star said:
Prayer for James to be delivered from lust problem, drugs, gambling and any other weakness in the name of Jesus. That God would use Him for His glory. :)

Absolutely! The enemy is diligently seeking and devouring all whom he can, and we need to be on our knees beating him back with our prayers. I will pray for James, that the Lord will arrest him in his tracks, and turn him around to walk upright before the Father. Be blessed! :rosebud:
Kei said:
She's gone, they just called. My spiritual mother is gone.

I am so sorry, Kei. I pray that GOD blows a wind of comfort over you, her husband, and your entire congregation. Take comfort that she was a woman of GOD and she will go to heaven. Thank God for the time He blessed you to have her in your life. Death is not the end, but the separation of body and spirit. Psalm 116:15 says: "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." She went on home to glory to be with her heavenly Father, and we know that you will see her again. Much love, (((hugs))), and blessings to you! :rosebud:
Thank you pebbles I have an unbelievible headache. She had a way about her. I'm BLessed to have her in my life.
pebbles said:
We serve a mighty God, who is able to make a way out of no way! I pray in agreement with you that your family's financial needs be met, in Jesus' name! Be blessed! :rosebud:

Thanks so much Pebbles! I know the Lord will make a way!:)
pebbles said:
We are going to pray on it, knowing and believing that God is able to do all things! Healing is yours, in Jesus' name. Lay hands on yourself and declare healing over your body. I'm in agreement with you! Be faithful and continue to seek God daily for all your needs, as I will pray for you also, and nothing we ask the father will be beyond your reach. He can do it! Be blessed! :rosebud:

Thank you Pebbles and swle! I believe that I will be healed. :)

Kei, I am sorry for your loss. God will help you through this.
Please pray for my 19 year old brother....

he has been living with me for free for three months. he owes me over $1,000 in rent, bills, and groceries. he just started getting back on his feet until he got pulled over by 4 police one night when he was hanging with his white friends. They charged him with wreckless driving and attempted assault of an officer by using his car as a weapon (ITS A LONG STORY). He'll have points on his liscense which means his insurance will go up and he'll have to pay court costs and lawyer cost in order to keep his driver's liscense. So please pray for our financial circumstances right now.
Poohbear said:
Please pray for my 19 year old brother....

he has been living with me for free for three months. he owes me over $1,000 in rent, bills, and groceries. he just started getting back on his feet until he got pulled over by 4 police one night when he was hanging with his white friends. They charged him with wreckless driving and attempted assault of an officer by using his car as a weapon (ITS A LONG STORY). He'll have points on his liscense which means his insurance will go up and he'll have to pay court costs and lawyer cost in order to keep his driver's liscense. So please pray for our financial circumstances right now.

What a difficult situation. I will pray that God blesses you and keeps you during this difficult time. I pray that He brings financial increase to you to help you carry your responsibilities. I will also pray for your brother, that the Lord will take control of his life, and that your brother gains some sense of direction in his life. Be blessed! :rosebud:
pebbles said:
What a difficult situation. I will pray that God blesses you and keeps you during this difficult time. I pray that He brings financial increase to you to help you carry your responsibilities. I will also pray for your brother, that the Lord will take control of his life, and that your brother gains some sense of direction in his life. Be blessed! :rosebud:

You know what's neat? I got home around the time you posted this and I found $600 on my laptop. So now he owes me around $575. Prayer works!
Yes, praise Him! Please keep me in prayer also, for the power to stand up against things that are not of God. I've been tested alot recently, and I want to stand firm.
melodee said:
Yes, praise Him! Please keep me in prayer also, for the power to stand up against things that are not of God. I've been tested alot recently, and I want to stand firm.

Absolutely! The one thing that I do know is that as you seek a closer, more pure walk with Jesus, the enemy will throw obsticles in your way like never before. But stand firm! Let me leave you with this quote: :kiss:

"For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do–living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. But they will have to give account to HIM who is ready to judge the living and the dead."-1 Peter 4:3-5
Please pray for my friend. He's going through a very rough time right now with child custody issues, divorce, and loss of a job. He has been talking about taking his life. I know that God has a great plan for his life and the devil is seeking to destroy him. I don't know what to say to my friend, but I have been praying that God will give him comfort and peace and help him to see his way out of his current circumstance.
I decided at the turn of the year, this was going to be my year of making a difference in my life where it came to my work situation. I'm very much tired of working for other people and feel now is the time to branch out and set up business for myself.

