cybra said:
Hello everybody!

It was truly a blessing to read this thread, all the requests and all the answered prayers. If this doesn't keep you encouraged in your walk with Christ, I don't know what will.

I just request that you pray for my hubby who is currently in Paris for business. I am asking the Lord for traveling mercies for my spouse. BC, my hubby, loves the Lord with all his heart and I know the Lord is with him. But the Lord says, "Where two are gather together in agreement, I am in the midst." So, having others praying along in agreement is a good feeling.

I must admit, God is very good to this family and He never fails to answer our prayers one way or the other. Even if he didn't, I would still love him will all my mind, heart, and soul. He's a good God and he deserves all I can give him even if he didn't give me anything else.

Stay encouraged ladies, this life is but a vapor, it won't last forever so give God your best while you can. Keep me in prayer and I will do the same for you. Take care :kiss:

Hey Cybra, is your husband still away? I pray in agreement with you for his safety and for traveling mercies. Thank-you for the encouragement, Cybra. No matter what, God is still a good God. Be blessed! :rosebud:
ThickHair said:
A former friend just called to let me know her mother was in intensive care. Please pray for her family.

ETA: She passed away this morning 3/9/05.

May God comfort her family during this difficult time. Blessings! :rosebud:
honeylove316 said:
Please pray for me to have the courage and drive to do what I feel God has called me to do with my life. Please pray that my path is made clear. I have fought this for a long while and I know I need to do it, it is a gift that comes easily to me but I have been immobilized by fear of failure(or maybe fear of success, I don't know). I need to take that step, the first step being the hardest and most humbling- it will be a long and hard road, but it will be the best thing I've ever done. Be blessed.

Please know that God has not given you a spirit of fear. I find that the enemy really suppresses those who can bless others with the talents God gave them.
Proverbs 21:30 says "Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans shall succeed." I will pray that God strengthens you to move forward in what He would have you do. Be blessed! :rosebud:
Poohbear said:
Now I'm asking for another special prayer for my sister. I love her dearly and she's still having lots of problems... school, stress, guys, missing her son, and being sexually active. She's 18 and had her son right before she went into her freshman year in college. She's going into pharmacy. Last semester, she failed two classes and she's still struggling right now. She called me yesterday crying for help because she wants to change. I was glad to hear that because I felt like she was going down hill when she would tell me about guys she would have sex with that she wasn't even in a relationship with (even though that doesn't matter because it's wrong to do it before you're married). Please pray that she will be strong through her journey through college and let her know that she does not have to feel lonely if she allows Christ back into her heart. It seems like she strayed away from Him ever since she starting messing with this guy for over a year (her son's father) and he does nothing for their son. Throughout their relationship, he cheated on her constantly and never did anything for her. Also pray for her to have a clear mind, start respecting her body, and to raise her self-esteem to feel like she is worth something. Thank you.

Let's pray that God touches your sister's heart with the need to draw closer to Him. There are some situations that are too difficult to make it alone, and this is one of them. Let's pray that the Holy Spirit convicts your sister about certain things going on in her life. Only the Lord can change hearts. She seems to be battling depression, and I think we need to rebuke the enemy who is working overtime in her life. We should also pray that this young man is moved out of her life. He is a stumbling block for her. We will pray, asking and believing that God will move in her life, in Jesus' name. Be blessed! :rosebud:
oglorious1 said:
This is my first post in this thread...
I need your prayers and agreement, I am taking the last portion a test Math/Science portion, that the state of CA requires me to pass in order for me to pass, Ladies I have taken this test(particularly this section), at least three times and have been only a few points from passing, I need you prayers that I pass with at least 220(the minimum requirements), passing this portion(Math/Science) will allow me to quit my job and start my teaching career, which will double my income, and get my Master's degree, I am really desperate at this point and really really need all those PRAYER WARRIORS out there to send a special prayer up for me, the test is on March 19 at 7:30 AM....I am asking the LORD to give me the victory in this....and I surely claim the victory, I think that's all I have to "say" at this point...TIA and please continue to pray for me and I will continue to pray for you all...

May God Richly Bless You and All Your Families!!!

