:wave: God recently led me to begin a Christian based book club where we meet once a month to discuss books based on biblical truth. We started with "Power of the Praying Wife" by Stormie Omaritan. Please pray that all the members will commit to praying for their husband on a consistent basis and that God did not bring us together to just discuss books but to intercede and encourage one another. Thank you and your prayers are truly appreciated :)

God Bless You :)
I can't stop crying over a situatiton that I cannot control. I can only learn to control myself. Please ladies, pray for me. I need to get over an ended relationship but cannot stop butchering myself over what happened, or constantly guessing in my head "why". I wish everyday that I could call him and talk to him in a mature way. But I've talked to him enough during the relationship, what can I say now that would make a difference? I feel as though he hates me and yet he was my best friend, and he let me go. I can't run back to fix anything, it's over, and I need help moving on. Please ladies, I have to stop crying and sabotaging myself over our relationship. It pains me that he doesn't need me in his life. It's been almost 2 months now. Pray that God heals my broken heart. Pray that I learn to move on, because I'm sure he has.
Please pray for my nieces and nephew who lost their mother and now have to adjust to living in different environments.
Hello Good Morning Ladies of LHCF. I've been very hesitant in posting and asking for prayer but the Lord knows that I need it. As I sit here typing this I'm in tears. I ask that as I come to you with this prayer request that you will not be judgemental towards me. I have not been where I should these past few months, and it's really taking a toll on me mentally and spiritually. I try praying for myself but it seems as if I'm not doing it right. So I need all you prayer worriors to pray for me because my mistakes just seems too unbearable. It's hard for me to believe that God will forgive me for what I've done. I haven't been in able to go to church the way I want to because of it. I kept telling myself what was the point especially since I knew I wasn't ready to stop what I was doing. Well as of Saturday the decision was made to stop even though I still wasn't ready but it was a decision that had to be made and now the guilt is wieghing me down. So I'm asking you guys to pray that the Lord give me the strength to forgive myself and get past this feeling of guilt.

Thanks in Advance


I need your prayers. Today I go to my first doctor's appointment since finding out that I am pregnant. I am soooo excited, and nervous. See, a few years back I had a pregnancy that turned into a miscarriage, which resulted from a molar pregnancy (abnormal, and invasive cells). Well, the molar turned into a form of cancer called choriocarcinoma. After 6 months of chemo, I am find today!!!

So, you can understand why I am nervous about my appointment today. However, it doesn't stop there. The father of my baby and I were supposed to be married earlier this summer, but I called it off due to unresolved issues that NEEDED to be straightened out before the marriage took place. Well, in the mist of the "straightening out" we got pregnant. Now, my issue is how in the world do I deal with my family. We, he and I, are soooo happy about this blessing. We want to move forth with starting our family, but people, when I tell you that some close relatives may not be so supportive, that is the understatment. :eek: My fiance has moved to Cali and I am in the ATL. Therefore, we (me and the bambino) would have to move, but I am just about to close on a house, and he is in law school. Now, though our future may look bright, the next two-three years may be a little hectic, which is the grief I am going to get from my family. How do I handle this???? :(

That is why I need your prayers. I need prayers to soften hearts, to cover the pregnancy, and for GOD to prepare us mentally, spiritually, and financially to have this baby!
Please keep me in your prayers, I've to hear some issues in a few hrs that I'm uncertain about. Please help me pray that everything goes according to God's will whatever it is.
please pray that the devil is cast out of my workplace, I've gone through some serious drama at work the past week.

please pray for those that will be affected by hurricane rita
May the victims of the hurrcanes an tsunami be protected and helped.
Please pray that a window opens up for me career wise cause I'm frustrated with people holding me back/down struggling to get to get a chance because I could be doing so much more I just need one chance to prove it.
May all your prayers be answered as well.

gratia grazie gracias merci obrigado danke dank u takk de tack thank you вы 너를 감사하십시요 σας ευχαριστούμε 謝謝 谢谢
ありがとう الشكر, شكر děkujeme Vám DZIĘKI سپاسگزارى samalat =shukria

latin italian spanish french protuguese german dutch norwiegen sweedish english russian korean greek chinese traditional chinese simplified japanese arabic czech polish persian farsi tagalog urdu
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BLESSED1 said:
please pray that the devil is cast out of my workplace, I've gone through some serious drama at work the past week....

