I just wanted to say thank you to all the ladies who prayed for my Uncle's Cancer condition. :rosebud:

I wanted to make a prayer request for all the ladies on the LHCF. God Bless You All. :kiss:
I am asking prayer for a friend of mine. She quit her job a few months ago and started working for a temp agency. Well that job has ended and now she is six weeks behind in her rent. Her landlord told her to be out of his house by the first of julyI want to tell her to come stay with me, but I'm trying to move soon myself and I also live about fifty miles away from her. She is a single mother with a six year old son. She is also attending school. She is feeling really down and worthless right now. Please remember her in your prayers. Her name is Rose.
ladydee36330 said:
I am asking prayer for a friend of mine. She quit her job a few months ago and started working for a temp agency. Well that job has ended and now she is six weeks behind in her rent. Her landlord told her to be out of his house by the first of julyI want to tell her to come stay with me, but I'm trying to move soon myself and I also live about fifty miles away from her. She is a single mother with a six year old son. She is also attending school. She is feeling really down and worthless right now. Please remember her in your prayers. Her name is Rose.
Lord, I ask that you intercede for Rose, her son and ask that You take care of them. Lord, I also ask that you bless the friends and family, who think so much of Rose and her welfare. Please allow them to be able to help Rose in anyway she may need it.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

I am asking for a prayer this morning. I have been really stressed over a matter at my job. I love my job, love what I do, but I have been dealing with some major issues here for over a year. I was out yesterday, came to work to be greeted by a bunch of nasty emails.

Please pray; I'm at my wit's end and I'm stressing right now.
webby said:
Lord, I ask that you intercede for Rose, her son and ask that You take care of them. Lord, I also ask that you bless the friends and family, who think so much of Rose and her welfare. Please allow them to be able to help Rose in anyway she may need it.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Amen. :rosebud:
webby said:

I am asking for a prayer this morning. I have been really stressed over a matter at my job. I love my job, love what I do, but I have been dealing with some major issues here for over a year. I was out yesterday, came to work to be greeted by a bunch of nasty emails.

Please pray; I'm at my wit's end and I'm stressing right now.

Father God, in the precious name of Jesus, I pray that you assist Webby today on her job. Let her know that you're right there with her and give her the strength and peace to make it throughout the rest of her day. Shed light on her situation and let it be resolved, while in the meantime learning the lesson out of all of it.

Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Please join me in prayer:
I had listed my prayers here but for some reason felt that i shld keep them private except this one: that the Lord strengthen me in His word and teach me to seek him 24/7
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Please pray for me as I get through this International Politcal Economics class. This class is very vague and the instructor isn't a very good teacher. He's very conceited and always brags about how knowledgeable he is but can't teach a lick. I only have 4 more days with him and my grade in the class is not looking very good at all. Please pray that I at least get a C+ in his class. I hate anything below a B with a passion, but that grade is all I can hope for right now after he threw a very hard test on us Thursday afternoon. :(
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your prayers. I am continuing to stay in prayer, fighting depression as I type, but I would be remiss if I didn't take a moment to acknowledge you all for your prayers.

Thank you so much!
1. Family - spiritually free financial stable. Remaining family.
2. Destiny - TV Show like O, TB Expert, INSP support.
3. James & Son stop harassment salvation.
4. Paul & Annie be fair; destiny at job work & leadership.
5. Pastor & Wife grow up in God; fasting & praying clinics
6. Carol & her husband for his salvation; Carol's friend Jill
7. Mom and Dad situation of finances.
8. Ray, Veronica, and Rose to touch there lives.
9. Not saved, world wide, hunger, widow, orphans, President, world leaders Churches of Jesus Christ.
10. Money J & LC & CEO; my skin totally healed.
I would like to request prayer from you ladies in the Christian Forum.

I am having a lot of problems with my boyfriend of over 2 years. Please pray that God's will for my life be done. I would like the relationship to work out, and my boyfriend is literally on the CUSP of being saved. (And you know how Satan attacks this). I have spoken to my pastor about the situation and He advised me to fast and pray and then fast and pray some more. I'm doing just that. Please join me in prayer. I thought this would be the man I would marry someday.

Also, I am requesting prayer for my mother's finances. We are having a hard time keeping everything paid since my dad died last fall and she is not working right now. I am helping her out financially and trying to help myself.

Thank you for your prayers. I know that God hears us so I will reply back with the outcomes. Because I still believe in miracles! :)
Prayers needed

I'm a bit hesitant in asking for prayer because I have been blessed many times over. I feel there are people out there in dire need of prayer in comparison to my issues.

My life isn't horrible, but it seems as if my blessings are being blocked and my life has come to a complete standstill. My life is just one steady boring rhythm. Nothing to look forward to and it seems the closer I get to the "prize" God pulls it back even further out of reach.

I pray constantly and it seems nothing changes. For starters, I truly believe the devil has a foothold on my love life. Last year my 6 year relationship ended in chaos and since then it's as if God is testing me or the devil has taken over because I get the worse of the worse. I've literally given up meeting men. It doesn't help that here I am a year later after my breakup feeling as if it just happened yesterday.

