
I've never posted on this forum before but I'm going through some issues and I really need prayer.

My Grandmother died recently and we were very close. She was the Matriarch of our family. She basically raised me and I could talk to her about anything. I felt like royalty when she was alive because of how well she was thought of in the community and our church circles. There was over 400 hundred people at the funeral.

Anyway, since I came back to Florida (She lived in Toronto) I've been feeling like the Devil sees that I'm not protected by her prayers anymore and I think he is trying to kill me. On the first day of the year I had a flood in my apartment, last Friday I hit someone in the back after my Girlfriend dreamed I'd get into an accident and today I narrowly averted not one, but TWO accidents (not my fault).

I'm scared because she was always there for me and I long to pick up the phone and talk to her because it seems like bad things are happening to me all the time now. I don't want to live in fear, and I'm trying to develop a better relationship with God. But I need your prayers for strength. I cry every single day, at home as soon as I wake up, on the way to work, at work...you get my drift. The pain just doesn't go away...

Also, pray for my family because we are all really lost. When I speak to most family members, it's like we are all in a daze, we all feel so abandoned and alone.
Camille said:

I've never posted on this forum before but I'm going through some issues and I really need prayer.

My Grandmother died recently and we were very close. She was the Matriarch of our family. She basically raised me and I could talk to her about anything. I felt like royalty when she was alive because of how well she was thought of in the community and our church circles. There was over 400 hundred people at the funeral.

Anyway, since I came back to Florida (She lived in Toronto) I've been feeling like the Devil sees that I'm not protected by her prayers anymore and I think he is trying to kill me. On the first day of the year I had a flood in my apartment, last Friday I hit someone in the back after my Girlfriend dreamed I'd get into an accident and today I narrowly averted not one, but TWO accidents (not my fault).

I'm scared because she was always there for me and I long to pick up the phone and talk to her because it seems like bad things are happening to me all the time now. I don't want to live in fear, and I'm trying to develop a better relationship with God. But I need your prayers for strength. I cry every single day, at home as soon as I wake up, on the way to work, at work...you get my drift. The pain just doesn't go away...

Also, pray for my family because we are all really lost. When I speak to most family members, it's like we are all in a daze, we all feel so abandoned and alone.

PLEASE don't feel like you are alone!!! That's just a trick of the enemy. Last year I lost BOTH of my grandmothers within 3 weeks. My family made a vow that we would ban together and not loose the "family" that my grandmothers worked so hard to create.

GOD IS WITH YOU! Keep your faith and never listen to that crap that the devil tries to tell you. It isn't true.

Isaiah 54:17:
no weapon forged against you will prevail,
and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.
This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD,
and this is their vindication from me,"
declares the LORD.

2 Thessalonians 3:3:
"But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil."

Joel 2:32:
"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call."

You and your family are the remnant. He still has His covering over. Please don't give up!
Please pray for my sons and their schooling. They have various things going on that I won't go into here, but they need the Lords covering and protection. Also for me to know how and what to talk to them about and to be receptive to what they need from me.
Camille said:
My Grandmother died recently and we were very close. She was the Matriarch of our family.
You've been in my prayers since you wrote this.

My relationship with my boyfriend is changing. A couple of days ago we had a disagreement that involved money and even though I really meant my apology, I know that only God and time can help the pain go away. Please pray that God's will be done in my relationship and that we both have the strength to endure any hurdles that may come to pass. Thank you for your prayers.
anky said:
You've been in my prayers since you wrote this.

My relationship with my boyfriend is changing. A couple of days ago we had a disagreement that involved money and even though I really meant my apology, I know that only God and time can help the pain go away. Please pray that God's will be done in my relationship and that we both have the strength to endure any hurdles that may come to pass. Thank you for your prayers.

Thanks. I pray that God will direct you in this. Matters of the heart are the hardest to let God take control of. :-)
I would like prayer for a healthy pregnancy. I'm a little worried now but I've prayed and the rest is in God's hands.
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Please pray for me. I have suffered from depression for so many years now. I would like to have some peace and happiness in my life and not be so lonely. Also I know this may sound petty but I would appreciate it if anyone would pray fro me to have a boyfriend as I am almost 22 and never had one or may be even just have a date for once? Thank you
Please pray for me I just moved to a new city and I can't get a job I left a very good job behind to join my family here. I have gone to over 8 interviews and 8 times I have ben rejected. My resume and experience is great but I don't know whats wrong with me. Its hard not to think negatively. I know God has something in store for me but I'm really discouraged. Sisters I need your prayers.
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I have a number of items that I would like you ladies to please present before the Lord:

1. Continued recovery (I recently had surgery)
2. Complete deliverance out of my current situation
3. Help to move out of my current living situation
4. My family
5. Decision to continue to draw closer to God.

Thank you ladies. The devil is trying to knock me down but the Bible says where two or three are gathered together in His name, He is there is there in the midst; so please join me in lifting up these requests to the Lord.
Good Evening Ladies,

I ask that you all lift me up in prayer. My husband and I have been trying to have a child and I was diagnosed with a condition called PCOS (long story). I have had ultrasounds, blood work, and have been to the doctor about 7 times within 5 months. I'm on my third doctor now but was refered to another doctor last week. I've even been put on fertility medicine. It's been a rough ride. Not only has us not getting pregnant been rough on our relationship, we've moved twice within a year both times across country since my husband is in the military and that has just added to our constant arguements and grudge holding.

I'm praying that the LORD strenghten our marriage and help us to realize that we need each other and that love will conquer all this negativity. Bless us with a healthy bundle of joy!! Lift our faith up!!

Thanks my Sisters,

Please pray for my family:
My youngest son's father is in intensive care and on a respirator. He has some kind of infection. Please pray for his healing and recovery. Also, my son who is only 3 has been with him for some time this week and may need to take antibiotics once they discover what type of infection his father has.

