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OMG y'all...:nono:

I think I overdid it. I have been using the Aphogee 2 Minute Treatment 1x a week for the last few weeks. Last night after my DC (with CON Nourishing which has no protein), my hair was shedding and breaking like crazy! :nono: Wet and dry. It was sooo hard to detangle. I never have a problem detangling.

I've never seen anything like it. The strands didn't even look like they normally do. I should have known not to use it so much! I've never done well with protein. I should have used it once a month at most.

So, I have to cut back and correct what I'm assuming is overload. Hope it doesn't take long. :ohwell:

Oh my!!! The 2 minute giving you overload...:nono::nono:...I have been using both this and my MT during the week but then again I sleep in my moisturizing DCs (either AO HSR or Kenra MC) - I have also mixed up the 2 minute or Keraphix with my moisturizing condish - But Daephae - I know you know your hair but I can't really see where you hair warrants a lot of protein - it looks very healthy (every picture I have seen so far) :grin::grin:
I have been using both this and my MT during the week but then again I sleep in my moisturizing DCs (either AO HSR or Kenra MC) - I have also mixed up the 2 minute or Keraphix with my moisturizing condish - But Daephae - I know you know your hair but I can't really see where you hair warrants a lot of protein - it looks very healthy (every picture I have seen so far) :grin::grin:

I apply MT to my scalp daily, but I want (need) to start incorporating protein to the entire length of my hair to give it strength. Is it okay to apply the Aphogee 2 minute weekly while I use the MT? If I make sure to follow up with a moisturizing DC, I should be fine, right? Or should I up my DC's 2x a week?
OMG y'all...:nono:

I think I overdid it. I have been using the Aphogee 2 Minute Treatment 1x a week for the last few weeks. Last night after my DC (with CON Nourishing which has no protein), my hair was shedding and breaking like crazy! :nono: Wet and dry. It was sooo hard to detangle. I never have a problem detangling.

I've never seen anything like it. The strands didn't even look like they normally do. I should have known not to use it so much! I've never done well with protein. I should have used it once a month at most.

So, I have to cut back and correct what I'm assuming is overload. Hope it doesn't take long. :ohwell:
I agree . You know your hair. Wow I can use aphogee 2 min cause its moisturizing to me. Yes if you need to cut back do so and then evaluate your hair. You may only need to use every other week. Keep us posted. Thanks
I apply MT to my scalp daily, but I want (need) to start incorporating protein to the entire length of my hair to give it strength. Is it okay to apply the Aphogee 2 minute weekly while I use the MT? If I make sure to follow up with a moisturizing DC, I should be fine, right? Or should I up my DC's 2x a week?


I would not do it daily – you can actually use the MT on the lengths of your hair and make sure that you deep condition for a little while afterwards. What I think most people forget that even though it is safe enough for humans - it is made for horses so imagine horse hair in comparison to our hair…. When I use MT as a deep condish I don’t necessarily put it on my scalp but I use enough where I know that it has penetrated my scalp as I put on a plastic cap and get under my heating cap or hair dryer – I don’t really leave it on longer than 15 -30 minutes and then I deep condish no less than a hour – max being overnight…

With regard to using the 2 minute – I personally would not do both at the same time – I would do one or the other. I noticed that you are applying the MT to your scalp everyday (we don’t want to do the protein condish that often) – I do my protein dc about 2-3 times a week – depending on my mood but I always do some sort of overnight with some sort of moisturizing dc – (Kind of favor the AO HSR -sometimes I let it dry in my hair) and rinse in the morning


I would not do it daily – you can actually use the MT on the lengths of your hair and make sure that you deep condition for a little while afterwards. What I think most people forget that even though it is safe enough for humans - it is made for horses so imagine horse hair in comparison to our hair…. When I use MT as a deep condish I don’t necessarily put it on my scalp but I use enough where I know that it has penetrated my scalp as I put on a plastic cap and get under my heating cap or hair dryer – I don’t really leave it on longer than 15 -30 minutes and then I deep condish no less than a hour – max being overnight…

With regard to using the 2 minute – I personally would not do both at the same time – I would do one or the other. I noticed that you are applying the MT to your scalp everyday (we don’t want to do the protein condish that often) – I do my protein dc about 2-3 times a week – depending on my mood but I always do some sort of overnight with some sort of moisturizing dc – (Kind of favor the AO HSR -sometimes I let it dry in my hair) and rinse in the morning