Also, I am going through job issues. I do not like my job/position because I am no longer challenged. I am so capable of so much more and I would like to stay with the company, but career advancement is limited. Just recently I applied for a management position within my department and I have been diligently praying it's in God's favor for me to have this job. Getting this job will open so many doors for me career wise and financially.

I'd be lying if i said I was depressed, but I am on the verge of depression. I'm just not happy with the state of my life at the moment. I keep telling myself obviously there are reasons why God has completely blocked my blessings, but it doesn't change the fact I am growing impatient.

Last year during one of my low points in life as if God had a hand in it I discovered the book "The Power of a Praying Woman" by Stormie Omartian. I read that book from cover to cover applying it's principles to my life. Almost overnight my life changed and the blessings began pouring in.

Sadly this time around I think I need a little more than the book. Please pray for my situations and my sanity.
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May 29, 2005

Legs 71 :)

I too am going through a LOT in my personal life just now, and GOD knows that I am TRULY experiencing a 'season' for my soul. HOWEVER, I am holding on for a better day, and I want to encourage you to also KEEP praying because IMHO, GOD does hear you :yep: and HE WILL answer your prayers. BUT, the only thing is that GOD does things when HE wants to do them and on HIS timeframe :) And above all, you MUST remain patient :yep:... God will NOT forget about you girl. Don't say you want or need, but ASK God for help and what you need......Make your prayers specific. And IF you have to, take a book or journal and WRITE down the specific prayers of your heart so they can go out into the universe and so they will be manifes themselves.....That is what I am doing currently.

KEEP ON TRUCKIN' GOD won't let you down :) . Just remember, this is a 'season' unto your soul...With GOD, time, belief, and continual prayer, things WILL get better, okay? DON'T GIVE UP :kiss:!!!!!

Later :rosebud:
Lena_1961 said:
May 29, 2005

Legs 71 :)

I too am going through a LOT in my personal life just now, and GOD knows that I am TRULY experiencing a 'season' for my soul. HOWEVER, I am holding on for a better day, and I want to encourage you to also KEEP praying because IMHO, GOD does hear you :yep: and HE WILL answer your prayers. BUT, the only thing is that GOD does things when HE wants to do them and on HIS timeframe :) And above all, you MUST remain patient :yep:... God will NOT forget about you girl. Don't say you want or need, but ASK God for help and what you need......Make your prayers specific. And IF you have to, take a book or journal and WRITE down the specific prayers of your heart so they can go out into the universe and so they will be manifes themselves.....That is what I am doing currently.

KEEP ON TRUCKIN' GOD won't let you down :) . Just remember, this is a 'season' unto your soul...With GOD, time, belief, and continual prayer, things WILL get better, okay? DON'T GIVE UP :kiss:!!!!!

Later :rosebud:

Thank you so much I really needed to hear that!
Please pray for my four year old son.

A praise! He had a very serious choking episode this weekend, but we were able to get his airway cleared out.
Now he is doing very well, except for a chronic cough. We had xrays, and the doc said that more than likely it's irritation, but if he got any food in his lungs he can get pnumonia. Nothing has showed up yet, but we still need to watch for pnumonia symptoms.

God is good. Please keep my baby in your prayers.
I want to make a request now, not just for me but for me and my fellow classmates...
First and foremost, I need to take the worry out of my mind and walk on faith.

But my classmates and I have an exam to take on June 11th. It is our last chance to take it so that we can graduate in December. I want the knowledge and the confidence to be instilled in us to do what must be done and to most definitely walk on faith and not be weary.

Thank you.
I'm seeking prayer for my son who has been sick with an unknown illness. They plan to run some tests to check his heart tomorrow. He is 2 years old. Please pray for me and my family.
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Re: Prayers needed

legs71 said:
I'm a bit hesitant in asking for prayer because I have been blessed many times over. I feel there are people out there in dire need of prayer in comparison to my issues......

I feel this same way about myself, but I got to ask y'all for help after praying so hard on my personal issues for the past 2 months I still feel burdened. So I'm just asking if anyone has time to please lift my name up in prayer, for all the things that I have been going through (I already talked to God about them so he knows already, too much for me to go into details). And also if you can say a special word for me to be blessed w/ my living situation, I just got a new landlord and she kicked us all out because she wants to renovate the whole building. We have until the end of this month to leave and the apt. pickings are slim round here :ohwell:

Be Blessed ladies, and don't worry even though I've been going through some serious lows the past couple of months I never stopped praying for y'all, love you all :kiss:

Ladies please pray for my mother, she had a colitis attack yesterday (inflammation of the large intestine and colon). She was admitted to the hospital and released today. She's still in some pain and she will see the doctor and specialist tomorrow. My son had something similar with his intestines a few months ago where he had to have emergency surgery and was in ICU for almost a month. To God be the Glory he is doing wonderful now (even when the doctors were skeptical) all is well!

I claim total healing on my mother right now but I'd like the support of the prayer warriors out there. Thank you ladies, God bless.
Please pray for my boyfriend. He's still hasn't found a job and his debt is getting bigger, I've been praying for financial relief and that he doesn't lose his spirit. I'd appreciate anyone else's prayers, TIA.