Thank you,
crlsweetie912 & baby42 I will keep you & your family lifted in my prayers. :)

I am asking for prayer for my transportation issues. Now that I've started school my car wants to act up. :nono: Thank you.
Suga I pray and I know that God will not leave you without the necessary tools, (transportation) to get where you need to go!

Thank you for your prayers. My son's father is now home from the hospital and doing well.

I ask for prayers for my mental peace of mind and that I get rid of this heavy spirit of lonliness that I am feeling. I feel like I have never been loved (besides God) and that I will never be loved. I just want to sleep forever.
Thank you crlsweetie912 for and everyone's prayers. :rosebud: My car is now fixed and running smoothly. :driver:

I will keep you crlsweetie912 in my prayers tonight. I'm so happy that your son's father is doing ok. My father suffered a massive heart attack, but thanks to all of your ladies prayers and God's power, he is doing well. :)

My only other prayer request is that my BF finds a job. :( He has been unemployed now for months. Sometimes I feel like giving up.

Thank you ladies.
please pray for my son he had a breakdown and hes only 22 its been very hard on him i pray that his mind get right thank you:) and please pray i meet some one and remarry i am very lonely and cant seem to meet the right kind of man
Please pray for me. I have alot of bitterness built up from many many misfortunate events that have happened to me since I have been in college and it is stifling my Christian walk. I feel miserable and depressed and angry and can't seem to get over things that people have done to me. I am trying really hard to get a new heart and forgive, but its not working. And I know that if I can't forgive, I am going to be stuck in this rut. :confused:
evagray said:
Please pray for me. I have alot of bitterness built up from many many misfortunate events that have happened to me since I have been in college and it is stifling my Christian walk. I feel miserable and depressed and angry and can't seem to get over things that people have done to me. I am trying really hard to get a new heart and forgive, but its not working. And I know that if I can't forgive, I am going to be stuck in this rut. :confused:

I know that Jesus can set you free from ALL your cares. :grin: The devil is a liar...He wants you to believe you can't forgive to keep you from getting to where you need to be. If God can show so much mercy, then why can't people forgive. If Jesus can die on calvary, you can do a way simpler thing like forgiving even if it's hard. I know how hard it can be to forgive, but once you've moved on--you'll see how relieved you will feel not to have such things as anger & bitterness eating you up daily. Let go and Let God. The Lord can speak to the rain and the wind and they will obey, He can heal the sick and raise the dead--so do you really think He can't pull you out of a little rut?:smirk: I'll pray for you, Evagray and you just keep praying too.
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evagray said:
Please pray for me. I have alot of bitterness built up from many many misfortunate events that have happened to me since I have been in college and it is stifling my Christian walk. I feel miserable and depressed and angry and can't seem to get over things that people have done to me. I am trying really hard to get a new heart and forgive, but its not working. And I know that if I can't forgive, I am going to be stuck in this rut. :confused:

I know that Jesus can set you free from ALL your cares. :grin: You know that you can't forgive--the devil is a liar...that's what he wants you to believe to keep you from getting to where you need to be. If God can show so much mercy, then why can't people forgive. If Jesus can die on calvary, you can do a way simpler thing like forgiving even if it's hard. I know how hard it can be to forgive, but once you've moved on--you'll see how relieved you will feel not to have such things as anger & bitterness eating you up daily. Let go and Let God. The Lord can speak to the rain and the wind and they will obey, He can heal the sick and raise the dead--so do you really think He can't pull you out of a little rut?:smirk: I'll pray for you, Evagray and you just keep praying too.
Please pray for my bf. He has been job searching for a while with no results. He is God-fearing but his faith is wavering during this time.

Thank you.
Hi Ladies,
I really need your prayers on this one. I'm trying to get into grad school (after MUCH procrastination). I've waited so long to do this that most deadlines have passed:( but I really believe that 2007 is a year of 'open doors':woot: . I'm believing GOD for a miracle for me to get accepted into a good med school, please believe with me on this. Its only with GOD's divine intervention will i be able to get in on time but I know that HE's not only able but WILLING:yay: !
I'm sure I'll start matriculating by Summer '07 as long as i keep my faith up :p
THANKS for ur prayers!!! I look forward to writing about my acceptance in the Praise Report thread;) . YAAAAY! (I'm so tickled, I feel like I'm already in)

I'm feeling led to say, for everyone who has placed a prayer request on this thread...PLEASE remember that GOD rewards faith (not tears and no need to bargain). so muster up great faith (not just little faith, cuz HE always rebuked HIS disciples for that) , keep believing GOD for what you're asking for and watch HIM meet you at the level of YOUR expectations.
luv y'all
please pray for my family as my Grandad died two nights ago. wer all in shock. we are a praying family and i believe your prayers will truely help.

thank you
Please pray for me. My situation in a nutshell is this - I'm upset with God and I hate feeling this way because its a contradiction in terms for me because I don't understand how I can feel this way about Him when He means the world to me. I know my provisions and purpose come from Him, but there is one area of my life that it seems like God isn't working in - at all. And its this area that is causing resentment to grow and fester in me towards God and I don't like it. I KNOW better...I KNOW God loves me and has my best interest at heart, but still....

Anyway, I feel like I'm rambling now....but thanks in advance for your prayers and God bless.
Pray for me as I take my Nclex exam for my RN license Monday. It has been a long journey and I praise God daily and for healing for my husband who is recovering from neck surgery.
I really need some closure this situation with my ex and our old landlady. My mind is tired, my body is tired and I just need things to work out in my favor and be done with so that I can move on for good.
Praise God I passed my test. I am officially a registered nurse:yay:
God is so good and I thank you all for your prayers.
Be Blessed And Be A Blessing.