather than ask a question because I've seen some people ask questions and get multiple "do a search" responses. This can be disheartening especially when you are new, learning and have done many searches; and the most recent information you get is from 2006. I would have to say that is my only pet peeve (*looks askew at a finger nail*).
I'm not naming names, so please don't think I'm calling anybody in particular out ( I mentioned it to somebody today on a post, but I'm not referring to her).. BUT...

I HATE it when people post a new thread asking everyone to look at their progress pictures only to find
- no pictures
- the OP is asking us to visit her Fotki
- Her Fotki is locked and we have to ask for the password

That's too much work for me! At least unlock the Fotki. Actually just post the pictures by directly linking it to Fotki. It'll still stay locked but you can share pics with others.

*drops mike*

SEXY CHOCOLATE...Sorry, the *drops mike* reminded me of Coming To America!!!! Great thread...
It's just like facebook, myspace, blackplanet, oobawooba, and all the other social networking sites. If you accept a friend request you both are "friends". Maybe she meant something else though :lachen:

oh god thank you!!! i thought for the last year i've been a total arse accepting requests and not sending one back thinking we're friends. i was like "man, why didnt any of the homies tell me this sooner?!"
thank you mahogany_horizons!!!

you know what IRKED me though? not necessarily only on this board.

if you KNOW you have $2 and $3 dollar products..stop trying to swap for things that cost $16 or $20. only one lady said "i know what i want is expensive and the stuff i have is sort of cheap so ill give multiple things for the one product." i gave her kudos.

and for the love of GAWD...please don't contact me about wanting to swap...mind you YOU EMAIL MEEEEEEEEEEE cause you barge in on another post to someone else requesting things, and then i tell you how much i want to charge and then instead of sending me the damn money you want to try to get me to swap products instead of the cash. and every other email you keep trying to offer me products when i specifically said NO. Jesus keep me near the cross! :wallbash:

and if you swap products, don't send out a jar with hairs in or around the container. that's just not kosher. it's nearly akin to seeing hairs on soap in the shower and it's not cool.

I died and then i lived for this whole post.
OK, I think this is probably more to new people coz I don't remember this being as common as it seems to have become lately.

When you are addressing ONE person or ONE post in a thread that has many posters, please make it clear to whom you are writing that very specific response or question either by mentioning their name (And BTW the new mention feature eg @Nonie is great because the person actually gets notification that you spoke to them so they can return to the thread to see what you said to them), or by quoting the post you are responding to.

I'll see a thread about products, tools and many pages later someone will post, "You can get it at CVS". Get what? Which particular question, out of all the umpteen questions that were asked, :whyme: are you answering? :wallbash: Usually it's easy to decipher that it's the OP being answered, but saying "OP, you can get it at CVS" would communicate your point better.

Even just a complete sentence like "You can get S Curl Activator Spray at CVS" would be good enough coz that leaves no question about what you're talking about.

/end rant
um, may i add as a request that you please clothe your back with a bra at minimum before showing it to us along with your hair? especially if you are going to show us your whole back :)

I didnt think a bare back would offend but as i have SEVERAL of these bare back pics anyone who is likely to be offended/feeling light headed/queasy need not check my fotki you have been warned :lachen:
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Nice thread.

Just want to chime in on regimen vs regime.

I always say regimen. But, and I apologize in advance for any gag reflex my next statement may trigger, regime is now a synonym for regimen. I know, I know. But that doesn't bother me as much as "irregardless" being in the dictionary, whether informal or not. :wallbash:

Iono why that word bothered me so much when you posted it lol. It just looks so wrong
Stop making stupid threads about every compliment or insult you get over the course of 24 hours. It's not that deep. You just look like a drama queen that needs attention. And making multiple threads a day, week or whatever for something stupid is just plain annoying.
The meanie in me wants to tag some people so they can see this. :giggle:
Stop asking!

Stop asking "Am I apl? bsl? lmnopl?"

You know where your body parts/bra strap are! If you have to ask then the answer is probably NO. I've seen VERY few instances where it's iffy and not obvious.

And stop lying and telling people they are when you know they ain't.:lol:
Or where they are asking "Did my hair grow??" I seen this a few times....people take a blurry pic from 10 feet away, then the next month take another one where the camera appears to be dangling from the ceiling because the angle is so funky...asking us if they're APL yet. Then you wanna get offended when I tell you we can't tell because your picture taking skills suck? Child boo.

And the lying helps no one. They're gassed up, you look like a fool...just stop it, y'all.

Not pic related, but I am seriously annoyed by thread titles that don't give you any sort of clue what the thread is about. I don't have the time or desire to click on every single thread that gets posted on this board. If you don't create a meaningful title, and I can't figure out what you want to know within the few words I can see when I hover over the link, there's a 95% chance I won't click. :nono:
"I have a question........." is no where near as useful as just typing the question as the title. Folks who have answers or are interested in that topic will be drawn right in. Folks who don't, won't, and you can avoid that demoralizingly low ratio of responses to views :look:
I have seen an awful lot of this lately. Hence the need to bump...
Yes, Yes, and Yes and not only is the album locked but they have multiple albums with in the album that are locked:nono:.

