I am in the need of the same prayer ya'll. I have recently come to the conclusion that all of those other things will come into subjection the more power I obtain in God. I am just seeking the power to change my atmosphere. All of these same things have recently been a burden for me too. Let's pray for each other.

I'm in th same boat as you and Missvi. We will get through this.
Hi Ladies I have a prayer request.

My husband has interviews in the coming weeks for 4 positions. Please pray that God's will be done in determining where he should be hired with regards to these positions.

We do our best to strive for His will in our lives which is major in regards to our faith, but we know what God does for us is waaaaaay better than anything we would think or determine.

Thank you all so much in advance. God Bless you all!
hello ladies
will you pls stand in agreement with me and my husband for direction and guidance for our family, we want to move back to our home state.

but we want to make sure it's God's will and not just our desire to make this move
pls pray for the Father to reveal to us with clearity nothing missing nothing broken if this move will be a blessing for our family or not.

thank you and may God bless you!

I ask that you ladies pray for me. I am still in the process of trying to recover after a foreclosure. I ask that you pray God's will and God's provision in my life. I ask for a pure heart Lord and a right spirit. I ask that the Lord forgive me for anything that I have done or said or thought that is not like Him. I ask that God show me what he has for me to do in his ministry.

I pray for Vickie who is suffering from agoraphobia. Release her. Erica who is suffering from anorexia. Release her. Jay who is discerning her purpose. Release her. Melvin who is struggling with addiction. Release him. Fran who is suffering with addiction. Release her.

Let the annointing flow. Touch Father, with your spirit of love and truth.
Ok ladies,

The time has come for me to return to Iraq. This will be my 3rd time there, and I know that it is in Him will. I just ask you all to pray that I be strong and that I remain focused on Him and His will for this deployment. I discussed this deployment in another thread.


I just know that there are some things that God wants to do with me while there. I am leaving out tomorrow and I just want to make sure that I "get it right" you know? So, I guess I need prayer for strength, focus, protection, spiritual sensitivity, and a heart to endure.

I thank you ladies for all of the encouragement that you have given me. God bless you and I will be back soon.
I ask with a heavy heart that you pray for my hometown, the City of Baltimore. Our murder rate is very high (222) for this point in the year. And two murders occurred yesterday only blocks from my mother and sister's home. This situation must stop. Thank you for your prayers.

Can you please pray for more opportunities with my agency. I'm a presenter for Cadillac and I would like an increase in my day rate and more shows.
Ok ladies, I am in Baghdad now and so HELP me, the enemy is trying to attack my mind ALREADY!!!! He is trying to distract me left and right. He is trying to frustrate me and I think he is even trying to depress me. I need your prayers now more than ever. Please pray that God continues to keep, strengthen and encourage my heart. Thank you so much ladies. Be blessed...
Ok ladies, I am in Baghdad now and so HELP me, the enemy is trying to attack my mind ALREADY!!!! He is trying to distract me left and right. He is trying to frustrate me and I think he is even trying to depress me. I need your prayers now more than ever. Please pray that God continues to keep, strengthen and encourage my heart. Thank you so much ladies. Be blessed...
Hey Little Sister...:kiss: We love you. I won't say to you 'keep up the faith', for you know this. What you need more is knowing that you are not alone. And that you are thought about and prayed for each and everyday.

Hey, tell us about your beautiful hair? Not too many PJ's there, are they? But you'll soon be home to start a whole new hair care regime and one that you can boast about for us to follow.

I know it's not easy where you are. Just know that you will not be abandoned. No evil shall befall you; no harm will come near you. Surely God will keep His word to you.

"I will be with you wherever you go and will bring you safely to this land as I promised."

I love you, little sister. :love3: Don't be scared anyhmore, okay? :kiss:

:heart2: :bighug: :grouphug: :bighug: :grouphug: :heart2:
I pray God will provide me with the right job at the right time. I pray He will not allow my situation/circumstances to distract me from the righteous path. I pray that He heals those who need healing. I pray that He continues to protect my loved ones who are so far from me physically but always on my mind and in my heart. I pray that God will dwell within me and be reflected in everything. I praise and thank God for everything..I trust that His way is the best way and I know He has never ever failed me so I will always always cling to him. I pray that He continues to dwell within me when things are confusing. I pray that God will help me stay focused on my studies now that I am close to the last hurdle. I bless the name of the Lord!!!!!!!
I Feel like alot of things are against me right now..the devil is a liar.. i rebuke all bad things in the mighty name of jesus, please sisters pray for me that nothing will trample my future successes and prospertiy!

please pray for me that whatever is trying to attack me, attack my spirit, attack my love for God, will not succeed, will be stopped!

thank u ladies.
I Feel like alot of things are against me right now..the devil is a liar.. i rebuke all bad things in the mighty name of jesus, please sisters pray for me that nothing will trample my future successes and prospertiy!

please pray for me that whatever is trying to attack me, attack my spirit, attack my love for God, will not succeed, will be stopped!

thank u ladies.
The devil is such a liar and a defeated foe. he is under your feet and all you have to do is put your weight upon him by trusting and waiting upon the Lord.

