New Member
Hey girlie. DD is better. Must have been some "stomach bug" she picked up from dayschool.Hey Soror - I hope "lil bit" is feeling better....Give the Emergencee' a long did you leave it in. The instructions on the bottle are the "new instructions" the instructions on the previous bottle indicated to leave it on much longer than "3 minutes" and you did not have to shampoo afterwards...When I would use it, I let it dry in my hair rinsed and then applied a deep condish (moisturizing)
That's nice to know. I thought I read somewhere that someone either sat under the dryer with this or just let it plain airdry on their hair. I couldn't remember so I just followed the directions which instructed to leave in on 2-3 minutes. It did say to use a moisturizing poo and conditioner afterwards which is what I did. I did like that my hair was very soft afterwards and I like the feel much better than that Aphogee Two minute stuff. Thanks for the advice.