Good advice Thanks
Okay, I used MegaTek and now my hair is a mess! I applied to my scalp and left it on overnight on wet hair with a plastic cap. Before applying MT, I wet my hair, and protected the length and ends with coconut oil. I washed and conditioned, and it was feeling a rough kind of way. Now my hair is stringy, stripped, and a tangly mess :nono:...even with leave-in cond and coconut oil. Where is my softness :perplexed? How do I recover from a protein overload?
Okay, I used MegaTek and now my hair is a mess! I applied to my scalp and left it on overnight on wet hair with a plastic cap. Before applying MT, I wet my hair, and protected the length and ends with coconut oil. I washed and conditioned, and it was feeling a rough kind of way. Now my hair is stringy, stripped, and a tangly mess :nono:...even with leave-in cond and coconut oil. Where is my softness :perplexed? How do I recover from a protein overload?
Never used MT but i'm sure you should deep condition with moisture. Is that the way you suppose to use the MT product? Overnight. Just curious
Oh my!!! The 2 minute giving you overload...:nono::nono:...I have been using both this and my MT during the week but then again I sleep in my moisturizing DCs (either AO HSR or Kenra MC) - I have also mixed up the 2 minute or Keraphix with my moisturizing condish - But Daephae - I know you know your hair but I can't really see where you hair warrants a lot of protein - it looks very healthy (every picture I have seen so far) :grin::grin:

I agree . You know your hair. Wow I can use aphogee 2 min cause its moisturizing to me. Yes if you need to cut back do so and then evaluate your hair. You may only need to use every other week. Keep us posted. Thanks

Thanks ladies! I think that's how I overdid it. I was fooled because my hair felt soft after using the aphogee so I thought it was making it better. I was probably trying to correct a problem that didn't exist (if that makes sense, i had some minimal breakage but probably not enough to warrant me using it like I did)...i do think I needed a dose of protein when I started but every week was def. too much.

I'm going to skip the protein for the next two washes and see if things improve. At this point I need to figure out exactly where protein fits in. :yep:
Okay, I used MegaTek and now my hair is a mess! I applied to my scalp and left it on overnight on wet hair with a plastic cap. Before applying MT, I wet my hair, and protected the length and ends with coconut oil. I washed and conditioned, and it was feeling a rough kind of way. Now my hair is stringy, stripped, and a tangly mess :nono:...even with leave-in cond and coconut oil. Where is my softness :perplexed? How do I recover from a protein overload?

MT overnight on WET hair is like a protein treatment. MT is very heavy protein. It only takes a little to penetrate the scalp. You may have used to much, making it like a protein treatment. You dont have protein overload. In my opinion there is no such thing as too much protein (some people dont agree with this...but..:rolleyes:. You just have to keep your moisture levels up when using it. You are lacking moisture even though your hair was wet. You need the type of moisture that will penetrate your strands. You need to deep condition . When I overnight with MT I do a dry baggy. I apply MT to my scalp, then let my hair air dry then apply a light oil or moisturizer (right now I am using BB w/castor oil), then put the baggy on.

Remember when you are baggying natural moisture is produced, so your hair doesnt need to be wet. Hope this helps a little.
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Never used MT but i'm sure you should deep condition with moisture. Is that the way you suppose to use the MT product? Overnight. Just curious

It can be used however you want. Some people apply daily and only wash it out once a week, others use it for 15 minutes or leave in overnight and wash the next morning. Preference I guess.
MT overnight on WET hair is like a protein treatment. MT is very heavy protein. It only takes a little to penetrate the scalp. You may have used to much, making it like a protein treatment. You dont have protein overload. In my opinion there is no such thing as too much protein (some people dont agree with this...but..:rolleyes:. You just have to keep your moisture levels up when using it. You are lacking moisture even though your hair was wet. You need the type of moisture that will penetrate your strands. You need to deep condition . When I overnight with MT I do a dry baggy. I apply MT to my scalp, then let my hair air dry then apply a light oil or moisturizer (right now I am using BB w/castor oil), then put the baggy on.

Remember when you are baggying natural moisture is produced, so your hair doesnt need to be wet. Hope this helps a little.

Oooh... thank you for this Neemo! I was so scared that I was going start losing my hair. I have a bottle of BB w/castor oil already so I will try this method. The BB is probably acting to diffuse the MT to make tolerable for human hair, huh? That would be my guess, as I know I'm not a good "mixer" of hair products.

I was planning on applying MT once a week, but I stopped when this scared me. How often are you applying it? Also, are you applying the BB just over the MT (on the scalp) or all over? Just wondering if you need to protect the length and ends overnight in case the MT wonders down your hair.
Hey yawl just bought some emergencee today! Its on clearance at rite aid for 7.99. I bought 2 cause I didn't know if it was going to work for me. Keep you posted
Oooh... thank you for this Neemo! I was so scared that I was going start losing my hair. I have a bottle of BB w/castor oil already so I will try this method. The BB is probably acting to diffuse the MT to make tolerable for human hair, huh? That would be my guess, as I know I'm not a good "mixer" of hair products.