Fear not, little one. For God has not forsaken, neither has He forgotten you; neither His promises to you. Get out the 'book' and number each promise made to you personally...not generally but personally. Starting with "In the beginning...God.........

For God is right there reading and fulfilling everything that He ever created just for you. :giveheart:
Please pray for me.

I am removing myself from a long term relationship that has been hurting me for some months now. I really love this person and have never felt this way about anyone. Anyone. The problem is that I know that he isn't the man God has for me. If he is the one, then he's not right now anyway. God would have to touch and change his heart and his mind. I know so because I am hurting, we keep fighting and we strongly disagree on a matter that is too important to ignore. There is confusion and hostility between us, which is not of God.

I know what I have to, and have started to do, but I really don't want to do it. I'm kicking & screaming inside. I'm bursting into tears in the middle of my work day. I feel alone and rejected. I'm scared that if I completely walk away from him that it will really be the end of us. I'm putting myself out there right now because I want deliverance. The thought of being completely without him is scary but I know that I have to step away and I am willing to accept God's will.

Please pray for my strength and confidence in my situation and in the Lord.
as I pray for all of your requests, that God brings the problems to a swift halt, and grants you all Peace of the holy spirit

I ask that you pray for me today and my exams this week, next week and in december. I am feeling overwhelmed with everything and drowning in work. Please pray for me, too.
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I am in desperate need of some blessings in the form of a healthy baby girl. I am the mother of 3 handsome boys, but my husband and I are going to start trying for our girl next month. So please,please remember us in your prays. TY
Please pray for me.

I am removing myself from a long term relationship that has been hurting me for some months now. I really love this person and have never felt this way about anyone. Anyone. The problem is that I know that he isn't the man God has for me. If he is the one, then he's not right now anyway. God would have to touch and change his heart and his mind. I know so because I am hurting, we keep fighting and we strongly disagree on a matter that is too important to ignore. There is confusion and hostility between us, which is not of God.

I know what I have to, and have started to do, but I really don't want to do it. I'm kicking & screaming inside. I'm bursting into tears in the middle of my work day. I feel alone and rejected. I'm scared that if I completely walk away from him that it will really be the end of us. I'm putting myself out there right now because I want deliverance. The thought of being completely without him is scary but I know that I have to step away and I am willing to accept God's will.

Please pray for my strength and confidence in my situation and in the Lord.

I have been here..... I will pray for you right now. I know how difficult this can be... Trust me, I know sis. Be encouraged and go on a good fast and just stay before the Lord as much as you can. Try to get away from everyone and everything familiar to you and just be in God's presence for a few days (if you have the time). God will speak to you and guide you in this situation. I will go before Him right now on your behalf.
I am in desperate need of some blessings in the form of a healthy baby girl. I am the mother of 3 handsome boys, but my husband and I are going to start trying for our girl next month. So please,please remember us in your prays. TY

I am sending up a prayer now.....Be encouraged sis!
Please keep me in your prayers. I have been having a pain in my side for a while now, and I haven't told anyone or gone to the doctor. I really don't know what it is but sometimes it wakes me up at night. I really need to go get it checked out, but I don't have time :ohwell:...I know I know. Its really bothering me because I don't know what it is.
I need your prayers. I was just betrayed by a "friend". This friend went behind my back and started dating an ex who I still had feelings for. I forgive both him and her but it hurts. Please pray for me and my situation.
I need your prayers. I was just betrayed by a "friend". This friend went behind my back and started dating an ex who I still had feelings for. I forgive both him and her but it hurts. Please pray for me and my situation.
I know that this is painful and I am so sorry that this happened to you. I indeed prayer for you joy and peace in the Lord to abound and that you will no longer be in pain over this situation or the persons involved.

God bless you; not just in words, but wherever you need it most. :giveheart:
Please put me in your prayers I have two big events coming up that will impact my career and I really need Gods favor. I am trusting Him to be faithful as He always has been and I know that if it is His will my miraculous breakthroughs will come to pass very soon.
Just want to add that I just said a prayer for you all too; stay encouraged and faithful in Christ. He is more than enough for us. God bless!
Please pray for my sister Jay who is going to see th cardiologist today at 3pm PST. Pray for healing and wellness. Pray for her son RA who is going through trouble with his dad. Pray that that relationship mends and RA can look up to his father.
Please pray for me to make the correct choices in life over the next couple of months. I am fighting with a lot of choices right now and I want to make the right ones in God's eyes! Thank you all!
Please pray for my husband and me as we are trying to conceive our first child. It is a huge step for us both and we definitely need the blessings of the Lord.