Done!! Study and pray. I am praying and asking God to give you the victory, in Jesus' mighty name! Be blessed, sweetie!! :rosebud:
19sweetie said:
Hello ladies. This past year has been something else for me. Despite the highs my family and I have encountered, there have been tremendous lows. My mother has been working herself to death for so long now, trying to make ends meet and I'm so worried about her health right now. She told me a few months ago that I was her best friend and we are like sisters to each other, only born quite a few years apart. I just worry so much about her. Please pray for her. Also, I need prayer for my relationship with Him right now. I was saved a few weeks ago and it's almost as if the devil is trying to throw all these obstacles in my way, trying to make things extremely difficult for me. I broke things off with my bf and I'm about to go crazy with everything that's been going on with me. Being on this board calms me down and I love listening to what everyone has to say here. Will everyone please pray for my mental and spiritual health, along with my mother's. I know God has already taken care of it and everyone else's problems as well.

Stand bold! As a new creation in Christ, please know that the enemy will seek to discourage the most by throwing obstacles of all kinds in your way. But be firm in your convictions. No matter what you see happening around you, God is still in control. Know it and believe it! I will pray for God to extend His hand of healing over your mother, that He may bless her financially, and I pray that you stay anchored in Jesus. Don't let anything shake your faith. You are being tested, sis. I'll keep praying for you. Blessings, sweetie! :kiss:
Millie_C said:
Hi all,

I truly am in need of your prayers for my familly. One of my sisters and her husband just lost a baby (miscarriage) last week and my grandfather died this week.

There is also some spiritual warefare that is going on in my life. Has anyone ever experienced night presses (thats the best way I know how to describe it). I've experienced these and would like prayer against them and if anyone know anything about these things please PM me.

I've decided to truly seek after God last year but it just seems like things have been thrown in my way to divert my attention, to the extent that I just feel overwhelmed most of the time. Please pray that I get my act together.

I also have to confront my boss today about an issue and I would like your support in prayer, please.

Thank you all. Thank God for you all.

I can't say that I really know what night presses are. Is it being asleep and feeling that someone is pressing you into the mattress? That happened to me once many years ago, and I started praying Psalm 23, and half way through the psalm, that evil spirit had to release me. I felt as if I were being smothered. Memorize Psalm 54. There are other very good Psalms as well, but this one stands out in my mind. Years later, I now sleep with my bible open to different Psalms nightly on my nightstand or on my bed with me. It's a habit my mother has always had, and I picked it up late in life. :lol:

May God comfort your sister and her husband, and your entire family during this very difficult time. My sister also recently had a miscarriage, and it was devastating. And a death in the family just makes it even harder to deal with, but God is able to heal all hurts.

I will pray that God strengthens you in your walk with Him. Pray and read the word daily. This is vital to your walk with the Lord. Keep your focus on Jesus always, no matter how difficult things may get. Have faith that God is able to see you through. Be blessed, hon! :rosebud:
I would like for members to pray for my little brother. He is smelling himself and not being around the best crowd.
I would like you all to please pray for me and my family. Please pray for my cousin. She has Lupis and the last I heard she was not doing to well. Please pray for Me and my familys finances. Please pray for all of are health to stay good. Please pray for are company that were trying to start to be successful. Thank You all, and God Bless
I will keep you all in my prayers.

God we pray for your healing power for everyone on this board who is facing illnesses and conditions. You are the Healer and we believe Your report! In Jesus name, Amen.
Please pray for me I feel like I am under attack. I feel so confused and unfocused. I'm praising and praying constantly,but I still can't seem to shake these negative feelings. My mind is running 100 mph. I have these feelings that no one loves me and I'm a failure and my life is never gonna get better. Everytime I make a connection with God there is this horrible force trying to pull me away. It's like I'm up one minute down the next. I know I am annointed and I have power, but right now I just feel weak. Please Pray for me! I need my mind to be freed! I hope I have made sense, it was a struggle to type this.
mswinni said:
Please pray for me I feel like I am under attack. I feel so confused and unfocused. I'm praising and praying constantly,but I still can't seem to shake these negative feelings. My mind is running 100 mph. I have these feelings that no one loves me and I'm a failure and my life is never gonna get better. Everytime I make a connection with God there is this horrible force trying to pull me away. It's like I'm up one minute down the next. I know I am annointed and I have power, but right now I just feel weak. Please Pray for me! I need my mind to be freed! I hope I have made sense, it was a struggle to type this.

