God'schild said:
Praise God I passed my test. I am officially a registered nurse:yay:
God is so good and I thank you all for your prayers.
Be Blessed And Be A Blessing.

Congratulations! Such an accomplishment. God is truly great!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Congrats on being a Registered Nurse. Keep me in your prayers as I prepare to take the Praxis II test for my Ed. Leadership certification. I can't receive my degree until I pass the test. The test is April 28. Please pray that I will pass the praxis exam on the first attempt. The test is very expensive.
Please pray for my teen daughter and her submission to God's will for her life. She's going through troublesome times and needs His guidance.

Thank you so much for agreeing with me in prayer!
I am not too sure If I believe in God...I am not saying I don't...I guess you could say I am searching.....But I know many people are sure and strong in their faith, so I feel their prayers will be heard more than my own....So please if you are please pray for my father is very sick...he has diabetees, heart problems, needs a kidney transplant,...and my mom also who lost her mother about 3 years ago and who takes care of me and my dad....thank you, your thoughts and prayers are appreciated
Please pray for me in my search for my "voice" and my purpose.

Please also pray for the health of all of those family members and friends around me.

Please pray for my relocation, if that is God's will
Please pray for my boyfriend and his spiritual search
Please pray for my mom and that I will see her soon :)
Please pray for my sister (Pamela). She is very ill and currently in the ICU unit in the hospital. She has cancer and a blood clot in her left leg. Please pray that she be healed. Thank you!
Please pray for my son; he takes his TAKS test tomorrow and has to pass in order to graduate in May. Also please pray for me to find some peace and happiness in my life. And please pray for my sister, she's going through a true test of faith right now.

Thank you all
Please pray for me that i can get past my feelings for my ex-boyfriend who seems to have such a hold on me, leading me to be depressed some days. I have prayed about this, and i know god hears me but, maybe i need more help.
Precious_1 said:
Please pray for me that i can get past my feelings for my ex-boyfriend who seems to have such a hold on me, leading me to be depressed some days. I have prayed about this, and i know god hears me but, maybe i need more help.

Lord we thank you, that your eyes are opened and your ears are attentative to Precious_1's prayers. We thank you that no weapon formed against Precious shall prosper! With boldness we bind the spirit of depression....We replace it with Joy, and Peace that surpasses all understanding in the mighty name of Jesus!! Lord we thank you Father, that the soul tie between Precious and her ex has been broken! In Jesus mighty name we pray! Amen, Amen.
Please pray for me and my family. My family seems so dysfunctional right now. My brother is a senior in H.S. He is supposed to graduate in a month but due to his excessive absences he may end up not graduating. My mother is so frustrated with his irresponsibility that she "doesn't care if he graduates or not". I am the person stuck in the middle having to encourage my brother to finish high school so he can attend college, and giving my mother hope that he can still graduate. On top of his trauncy from school, my brother who will be 18 next week, has been from job-to job since last year. He has a very careless view about life in general and will quit a job because he would rather hang out with his friends. While my mother has never required any of us to work, my brother become excessively lazy when he decides he doesn't feel like having a job. Please pray that he learns more responsibility and he becomes more serious-minded when it comes to his education. I feel that he may have some self-esteem issues as well. I am also dealing with my older sister being on drugs and living a with friends who are bad influences. I have been praying for her for about a year now, and things will get better for a while, but then she'll go right back to square 1. The Lord recently spoke to me though and told me in June, her life will be better.
Nonetheless, it hurts to see my family so torn. I feel so alone sometimes. I just graduated from college not too long ago and I would like for both my sister and my brother to get thier lives together. I feel like maybe there is a curse on my family or something. My mom has been living with a man for 9 years now and they weren't married. He isn't a christian but my mother is a very strong believer, yet she refuses to obey God when it comes to her relationship. If this has caused some sort of "curse" on my family I ask for Jesus to bind it and rebuke it. They are finally getting married in June, but I don't know if this is who God intends for her to be with. Please pray for us. There is so much going on in my life right now and I just need peace of mind. Thank you.
gummibear1 hang in there. Congratulations on your graduation from college!

I will stand in agreement with you that:
1. Your brother is a righteous man of God and his steps are ordered by the Lord.
2. Your mother sees clearly Gods will for her life.
3. Your sister is set free from the bondage of sin and addiction.
4. That the joy of the Lord continues to be your strength and that you have the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.

I can tell you are a prayerful individual. Keep interceding and confessing on your family's behalf. The prayers of the righteous....

God Bless.
Pls pray for me, I've a very important appt comng up, and I'd like to ask for God's favor so that the right decision is made!