Anyway. I'm applying for VAT (tax) registration today, and then once that's through I'm applying for a business account with one of the largest distributors in the country. Ladies please pray for me that my application is accepted. Only the Lord knows how many trials and errors I've done when it comes to business now I finally found the opportunity and feel this can be my ticket out of the corporate world.

Thanks so much in advance.
nicki23 said:
Please pray for my friend. He's going through a very rough time right now with child custody issues, divorce, and loss of a job. He has been talking about taking his life. I know that God has a great plan for his life and the devil is seeking to destroy him. I don't know what to say to my friend, but I have been praying that God will give him comfort and peace and help him to see his way out of his current circumstance.

I will pray that God reveals to him a direction for his life. Is he a believer? If so, he needs to be in church where the saints can lay hands on him and pray him through this difficult time. Talks of suicide should not be taken lightly. Be blessed! :rosebud:
LondonDiva said:
I decided at the turn of the year, this was going to be my year of making a difference in my life where it came to my work situation. I'm very much tired of working for other people and feel now is the time to branch out and set up business for myself.

Anyway. I'm applying for VAT (tax) registration today, and then once that's through I'm applying for a business account with one of the largest distributors in the country. Ladies please pray for me that my application is accepted. Only the Lord knows how many trials and errors I've done when it comes to business now I finally found the opportunity and feel this can be my ticket out of the corporate world.

Thanks so much in advance.

Pray on it, LD. Seek God for the direction He wants you to go in. I'll be praying for you as well. Blessings, sweetie! :rosebud:
I'd like to ask all the ladies of the board who are prayer warriors to lift my son up in prayer. On Wed. he had to have emergency surgery on his intestines. His small intestine had just about lost all circulation and if he had not had surgery he would not have made it. He is stabilized and in ICU. The setbacks that have come our way since his suregery (infection, lost of blood during surgery and having to have a blood transfusion, high fever, swelling, etc) he's still a fighter and holding on. I just ask for you to lift him up. I believe he is already healed and all is well. And I thank you all in advance for covering him. He's 20 months old (will be 2 in June) and his name is Jabari.

God bless!
I will lift Jabari and your entire family up in prayer, Justicewifey. Pray and believe that God has healed him, as will I. Be blessed and at peace, sis. :rosebud:
pebbles said:
I will lift Jabari and your entire family up in prayer, Justicewifey. Pray and believe that God has healed him, as will I. Be blessed and at peace, sis. :rosebud:

Thank you very much for your prayers, I appreciate that so much! God bless.
pebbles said:
Pray on it, LD. Seek God for the direction He wants you to go in. I'll be praying for you as well. Blessings, sweetie! :rosebud:

Thanks Pebbles. I don't what kind of praying you've been doing, but I got some good news that a co-worker i'm none to fond of is moving depts in 3 weeks and it's totally lifted my spirits which was actually having a hand in how much longer I could stand here. He's very negative and it was a affecting my moods daily where I had to take a day off just to avoid him. It doesn't mean I'm not going to pursue my business, but less bad thoughts about this particular person are going through my head. I guess he does work in mysterious ways. :grin:

I'm so freakin happy :clap: I haven't been this happy in weeks.
That is wonderful! :clap: You know, it's good that he's being moved out of the way. Release any bad feelings you have for him. That way, God can move mightily in your life and bless you as you wouldn't believe. :)
Hello everybody!

It was truly a blessing to read this thread, all the requests and all the answered prayers. If this doesn't keep you encouraged in your walk with Christ, I don't know what will.

I just request that you pray for my hubby who is currently in Paris for business. I am asking the Lord for traveling mercies for my spouse. BC, my hubby, loves the Lord with all his heart and I know the Lord is with him. But the Lord says, "Where two are gather together in agreement, I am in the midst." So, having others praying along in agreement is a good feeling.