I was planning on applying MT once a week, but I stopped when this scared me. How often are you applying it? Also, are you applying the BB just over the MT (on the scalp) or all over? Just wondering if you need to protect the length and ends overnight in case the MT wonders down your hair.

I apply the BB to the full length of my hair. MT to my scalp only every other day. I leave it in and wash once a week
bargain! let us kno how it goes!

DE, your hair is truly Divine with a capital D and I am sooooo copying your regi...mainly because it's so simple! I never even knew Burt's had a pre-poo...:lachen:. I'll try it to help with my protein-moisture balance issues. I wrote them off after one of the skin cleansers broke my face out but maybe I'll have better luck with the hair care line...:ohwell:. Have you always had long hair? Truly beautiful hair...:yep:.

Thanks hun well today washed hair with megatak poo, used Joico 5 min recon for Protein, condtioned with mane and tail.
Rating; 9.5
I used Duo Tex mixed with Elucence Extended Moisture repair and Nioxin conditioner and left it on for 10 minutes without heat, followed up with my DC mix of AO honeysuckle rose, Biolage conditioning balm and white camellia conditioners. My hair felt like a 9.5 today which is awesome to me.
Oh my!!! The 2 minute giving you overload...:nono::nono:...I have been using both this and my MT during the week but then again I sleep in my moisturizing DCs (either AO HSR or Kenra MC) - I have also mixed up the 2 minute or Keraphix with my moisturizing condish - But Daephae - I know you know your hair but I can't really see where you hair warrants a lot of protein - it looks very healthy (every picture I have seen so far) :grin::grin:

sqzbly you and I almost have the same kind of regimen. I don't sleep in my DC, but I do wear mine under my plastic cap and a wig all day while at work, etc 2-3 times a week. My hair is super moisturized and I am also using MT everynight along with Duo Tex and other protein products a couple of times a week. My hair is not only uber soft but it is also much stronger too. But then again I use wayyy more moisture on my hair than protein anyway. I kept looking at my strands because they seem thicker to me too.
Hey yawl just bought some emergencee today! Its on clearance at rite aid for 7.99. I bought 2 cause I didn't know if it was going to work for me. Keep you posted

WHAT! I am all over this! Hope it is on clearance in NY too. May be because they have this new fancy looking product line and there is a "new" emergencee that comes in a bigger bottle. Wonder if they are discontinuing the old one. I will snatch those up with the quickness!
Update: I'm trying to figure out why my hair responds very well to protein. (not sure if that came out right) but I use MT everyday (except this week because I'm all out) and my hair loves it. I even did a aphogee 2 min. and my hair is just so much stronger! No breakage whatsoever.

There is something to this protein thing...
Update: I'm trying to figure out why my hair responds very well to protein. (not sure if that came out right) but I use MT everyday (except this week because I'm all out) and my hair loves it. I even did a aphogee 2 min. and my hair is just so much stronger! No breakage whatsoever.

There is something to this protein thing...

Maybe cuz the hair is made of protien or something like that? So adding lost protien back into it kinda makes sense.. Idk...
Hi checking in...last night i did a Roux moisture recovery protein pack and i deep conditioned after that with Alter ego garlic and Pantene relaxed and natural:yawn:
I Got up and did an ayurveda co-wash right over my MT pre-pooed scalp. Oiled my hair this morning with some shikakai and brahmi oils, applied a co-wash of a tablespoon each of kalpi tone, brahmi, shikakai, bhringraj, amla, henna, and tulsi powders. I also added Tresemme silk protein conditioner and coconut oil to the mix. It was so nice and smooth but felt a little stiff on my hair. It washed out quite nice though and my hair feels a lot strong. Now I'm DCing with Kera Care Humecto mixed with Alter Ego Garlic treatment on my hair for a couple of hours. I'm getting ready to do a sew in early next week so I am making sure my hair is as conditioned as possible beforehand.
I used Duo Tex mixed with Elucence Extended Moisture repair and Nioxin conditioner and left it on for 10 minutes without heat, followed up with my DC mix of AO honeysuckle rose, Biolage conditioning balm and white camellia conditioners. My hair felt like a 9.5 today which is awesome to me.
WHAT! I am all over this! Hope it is on clearance in NY too. May be because they have this new fancy looking product line and there is a "new" emergencee that comes in a bigger bottle. Wonder if they are discontinuing the old one. I will snatch those up with the quickness!
I'm going to use it now. If I like it:roadrunner:Off to rite aide I go!:yep:
Hey yawl just bought some emergencee today! Its on clearance at rite aid for 7.99. I bought 2 cause I didn't know if it was going to work for me. Keep you posted

I have to roll with you on this one Trish!!!:saythat: I could not have passed up this sale 7.99 - that is almost half off...I would have racked up too!!!:grin::grin:
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