Things are much better now, thank you Jesus and thank you fellow prayer warriors...
I ask that you keep me in your prayers. I have gone through some major issues with school and my family. Also, keep my sister, family and fiance in your prayers.
Dear Lord,
I am one of the last persons who should be posting a prayer. I have made promises and promises to you that I would remain steadfast in prayer. Once again i failed You. I get so anxious and depressed when things do not go my way. I feel as though i have no self-worth. I know I should not focus on my past situations and that I need to rise above all of that. It is very difficult. I need your help all the time I can not do this by myself. Please help me Lord only You can help me. Please bless me with perserverance, patience, love,compassion and most of all wisdom. You know that these are amoung the desires of my heart. I want to change and to be a whole and to feel like I do not need I need anything else in my life. Yes I want to get married and live a good life but at the same time if I am blessed with a husband (the one you have blessed for me) that marriage will be right for me? I dont know Lord I just remember to always put you first in my life
I am sorry i forgot to mention that to please hear the prayers of all my sisters here and for all my family,friends and enemiesespecially my brother who really needs You in his life and to bless him with a wife blessed by You for him.
My son who is the light of my life needs your help to he is a teenager who is going thru the motions. He needs Your guidance, love and protection
I am so glad I have found this site. In fact I believe God led me here as I told him I was going to embark on this hair care journey and ask Him for direction.

Please say a prayer for me. So many things have been difficult and confusing in my life and I have been praying for God's guidance and help.

Please pray for my job. I have been promised a raise for a new position and they have not followed through. They even hinted that if and when they do it would be tiny even though my new responsibilities are more. I pray that they are fair with me.

Please pray for my immigration status. The story is too long to explain but the Lord knows my struggle.

Please pray that God guide me in my relationship. I have met the most amazing wonderful man who I believe could be my mate. However, things are not going smoothly. I pray the Lord guide me, because even though I love this person if this is not God's will then I know there can be no success.

Thank you for your kindness and prayers. God Bless you all.
Lucia said:
May the victims of the hurrcanes an tsunami be protected and helped.
Please pray that a window opens up for me career wise cause I'm frustrated with people holding me back/down struggling to get to get a chance because I could be doing so much more I just need one chance to prove it.
May all your prayers be answered as well.

gratia grazie gracias merci obrigado danke dank u takk de tack thank you вы 너를 감사하십시요 σας ευχαριστούμε 謝謝 谢谢
ありがとう الشكر, شكر děkujeme Vám DZIĘKI سپاسگزارى samalat =shukria

latin italian spanish french protuguese german dutch norwiegen sweedish english russian korean greek chinese traditional chinese simplified japanese arabic czech polish persian farsi tagalog urdu

I've studied and prepared myself and that's why I was frustrated when I just couldn't get things moving. But I've networked with different people and it looks like I might get chance at my dreamjob. Thanks and keep praying ladies.
Dear friends,

I have a prayer request. I dont know if I am asking for too much but I have a prayer for three people. One is my friend who right now seems to have lost faith in prayer. It made a little sad that she didnt think that it was effective. She is working two jobs and doesnt even have time to think about her future and I just feel like she is very unhappy. She works almost every day to help support her family, her father, and two younger siblings, while her father slips into depression and his health is not well. I just want for her to have hope in life and faith that God will see her though. I just wish that something good could happen so that she can enjoy life again and her father can get his joy back.

The second person is a friend who has mental health issues. I have tried to be there tirelessly for her, during her calls at all hours of the day and night, her repeated calls while I was at work, her hallucinations and everything. I told her we should go to church, and she said WE, when you start speaking french?? I realize I cant fight this for her and it is wearing me down because I have neglected myself. I just wish the Lord would touch her life, and help her get through.

The last person is myself. I am a worryer. I am trying to be positive and have hope and faith in God and his plan for me. I need strength to overcome all obstacles. I NEED MY JOY BACK. I want to smile and have joy even when times arent great. I want to rejoice even when the devil is trying to get me and say you WILL NOT TAKE MY JOY AWAY. I need help for strength to get myself healthy, to eat right, lose weight and have silly as it sounds to grow my hair and continue to fight.