I also met a special person and would like God to direct our paths.
Today I will most likely find out what my manager is going to do about my recent debacle. This job is the most stressful I've ever had. The money has helped pay down my debts tremendously but my neck is on the line EVERYDAY. :(

I appreciate any prayers.

Thank you ladies for your prayers and encouragement. God has really been working on my situation. My sister and I have been in communication pretty frequently during the past few days. At times I feel discouraged after we talk because she continues to justify living on foodstamps, being unemployed, and living with different friends as a "comfortable way to live". I know that in reality she is really unhappy with her situation but trying to convince me otherwise. Please pray for me that I can be strong and continue to encourage her to better her life. Sometimes I think "what's the use?" she's always going to do what she wants to do. But I have faith that she can change if she accepts God into her life..with Him all things are possible.
Well I have a request for my husband, He is 24 years old and all his life he has been "conditioned" and told an groomed to play football in the NFL and thats all he has ever wanted to do. Well after we got married and moved to s. Dakota from Texas, then to Nebraska and now in N. Dakota in search of a school he is comfortable playing at. One day he was at practice and he all of a sudden got sick and was vomitting and stuff and he came home got a back rub and went to bed. The next morning when he woke up he didn't have the desire to play football anymore. About a week later he told me that he didnt have the desire anymore. He was hoping he would wake up an the desire would be there but it wasn't. He said that he was afraid to tell me at first because he thought I would be upset. But I wasn't upset I thought I should be but I wasn't at all.

He and I both are plagued with the disappointment that people we know who aren't even trying to live right are getting ahead of us and are making it to the NFL. We are happy for them but, we question God about why is it that its so easy for them to get there and we are always getting sidetracked.

Basically we just need some clarification from God as to what direction we need to go in. Right now my husband has a good job at a local shoe store but he doesn't want to do that for the rest of his life. He NEEDS to hear from GOD. He needs to know the next step to take. He told me last night in bed that he feels he is a failure because we came this far after living in all of these places and its like we have nothing to show for it. He doesn't desire football like he use to but he wants that desire back and he doesn't want to work a 9-5.

We just need GOD to direct us where we need to go. Its like a waiting game now. We did all this moving around and now we are here up north and we don't know what to do next now that he doesn't want to do the NFL thing. He said if the desire came back he would do it but he just doesn't want to waste anytime in going after what is for him because we have two children who are 2 years old.

Please Pray..........
I pray for you ladies, I encourage u to hold ur faith, remember 1 Peter 5:7, cast your burdens onto him for He cares for you. I pray for you like I pray for my self that the Lords feels you with His love and spiritual wisdom to give you the vision to see what He wants you to see.
Remember Mark 11:24

Know give Him all the glory and praise, magnify His holy name, plead the blood of Jesus over your lives. He is worthy of all praise, lift Him up high above so that the world may see of His goodness.
Good evening ladies...this is my first post in this area of the forum. I do request prayer for my beautiful little son. He will 3 next month and is non verbal. Yesterday, we had an evaluation with the school district's preschool program and several of the staff stated that he has signs of autism. He also has an early intervention specialist that believes he is on the spectrum. Both his father and I suspected this for a while (I have experience with working with individuals with autism as well as other disabilities).

I need help coping with this. I tear up everytime I think of it. I'm aware that some autistic people are able intergrate appropriately into the world with intervention but in the back of my mind, I think of all of the autistic adults I work with who need intense assistance throughout the day. I'm also very aware of how cruel the world is and I don't want my baby to be picked on due to diagnosis.

I will continue fighting for him until the day I die. I will never give up. I pray for him continuously. I do research on treatment of autistic symptoms daily. I just need to be able to deal with this with out breaking down and I want my child to be able to integrate into the world and to be rid of his symptoms. I do believe with prayer this is possible (I'm a living a breathing miracle).

Thank you for allowing me to tell my story.
Hi, I would like to request a prayer for my family and I. Our grandmother passed at 12:34am 5/18/07 and we are all feeling hurt of course. She was a wonderful woman who raised eleven children on her own and countless grand and great grand children. We know she has went to live with the lord and saddened that she had to leave us. We were blessed to spend her last birthday with her on mothers day (We had a party for her) She had a stroke in December and didnt get well afterwards. But I dont want to write a book:) here so I am here to request a prayer for our family to go on and make her proud of us and for us to be able to have a peaceful service for her and cry tears of joy for her that she has went on to a better place.
As many of y'all know, I deal with problems with my family. But I'm trying to get through this, and start taking care of myself.

I'm asking for prayer for me, and for the means to help me get through school this summer, and next year, since I will be on my own.

*I'm also sending out prayers for everyone on this thread*
I just need prayer for me right now. I find that I am so frustrated with everything around me. My emotions have been turning flips and I feel this loneliness thing kicking in BIG time.