Oh and thanks to whoever prayed for me in my earlier prayer request, I got the blessings that I was looking for and then some. PRAISE HIM :notworthy
Hi everyone!

There are several things I need prayer for and I just don't know where to start. I'm really worried about my academic future b/c I'm trying hard to get into a good graduate school and I'm so worried that I won't. Secondly, my spiritual walk as I learn the truth about more and more of people I thought were my friends. I honestly feel as if I can't trust anyone anymore. Despite what's going on, I am happy b/c I do know that this is happening for a reason, and it is all for the glory of God.
BLESSED1 said:
Please pray for my boyfriend. He's still hasn't found a job and his debt is getting bigger, I've been praying for financial relief and that he doesn't lose his spirit. I'd appreciate anyone else's prayers, TIA.

Oh and thanks to whoever prayed for me in my earlier prayer request, I got the blessings that I was looking for and then some. PRAISE HIM :notworthy

Thank you, he got a job and starts tomorrow! thanks for praying ladies here's to y'all :kiss:

Thank You Jesus!!!!! Someone dare tell me there's no power in prayer :grin:
Hi ladies,

Please pray for my mother specifically when she goes for testing next week. The doctors will see if the cancer from her kidney spread to her uretha. Her kindney will be removed Friday (6/15/05) and if the cancer has not spread she will not need radiation or chemo. Thank you ladies and God bless!
Re: I need prayer

Please pray for my 1 year old nephew. He went to the doctor yesterday and we found out he has lost about 20% of his hearing from fluid buildup in his ears. He will be getting tubes in August. Please pray that his condition clears up and that his surgery goes well.
Ladies Im in need of prayer, I'm taking my National Dental Licensure Board examination tuesday. The past 5 yrs of my life has been geared for this day. Pray that I pass my board Tuesday.
Thanx :look:
To make a long story short I have been living at home for a very long time and I am now looking to move. My sister lives at home as well and she is looking to move also. Our dilemma: Every time we have tried to move some catastrophe has placed itself in our paths (lack of funds, unemployment, family illness you name it), this has offered much discouragement to us in our past.

Please pray for my sister and I that God will lead and guide us with the move and that everything will be paid in full with leaving no debt behind or before us, pray that we will find good safe neighborhoods and space to live in as well as for employment security and safety. We really want to be lead by God and not by our personal need.

Thank you ladies.

P. S. I will be keep each and every one of you in my prayers.
If anyone wants to interceed with me, my daily prayer times is 6:00 p.m. P. S. T.
I know I should have added this to the last one but I just got the request.

Before I say what I would like prayer on I'd like to ask that you not judge me. My sister has a little less than I have financially so moving is more difficult for her and to add to this she has a teenage son. She just called to asked what do I think about getting a bigger place, my response is I haven't thought about it, but the truth is ladies I really want to live out on my own, for the last 17 yrs. I have been at home helping out. 17 yrs. ago my mother came home from work and said that the lord told her to quit her job and go into full time ministry at the same time my teenage sister was pregnant, to make a long story short we have all lived together for the last 15 yrs. 2 yrs. ago my mother had a stroke and is now living in a convelescant home and this came of the heels of me telling my family that I was moving out, my mom fell into such a deep depression that she just lost it. My sister, nephew and I continued living together so in total it's been 17 yrs. the last two my sister was unemployed and I have been there for her and my nephew, she is now employed. I'm going to try to simplify my situation: 40, never left home no children and has never been married. I do not regret the choices that I have made for my life as I love my family very much. Our living wasn't one full of struggle we were happy together we live in a very nice upper middle class neighborhood in California the beach is only 10 min. away expensive shopper centers, restaurant also well as other amenties. I don't feel that this situation has held me back from anything in my life I just want to live on my own. The worst part is I've been feeling like in my spirit wonders of if we should get a bigger place I don't know if this is God or not. I pray that I am in God's will. Please pray for me I am extremely confused.

Thank youl
Hi ladies,

Until now I have just been a lurker on the Christian Fellowship forum but have been so very thankful for it. I am posting this message to ask for prayers for my brother who has just reentered the hospital. He has a very serious illness and has been in this situation before. I believe that prayer is what brought him through last time and I have faith that it will again.

My father just called to tell me about this and the symptoms he described hurt my heart so much that it is too hard for me to go into much detail. Please pray for my brother's young daughter and ex-wife as well because it is very hard for them to see him suffer this way.

Thank you. You are all in my prayers as are your loved ones that you have posted about.
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Re: I need prayer

Somebody, Everybody...please Pray For Me And My Family. Everything Just Seems To Have Hit The Fan Right Now. I Humbly Beg Your Prayers.
:wave: God recently led me to begin a Christian based book club where we meet once a month to discuss books based on biblical truth. We started with "Power of the Praying Wife" by Stormie Omaritan. Please pray that all the members will commit to praying for their husband on a consistent basis and that God did not bring us together to just discuss books but to intercede and encourage one another. Thank you and your prayers are truly appreciated :)