How many times do you wash and DC your hair in a month?

I wash: 1x a week, trying to stretch this to 1x every other week. (No reason for the stretch besides I feel a bit lazy with my hair. Wash day is really the only time I mess with my hair.)

I DC: Right now I don't. Too lazy. I want to start doing so on every other wash or at least once a month. My hair loves moisture!

I clarify every_____with: I don't have to. Clarifying shampoos are too strong for my scalp and hair and I refuse to suffer the days of dryness and itching that would come afterward. I am using a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo now that does a good job cleaning my hair and scalp so I don't need this step, thank goodness.

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I used to cowash a lot when I had relaxed hair or when transitioning, but found that I don't really need to do this anymore since I became totally natural.
I started doing pre-treaments recently and my hair loves it. It really helps with reducing knots and loosening tangles when it comes to wash.
I wash: Shampoo once or twice a month

I DC: *Try* every Sunday. Doesn't always happen

I clarify every_____with: Huh? I have that ORS creamy aloe that I use when my hair feels really gross. I don't have a schedule or anything.

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: Co-wash 2-5 times a week. Depends on how lazy I feel that week/ if I did a style I'm trying to strecth
I wash: at least 5 times a week before work

I DC: Maybe once every 2 weeks

I clarify every when needed with: Elucence Volume Califying Shampoo

I use a reconstructor: Aphogee Keratin 2 Minute reconstructor or Joico K Pack Reconstruct (1 time per week)
Since I've decided to transition I have decreased using shampoo to only 1-2 a month. I deep condition at least 4-5 a month or as often as needed.
I wash: twice a month..every 2 weeks with keracare moisturizing shampoo

I DC: after each wash with Silk Elements Megasilk Olive Oil Conditioner

I clarify every wash with:Mizani Phurifying shampoo

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I oil my hair with vatika frosting the night b4 my wash, I do a tea rinse with nettle tea after the conditioner, and I use Hair One olive oil as a leave in
I wash: 4 times a month. Typically once a week.

I DC: Tyically one a week.

I clarify every_____with: I use WEN to cleanse and a sulfate shampoo to clarify. Right now, I am clarifying with Joico K Pak Shampoo.

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: Prepoo when I remember. Cowashing will increase once the weather gets nicer and I start working out more.
I wash: Once a week with one of my various shampoos I'm trying to use up. It can contain sulfates as long as it's moisturizing and smells good.

I DC: After every shampoo.

I clarify: Monthly with Joico Chelating/clarifying shampoo

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I do protein treatments monthly with Joico K-pak (instead of deep condition).

I also co-wash mid-week. I try to pre-poo when I can but if my hair feels dirty I don't pre-poo
I wash: every friday

I DC: after every wash

I clarify every_____with: dont clarify

Dont prepoo and only cowash in the summer..
I wash my hair everyday ( I might skip a day if I am lazy)

I DC twice a week. I clarify when I remember to do so with CHI Clean Start
and why?...
I like washing 1x weekly to keep the oil buildup removed from my hair so my acne doesn't flare up, other than special reason on all other things.

I wash:
1x weekly with Elasta QP for Relaxed Hair

1x weekly with various things but Aubrey Organics White Camellia is a staple

I clarify every_____with:
When needed with ORS Creamy Aloe ETA or Quantum Clarifying Poo which I like a tad bit better than ORS for clarifying. For me, ORS is gentle enough to use weekly so I consider this more of a regular poo than say a clarifying poo. Quantum clarifies gently also but I feel like it's truly a clarifying poo with the effects it leaves on my hair. Neither overly strips.

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc:
Prepoo: Chicoro
Leave-In: Kimmaytube
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I wash: 1x a week with Organix Coconut Shampoo

I DC: 1x a week with SSI Banana Brulee

I clarify every_____with: N/A

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I use a protein reconstructor (Joico K-Pak) 1x a week. I prepoo with EVCO before every wash for detangling purposes. I'm able to get a considerable amount of shed hairs to slip out pre-wash without mechanical breakage.
I wash: I co-wash as needed, up to 3-4 times a week and Poo at least once a week with a low-poo.

I DC: Once a week using alternating weeks for protein/moisture or garlic/any old DC

I clarify every 3 to 6 weeks with: Phyto's Phytoneutre OR bentonite clay

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I co-wash with Redken's All Soft or other conditioner I want to get rid of on the days I work out or do hot yoga just to get the salt and sweat off my scalp and hair.