I completely understand. It is a trick of the enemy, make no mistake. You are involved in a spiritual warfare. When you are praising and praying you are on the right track, but you also make yourself a target of the devil. Remember, he doesn't care to see you advance in your walk with Christ. Stand bold, my sister! I will pray that the Lord silences the voice of the devil in your mind who is trying to bring you down with these negative thoughts. You are an overcomer. Be blessed, sweetie! :kiss:
pebbles said:
I completely understand. It is a trick of the enemy, make no mistake. You are involved in a spiritual warfare. When you are praising and praying you are on the right track, but you also make yourself a target of the devil. Remember, he doesn't care to see you advance in your walk with Christ. Stand bold, my sister! I will pray that the Lord silences the voice of the devil in your mind who is trying to bring you down with these negative thoughts. You are an overcomer. Be blessed, sweetie! :kiss:

Thank you Pebbles! I will not give up, I have come too far!
mswinni said:
Please pray for me I feel like I am under attack. I feel so confused and unfocused. I'm praising and praying constantly,but I still can't seem to shake these negative feelings. My mind is running 100 mph. I have these feelings that no one loves me and I'm a failure and my life is never gonna get better. Everytime I make a connection with God there is this horrible force trying to pull me away. It's like I'm up one minute down the next. I know I am annointed and I have power, but right now I just feel weak. Please Pray for me! I need my mind to be freed! I hope I have made sense, it was a struggle to type this.

Been there and still walking through. I certainly will be praying for you and hope you'll do the same for me. I can tell you of 2 messages that were sent to me as I go through the same thing your experiencing.
*Satans most common battlefield is your mind.
*Check your thoughts with the Word of God. If you're like me you will find that you are thinking more of yourself and situation rather than God and His provision.

Although I feel like I know what to do, there are days that I still feel like I'm going under. But one thing I've been telling myself that would probably help you, is that my feelings may be convincing but only God's word is truth and that is what I'll believe. I don't know you personally but I love you because you are God's perfect creation. Girl you even look like your Heavenly Daddy (we were all made in His image and likeness). I can also tell you that you must be destined because the enemy doesn't fight dead soldiers. One of my favorite verses says something like this "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not"
Millie_C said:
Been there and still walking through. I certainly will be praying for you and hope you'll do the same for me. I can tell you of 2 messages that were sent to me as I go through the same thing your experiencing.
*Satans most common battlefield is your mind.
*Check your thoughts with the Word of God. If you're like me you will find that you are thinking more of yourself and situation rather than God and His provision.

Although I feel like I know what to do, there are days that I still feel like I'm going under. But one thing I've been telling myself that would probably help you, is that my feelings may be convincing but only God's word is truth and that is what I'll believe. I don't know you personally but I love you because you are God's perfect creation. Girl you even look like your Heavenly Daddy (we were all made in His image and likeness). I can also tell you that you must be destined because the enemy doesn't fight dead soldiers. One of my favorite verses says something like this "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not"

Thank you Millie.....I will be praying for you as well. What you said about me thinking more about myself and situation is right on point! I had to check myself today beacuse it seems like everyone around me is getting good news and positive things are happening for them and they're not even trying to do right, but I feel like I'm getting nothing and going no where. I immediately began to praise God to remove that demon from my mind. It gets hard at times, but becuse I know where my help and strength come from I know I can make it. It's good to know I'm not in this fight alone. Let's continue to pray for each other. God is too good for us not to press foward. I love you and don't ever give up! :) :)
What a blessing to have come across this thread. :angel:

I wanted to ask fo a prayer request for my Grandpa Joe who is dealing with lung cancer. I will keep all you ladies in my prayers as well. Thank you and God Bless You All. :kiss:
sugaplum said:
What a blessing to have come across this thread. :angel:

I wanted to ask fo a prayer request for my Grandpa Joe who is dealing with lung cancer. I will keep all you ladies in my prayers as well. Thank you and God Bless You All. :kiss:

Consider it done. Be blessed! :rosebud:
Pleas pray for my SO. He has been trying to get a job and has been having the hardest time.

The reason it is so hard is because he is a student and goes to church on Fridays and Saturdays (as per his religion) and the places where most student get part-time jobs is retail and restaurants, many of which don't want to hire him because Fridays and Saturdays are their busiest days.

He is starting to get very frustrated.
pebbles said:
Consider it done. Be blessed! :rosebud:

God Bless You Pebbles.....:kiss: Thank you.

What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privelege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.
I posted a couple of weeks ago about me being under attack. I just ask that you continue to pray with me and for me. As soon as I start to see things a little clearer and get my head together to move forward I get hit with another car was reposessed this morning. That worst part of all is that it was in my dad's name. I feel so bad and I was trying really hard to prevent this from happening. I really don't want him to hate me.....we just re-united in the last couple of years (parents couldn't get along). I need strength to endure this....please pray for me. I know this is only a test.