I must admit, God is very good to this family and He never fails to answer our prayers one way or the other. Even if he didn't, I would still love him will all my mind, heart, and soul. He's a good God and he deserves all I can give him even if he didn't give me anything else.

Stay encouraged ladies, this life is but a vapor, it won't last forever so give God your best while you can. Keep me in prayer and I will do the same for you. Take care :kiss:
A former friend just called to let me know her mother was in intensive care. Please pray for her family.

ETA: She passed away this morning 3/9/05.
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Please pray for me to have the courage and drive to do what I feel God has called me to do with my life. Please pray that my path is made clear. I have fought this for a long while and I know I need to do it, it is a gift that comes easily to me but I have been immobilized by fear of failure(or maybe fear of success, I don't know). I need to take that step, the first step being the hardest and most humbling- it will be a long and hard road, but it will be the best thing I've ever done. Be blessed.
Now I'm asking for another special prayer for my sister. I love her dearly and she's still having lots of problems... school, stress, guys, missing her son, and being sexually active. She's 18 and had her son right before she went into her freshman year in college. She's going into pharmacy. Last semester, she failed two classes and she's still struggling right now. She called me yesterday crying for help because she wants to change. I was glad to hear that because I felt like she was going down hill when she would tell me about guys she would have sex with that she wasn't even in a relationship with (even though that doesn't matter because it's wrong to do it before you're married). Please pray that she will be strong through her journey through college and let her know that she does not have to feel lonely if she allows Christ back into her heart. It seems like she strayed away from Him ever since she starting messing with this guy for over a year (her son's father) and he does nothing for their son. Throughout their relationship, he cheated on her constantly and never did anything for her. Also pray for her to have a clear mind, start respecting her body, and to raise her self-esteem to feel like she is worth something. Thank you.
This is my first post in this thread...
I need your prayers and agreement, I am taking the last portion a test Math/Science portion, that the state of CA requires me to pass in order for me to pass, Ladies I have taken this test(particularly this section), at least three times and have been only a few points from passing, I need you prayers that I pass with at least 220(the minimum requirements), passing this portion(Math/Science) will allow me to quit my job and start my teaching career, which will double my income, and get my Master's degree, I am really desperate at this point and really really need all those PRAYER WARRIORS out there to send a special prayer up for me, the test is on March 19 at 7:30 AM....I am asking the LORD to give me the victory in this....and I surely claim the victory, I think that's all I have to "say" at this point...TIA and please continue to pray for me and I will continue to pray for you all...

May God Richly Bless You and All Your Families!!!
Hello ladies. This past year has been something else for me. Despite the highs my family and I have encountered, there have been tremendous lows. My mother has been working herself to death for so long now, trying to make ends meet and I'm so worried about her health right now. She told me a few months ago that I was her best friend and we are like sisters to each other, only born quite a few years apart. I just worry so much about her. Please pray for her. Also, I need prayer for my relationship with Him right now. I was saved a few weeks ago and it's almost as if the devil is trying to throw all these obstacles in my way, trying to make things extremely difficult for me. I broke things off with my bf and I'm about to go crazy with everything that's been going on with me. Being on this board calms me down and I love listening to what everyone has to say here. Will everyone please pray for my mental and spiritual health, along with my mother's. I know God has already taken care of it and everyone else's problems as well.
Hi all,

I truly am in need of your prayers for my familly. One of my sisters and her husband just lost a baby (miscarriage) last week and my grandfather died this week.

There is also some spiritual warefare that is going on in my life. Has anyone ever experienced night presses (thats the best way I know how to describe it). I've experienced these and would like prayer against them and if anyone know anything about these things please PM me.

I've decided to truly seek after God last year but it just seems like things have been thrown in my way to divert my attention, to the extent that I just feel overwhelmed most of the time. Please pray that I get my act together.

I also have to confront my boss today about an issue and I would like your support in prayer, please.

Thank you all. Thank God for you all.