I pre-poo when I want to infuse more moisture into my hair or if I want to flat iron. I use Chicoro's method.

I also try to keep my diet as clean as possible, take vitamins and drink Green smoothies.

and why?... I work out up to 5 times a week, so I want to continue my growth, so I rinse or co-wash sweat/salt off my hair. I have been experimenting with moisture infusion to see if it helps straighten my hair.
I shampoo once a month

I DC once a week

I don't clarify

I cowash once a week (when I remember during the colder months) and twice a week during the warmer months
I wash: 1 x wk

I DC: 1-2 x wk

I clarify every__4-6wks___with: Mizani Purify Poo

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: Co-wash Wed unless I'm stretching past 12wks. Sometimes I prepoo overnight on Fridays.:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
I wash: 1 x wk

I DC: 1 x wk

I clarify every_____with: Suave whenever I use cones, which isn't often. Cones dry out my hair and clarifying shampoos dry my hair out more. Not worth the itching and discomfort for my scalp.

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: Prepoo w/Chicoro prepoo sometimes before a cowash for the added moisture. I mainly DC on dry hair so I don't prepoo before shampooing often. Cowash once a week - my hair needs water more than once a week.
and why?...

I wash: Every 2 weeks

I DC: Every 2 weeks

I clarify Once a Month with: ORS Creamy Aloe

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc:

I do not cowash or prepoo..

I wash every 2 weeks because that is my way of having some form of low manipulation during my off weeks..when I leave my hair alone, I avoid breakage, tangles, and etc..It seems to work well this way.
I wash: If this means using "regular shampoo", then never

I DC: once/week

I clarify every_____with: I clarify every 4 weeks with VO5 Clarifying Shampoo, or Sally Ions Clarifying Shampoo

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I currently CW 2x/week, although I imagine in the warmer months, I'll up that to every other day. My hair LOVES water and moisture, so this works for me. I'm in cornrows most of the time, so there's no manipulation. I also pre-poo overnight using Chicoro's recipe before every clarifying shampoo.
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and why? Cause this method has worked not only when I was texlaxed, but also now that I'm full natural

I wash: In the winter only once a week, now in the Spring/Summer twice a week with a CV shampoo bar

I DC: Once or twice a week depending on my hair's dryness

I clarify: Once a month with Aveda detoxified shampoo

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I co-wash almost everyday in the spring/summer, and never in the winter. I would do a Ayurvedic prepoo when I needed.
I wash: once a week

I DC: once a week

I clarify every__month___with: shampoo (Mane and Tail)

and why?... It's just my way. A habit. I put myself on a regimen and I stick to it because of the results. I also enjoy doing it. It's like a spa day for my hair.
I DC/Shampoo/Blowdry/Flatiron my my hair every 2 weeks. I do not clarify. I do not co-wash but I do use an instant conditioner after my shampoo to soften my hair.
I wash: Once a week

I DC: Once a week on washday

I clarify every_____with: I don't clarify. I'm a hair product minimalist

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I do co-wash daily, or every other day.
I wash and dc 2-4 times a month. I alternate moisture and protein deep conditioning treatments to maintain a moisture / protein balance. I also clarify at least 2x a month.
Shampoo: 2x per mo. (bi-weekly)
DC: 12x per mo (3x per week)
Clarify: 1x per mo.
Moisturize: 3x per week on wash days
I wash: twice per week with shampoo. I co-wash on other days.

I DC: twice per week with a protein-based conditioner and follow up with a moisturizing one.

I clarify every___2 weeks__with: Ors Aloe or V05 Kiwi Lime

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I co-wash and sometimes do a HOT as a pre-poo.
I wash: about 8x a month (try to do it 2x a week) with Aveda DR or Hydratherma Naturals SLS Free Cleanser

I DC: at every wash

I clarify every_____with: I clarify as needed with Design Essentials Deep Cleansing (usually once a month or so)

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: I cowash once in while. I always prepoo with oils and usually CPR.

I do this because my hair really started improving once I started. Love deep conditioning.
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it depends on the season but I wash a min. of 3 times a month and DC a min. of 3 times a month.
I clarify once a month with Kenra or ORS.
In the summer I co wash a few times a week.
I wash: 4-8 times a month (depends how busy/lazy i am)

I DC: with every wash

I clarify: when i remember or before protein treatments with Giovanni 50:50

I do other things such as cowashing, prepoo etc: cowash as needed, prepoo with ojon treatment overnight before washing, wash in twists

: all this has helped me retain length, reduce breakage and increase shine.