Thank you!!!!!
I can't really talk about it, but I'm going through something that is draining me mentally. Please please pray for me.
Update on my test results, I missed it by TWO points, so please continue to pray, that I get the 220 points I need....
Please pray for my dad.

He had surgery about 14 days ago to repair an aortic distention (sp)-this is the condition that killed John Ritter.

He's had complication ever since. First he had Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia, which is a rare allergic reaction to the Heparin-this is given to patients to thin out their blood after sugery. This condition caused his palettes to go down to 7 (normal is 150,000). Palettes are what help your blood clot so you don't bleed to death. He's getting bad circulation and his right foot, left toes and right thumb will need to be amputated.

We learned after his cat scan on Friday that he has suffered a stroke and that's the reason why he not responding to any stimuli.

I'm asking for prayers for his health...but mostly for prayers that he not be scared. I'm in Illinois and he's in Florida and the nearest family memer is 4 hours away and elderly. I went to visit him this weekend and I'm going to go back as soon as I can.

I know he's still with us because when I talked to him...tears well up in his eyes. I told him not to be scared, just concentrate on getting better.
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Someone please pray for me.

My job situation is out of control right now.

Long story short, I found a listing for my position on my boss's desk and on several job sites.

Eventually my boss decided to tell me about her search for my replacement.

She said it was because she needed someone full-time (I work 4 days of the week) but after talking with the only other person that works here, I know that's not the truth.

Yesterday I had to sit here while she and the other person interviewed someone and act as if nothing was wrong. I am fielding calls/emails and faxes from people applying for *MY* job.

It's disheartening, discouraging, depressing and rude.

On top of that I am desperately searching for a new job so that I am not left unemployed once she finds someone. I have too many bills to be unemployed.

I fear that I will not be able to draw unemployment either because technically I am considered self-employed ( a long drawn out story).

Will you guys help me pray that my job search will be fruitful, that I find a new position immediately, in my chosen career field(s), with my desired salary?

I sent out resumes last week and have heard nothing. A friend put me in touch with someone at another comapny but when I went in for an informal interview, I realized the person was more interesed in making new "friends" (if you catch my drift) than helping me find a new job.

I just sent my resume to another contact I have and I'm hoping something comes of this. I will also continue to send out resumes.

Just please pray for me. I'm so discouraged, stressed, confused and worried.

Sorry this was so long.

Thank you.:)


Not 5 minutes after I posted this did I get a call from a person I've worked with previously. I'd sent him my resume right before posting this and he called me back and I have an interview Monday!

Okay y'all pray my interview goes well! :lol:

I will keep all of you and your families/friends in my prayers!
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PaperDoll...your post had me in tears. That is such a stressfull situation to be in.

I KNOW that your interview is going to go well, because He already stepped in and showed that He heard.
Please pray for me and my mom...

I am new to the site and I just wanted to share my testimony and ask for prayer requests:

I am from Texas and have been living in Pennsylvania for almost 6 yrs now (this includes 4 years in college). My dad passed away (he was 53) in October and since January I have been financially supporting my mom (who is still in Texas). Although I am not the only child (I have two older brothers- 38yrs. old and 37 yrs. old), I am the only one helping because I have the best job, no children, youngest (I am 25), etc. My brothers have tried to use my mom financially, not HELP her (one of my brothers "borrowed 2,000 from her in January and has yet to pay her back).

Along with my rent (over 750 per month), my utilities, car payment, insurance and student loans, I am also sending my mom money weekly just to get her through. I can only afford to send about $950 per month and that's not enough for her to live on and her house note. To "remy" this, I have recently gotten a part time job to help raise money for my mom's mortgage. So I am working from 7-3 at a pharmaceutical company as a scientist and from 4-10 at a hospital. But God is so good! Even though I have been doing this, God has been holding me up through all of it. Through the 16 hour days and applying to medical school, God has given me strength that I did not know I had in me. He gave me a great boyfriend who is also helping out financially and has no qualms about it. In fact, he urges me to be there for my mom. I know that God will continue to be there for my mom and me, but I need prayers.

Right now she is searching for a job and I know that she will get one. Just wanted to share my testimony and praise God! If yall could, please pray that she can get a job and help pay her bills. I am scared that our house might be foreclosed but I do have faith.

Thank you!