I try to talk to other saints about these things and all that I get is "Awww, girl you will be alright." or "with the way that you love the Lord, I know that everything is gonna be fine" or my favorite "Why is it that when others have issues, you always have an answer, but when it comes to you, you don't seem to?"

I just need someone to listen and understand that yes, I am saved, but I am going through.....I am having a battle with my mind. Please pray for me....please. God bless you all.

I am definitely praying for you. And I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I avoid even telling people about my issues, because they are so used to coming to me for advice, they're almost baffled to hear that I too have moments of weakness.

There are two scriptures that I confess during times like yours:

"I have the mind of Christ and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding".


"This is but a light affliction, which is but for a moment, and is working a far greater and eternal weight of glory; I will not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen– for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Cor. 4:17, 18

You already know that the battle is spiritual and satan is attacking your mind. So break out your spiritual aresenal girlfriend--the word--prayer--confession--faith. Resist him and he will flee. Even though the things you see in the natural are negative--Speak the word. The devil is a liar. God's word is the truth.

You have power to tread on serpents, scorpions, and all manner of evil in the earth, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you!!!

Satan may try to bring you down, but he is already defeated. Now sock it to him!
tweezer6 said:

I am definitely praying for you. And I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes I avoid even telling people about my issues, because they are so used to coming to me for advice, they're almost baffled to hear that I too have moments of weakness.

There are two scriptures that I confess during times like yours:

"I have the mind of Christ and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding".


"This is but a light affliction, which is but for a moment, and is working a far greater and eternal weight of glory; I will not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen– for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Cor. 4:17, 18

You already know that the battle is spiritual and satan is attacking your mind. So break out your spiritual aresenal girlfriend--the word--prayer--confession--faith. Resist him and he will flee. Even though the things you see in the natural are negative--Speak the word. The devil is a liar. God's word is the truth.

You have power to tread on serpents, scorpions, and all manner of evil in the earth, and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you!!!

Satan may try to bring you down, but he is already defeated. Now sock it to him!

Thank you so much Tweezer6. It becomes bothersome when folks always come to me, and for whatever reason, the Lord will use me to give them a word....but who do I go to? I guess you just answered that question girl. I need to go to the Lord, the Word and the Spirit that dwells within me!!!! Girl, thank you so much. I am about to go get down on some prayer RIGHT NOW!!!! God bless you sis!
please pray for me. lately a few stressing situations have popped up and I am confused as to what decisions to make and when to make them. i pray to god for answers , but i still debate on whether the answer im getting is from him or not.just today , i was riding through my job's center and swerved out of the lane, hit the sidewalk and busted my tire and rim. this is taking place not even a week after i caught a flat from a nail and had to get another tire replaced. now , i am going to have to spend more money that i dont really have to get a complete wheel. i dont know what is going on and i am nervous that he is trying to tell me something. like he is trying to focus my attention on something , but i dont know what . i was ok , no injuries or anything , but the two incidences are too close together. this has never happened to me before in the past so why now? right now i have been looking for another place to live, and i am supposed to meet this lady tonight to look at her house. do you think maybe he is saying that i should wait? i just need prayer for mental and physical strength and WISDOM too. too many distractions. maybe i am being impatient about this whole moving out thing. please pray for me.
mzhotniz86 said:
please pray for me. lately a few stressing situations have popped up and I am confused as to what decisions to make and when to make them. i pray to god for answers , but i still debate on whether the answer im getting is from him or not.just today , i was riding through my job's center and swerved out of the lane, hit the sidewalk and busted my tire and rim. this is taking place not even a week after i caught a flat from a nail and had to get another tire replaced. now , i am going to have to spend more money that i dont really have to get a complete wheel. i dont know what is going on and i am nervous that he is trying to tell me something. like he is trying to focus my attention on something , but i dont know what . i was ok , no injuries or anything , but the two incidences are too close together. this has never happened to me before in the past so why now? right now i have been looking for another place to live, and i am supposed to meet this lady tonight to look at her house. do you think maybe he is saying that i should wait? i just need prayer for mental and physical strength and WISDOM too. too many distractions. maybe i am being impatient about this whole moving out thing. please pray for me.

I'm going to be praying for clarity in every area of your life...;)
Hang in there. Just keep praying. IMHO, God doesn't cause bad things to happen to us in order to get our attention.

IMO, the accident had nothing to do with God. But, the fact that you did not get hurt-had everything to do with God. He's always with you.

Just be sure that your finances are ready for the move you're about to make. If car repairs are causing financial stress, maybe a move isn't a good idea just yet. But only you (with God's guideance) can make that decision.

Be blessed. I'm praying for you.