And I'm :lachen::lachen:about trading items and leaving hair in them:blush:

As far as the big pics, I love them. I wanna see your hair up close and personal. I don't wanna come in a thread talking about your banging hair cut but the pic is a thumbnail of you from across the room :nono:

Natural Glow, too funny and true!!!
This may have been stated but if someone befriend you, if it's not a problem please befriend them in return. :yep:

I didn't realize that I had to befriend people in return. I thought it was automatic once you click on accept. My bad!

It's just like facebook, myspace, blackplanet, oobawooba, and all the other social networking sites. If you accept a friend request you both are "friends". Maybe she meant something else though :lachen:

I always thought it was automatic, too! Hmmm.....
Very funny thread...My pet peeve is when ppl ask whats their hair type...and when they get a response of 4 something and they come back with more pics...well look from this angle...or are u sure (but u know I luv and accept my hair what ever texture it is)..but really r u sure....
Not pic related, but I am seriously annoyed by thread titles that don't give you any sort of clue what the thread is about. I don't have the time or desire to click on every single thread that gets posted on this board. If you don't create a meaningful title, and I can't figure out what you want to know within the few words I can see when I hover over the link, there's a 95% chance I won't click. :nono:
"I have a question........." is no where near as useful as just typing the question as the title. Folks who have answers or are interested in that topic will be drawn right in. Folks who don't, won't, and you can avoid that demoralizingly low ratio of responses to views :look:

If you hover your mouse pointer over the thread title before even clicking on it..the first paragraph of the post will show up. You can skim it and see if you want to click on the thread and open it or not..hope that makes sense.
If you hover your mouse pointer over the thread title before even clicking on it..the first paragraph of the post will show up. You can skim it and see if you want to click on the thread and open it or not..hope that makes sense.

I think BlackCardinal knows that. In the post you quoted, she just said "if I can't figure out what you want to know within the few words I can see when I hover over the link there's a 95% chance I won't click".
I didn't realize that I had to befriend people in return. I thought it was automatic once you click on accept. My bad!

That's the same thing I thought. As a matter of fact, I just accepted a request from someone last week or maybe the week before, and when I looked on my page, she was my "friend" and I was hers on her page too.

....I'm confused. Someone friend me so we can figure this thing out...or I will reach out. Let's see what happens...

*going to friend BostonMaria* :) (You can undo this later if you like....just curious to see how it actually works...


And it's true...If you have to ask "Is my hair _________ length." Then it's not. You know dern well what length YOUR hair is!
And one beat-up strand of hair touching your hiked up bra strap does not make your hair BSL.:perplexed BostonMaria and I connected....but I realized after we were connected as "friends" here, it really didn't matter to me if she accepted it or not. After all, her acceptance isn't tied to my self esteem. I reached out because I wanted to. Her response doesn't determine or define my admiration for her hair accomplishments. (I love how we can create brand new terms out of thin air and everyone knows what we are talking about....even if it's not been stated previously.) ego would LOVE for her to respond, but if she doesn't, I STILL admire her hair, her lady-like demeanor on the board as a whole, and I enjoy her comments. That's good enough reason for me to reach out to her.

In a big way, it seems unfair if I deem her to be unconsiderate if she doesn't then reach out to "friend" me. She may have no idea who I am, after all. I don't want to change the lighthearted fun of this thread, but the more I think about it, the less I agree with the poster who said that people who are friended should friend in return. (This is not personal. It actually brings up many conversations I have had with my husband and some friends who struggle with some things sometimes.)

If I say, "I love you," then the fact is I love you. If you don't say it back, does that make you a bad person? No indeed! Does it make me love you less? It shouldn't. Love, by it's own nature, is unselfish. At least, it should be. I have the complete right to respond in whatever way I deem appropriate as long as I am not blatantly rude or, as someone wrote earlier, "poopyface."

What do you ladies think? Am I crazy? I hope I have not offended anyone. That's not my intention. Just interested in a healthy discourse since we are here now.

And it's true...If you have to ask "Is my hair _________ length." Then it's not. You know dern well what length YOUR hair is!
And one beat-up strand of hair touching your hiked up bra strap does not make your hair BSL.:perplexed

Very funny thread...My pet peeve is when ppl ask whats their hair type...and when they get a response of 4 something and they come back with more pics...well look from this angle...or are u sure (but u know I luv and accept my hair what ever texture it is)..but really r u sure....
Yes and Thank you I am seeing this too often (there was a thread about this on another site as well) Please do not ask your hairtype if you are not ready to embrace it whatever type it is. I see people get a response then proceed with posting another 50\11 pics fishing for different responses. Taking more pics whether in candle light or on 3X zoom or on the date of a full moon is not gonna change your hair type.