I know these are a lot of prayers but I know prayer works. I pray these every day and night and even when I am walking down the street or working. Thank you all for listening. God bless you all.
Ladies, if I am not mistaken tomorrow we get together to fast and pray I will hold each of your prayer request up before the Lord to believe with you for what you ask.

I have a request: please pray for my nephew the boy has dropped out of High School, on probation and got the nerve to be smoking drugs, when he's not doing this he's sitting around sleeping all day his family just recently came to move with me, I'm trying to be patient with the child but he's lazy on top of everything else. Because of worrying about him my health problems are escalating (diabetes and CFS). Pray for my sister who's having problems on her job.

Thanks all, I appreciated your efforts.
BLESSED1 said:
Please pray for my friend's family. He was shot last night and died this morning. Thank you

Thank you for fulfilling the previous prayer request ;)

Please also if you have time, pray for me and my job situation. When I came in this morning I was greeted by my supervisor and a security guard who told me I had to leave immediately as I was to be suspended indefinitely. They wouldn't tell me why I was suspended and I'm confused because I haven't done anything wrong there nor do I know if this will lead to termination.

Thank you
oglorious1 said:
This is my first post in this thread...
I need your prayers and agreement, I am taking the last portion a test Math/Science portion, that the state of CA requires me to pass in order for me to pass, Ladies I have taken this test(particularly this section), at least three times and have been only a few points from passing, I need you prayers that I pass with at least 220(the minimum requirements), passing this portion(Math/Science) will allow me to quit my job and start my teaching career, which will double my income, and get my Master's degree, I am really desperate at this point and really really need all those PRAYER WARRIORS out there to send a special prayer up for me, the test is on March 19 at 7:30 AM....I am asking the LORD to give me the victory in this....and I surely claim the victory, I think that's all I have to "say" at this point...TIA and please continue to pray for me and I will continue to pray for you all...

May God Richly Bless You and All Your Families!!!

Update...I passed the test, PRAISE THE LORD!!!
One more thing my cousin needs your prayers, we heard her dad had a heart attack is on life support, her dad had an admin directive not to be on, so they're going to turn off life support today, and she is trying to make memorial arrangements, God still has the final say, so whatever God's will is please pray for her strength
My SO is trying to get a job promotion. He should hear back today. Please pray for him/us this will increase our finances and give him more opportunities.

Please pray with me as I also fast and pray.


Please pray for me and my family as we all have been sick lately. Also, please pray for me at my job as a lot of things are happening that have gotten me down.
Please pray for me . . . I have a huge decision to make regarding my career, and I truly need God's guidance. I don't want to act hastily.
On Jan 2, I quit that stupid door to door sales job and immediately found employment with a temp agency. I was only supposed to be working for the first client for two weeks but they liked me so much that they asked me to stay for a couple of more weeks. Then they asked me to stay until April because an employee was going on maternity leave.

This week I was offered a permanent position as a marketing admin assistant (right next to one of the VPs). I do have to apply and interview just like everyone else. I am asking for your prayers in hopes that I get this job. It is actually something I want to do. The only problem that I have with it is that I have to have a two year committment (my boyfriend is going to be all the way in KY one year and Iraq the next while I am in Arizona for two years :( ) But we can do this.

I have been very optimistic since I left New Orleans and got SO much help from you guys. Please pray that I get a permanent job that I love.

anky said:
On Jan 2, I quit that stupid door to door sales job and immediately found employment with a temp agency. I was only supposed to be working for the first client for two weeks but they liked me so much that they asked me to stay for a couple of more weeks. Then they asked me to stay until April because an employee was going on maternity leave.

This week I was offered a permanent position as a marketing admin assistant (right next to one of the VPs). I do have to apply and interview just like everyone else. I am asking for your prayers in hopes that I get this job. It is actually something I want to do. The only problem that I have with it is that I have to have a two year committment (my boyfriend is going to be all the way in KY one year and Iraq the next while I am in Arizona for two years :( ) But we can do this.

I have been very optimistic since I left New Orleans and got SO much help from you guys. Please pray that I get a permanent job that I love.

I pray that you receive all that you ask.