prepoo or DC before wash???? Why?


Well-Known Member
Hello ladies,
Alot of you prepoo or DC before you wash your hair. I was wondering why you do this. I have very hard water and I use products that cause build up. I have a problem with DC'ng with all of those things still in my hair. Please share why you DC or Prepoo so I can make an educated decision on whether I need to do it also. Thanks in advance ladies.
I pre-poo with coconut oil before washing and DCing. The coconut oil helps to prevent hygral fatigue and also prevents shampoo from drying my hair out too much.

I could never DC before a wash, to me that would seem pointless.
Makes life easier. I get the best results from DC'ing overnight, and my DC is a strong protein....when I wash the next day it's with a co-cleanser, and I use another conditioner as a leave-in. This was everything is done with a minimum of fuss.
Thanks to the ladies who already replied... I still can't see myself conditioning or prepooing my hair with dirt and hard water deposits still in my hair.
I 'only' DC on dry/dirty hair. I don't use products that cause buildup though. It's a lot more convenient for me to do it this way, and for me, equally, if not more effective. I dampen my hair with a tea blend then apply a varied combination of DC's (moisturizing or protein), agave, SAA, etc whatever I feel, with or without steam. I cowash when I'm done.
I prepoo or sometimes DC before i wash. Heres why

I use AO conditioners and the directions insruct you to apply the conditioner on dry hair before you wash. This melts away my tangles and helps me remove shed hairs. I only DC first if i dont have much time.

Now i mainly prepoo before every wash using chicoros mix. By the time i wash my hair it is so dry i need to moisturize my hair so the shampoo wont dry my hair out even more. Prepooing also melts away tangles and makes it easier to remove shed hair for me.

You have to do what works for you. If you feel these techniques are pointless dont use them.
Why are you interested Kinky4Agirl? It seems like you already have something that works for you. If you can't see it working for you that is fine.

With that said I prepoo with diluted conditioner before I wash. This softens my hair and it is the point where I remove the shed hairs and detangle. I am a heavy shedder. I learned a few years ago that washing my hair without removing shed hairs will result in matting.

I have low porosity hair so it works better if I wash my hair before conditioning. So I don't DC on dry hair. The DC never penetrates my strands if I DC on dry hair.
I've used oil to detangle before washing and honestly it worked great. I just don't do it often. I don't have time for all those steps. lol I did notice a difference in the softness of my hair after I was done washing and everything.

I would say try it and see if it's worth it for you and your hair needs.
I pre-poo with olive oil over night before washing I use the application process to separate my hair into sections and detangle, after washing my hair isn't as stripped.
I live a very hard water area doing my final rinse with ACV diluted with spring/distilled water seems to be helping my hair isn't as tangled /brittle anymore.
Increases hydration leading into wash day which makes the session go smoother - less breakage and tangles. Evco prevents hygral fatigue as previously mentioned.
faithVA: I asked because I would like to start doing it if it is better for my hair.

Is this step only for natural heads? I am relaxed and I never have tangles.
Both work well for me. I only use natural products, so I don't have buildup when my hair needs to be washed.
i prepoo with an oil mix overnight. it softens up my hair so that when i finger detangle it makes it easier.

i'm actually going to try DCing before shampooing/cleansing. i just want to see if there is a difference. i know ytuber fusion of cultures does this and her hair is totally boss.
faithVA: I asked because I would like to start doing it if it is better for my hair.

Is this step only for natural heads? I am relaxed and I never have tangles.

You will have to try it to see if your hair likes it better. Theory is great but personal experience is the only way to know.

I am natural. But some of the ladies that have already replied are relaxed.
dc-ing before washing is a pre-poo. i have never used just oil for a pre-poo i usually mix it with condtioner or use a dc. my hair ends up being more moisturized and easier to detangle.
Yes, I have raw coconut oil that I bought from the vitamin shoppe. And I also have essential oils that I bought from them. They are all natural, organic, and pure. I am going to try the prepoo method this weekend. Wish me luck ladies!:yep:
I pre-poo for 5 mins with conditioner to make detangling easier. I prefer to DC on clean hair so I do that after washing.
I DC before shampooing because I believe directions on products have a purpose and help you get the most from the product. Aubrey's GPB says that is how DCing is to be done, and that is the only product that I do this with. The direction are thus:

Shake well before using. After shampooing, apply to damp hair and work through concentrating on the ends. Leave on for 1 or 2 minutes, then rinse. For deep conditioning: Apply to dry hair and distribute from scalp to ends. Leave on for 15 minutes, then shampoo and condition hair as usual.​

Because my hair is usually bare, I am not worried about the conditioner not being able to deep condition my hair. If I used to use product, I'd probably wash my hair first. Let it fully dry then DC per the directions.

I do not prepoo any other way or time.
Hi:wave: I started out pre-pooing with EVCO when I started my HHJ 2 years ago. My hair is more manageable and it is easier to do this step before I wash with conditioner cleanser. I also DC on dry hair every other week - my hair responds with softness and easier to manage since I do 25 week relaxer stretches. HHG!
I DC before I CW on wednesdays and pre poo before I wash and DC on Saturdays. I do it because it works for me