Everyone, pls pray for me. I find myself tangled in a huge ordeal that is truly demonic and I need it to be resolved quickly and in my favor. It involves some deceitful people who are not only lying against me, but are trying to confuse the situation w/a bunch of double talk and don't care one hill of beans about me AT ALL. I paid them for a service and they have yet to be accommodating about delivering on that service to my total satisfaction. So, this ordeal involves a large amt of money, too. All out of pocket.

So pls pray for me.

You are in my prayers. I too have a similiar situation and just remember that ultimately the decision is God's not man's. Pray and believe what you pray - no matter what's going on around you keep your eyes on God.
I have one as well. My husband while we were dating was the person that brought me to taking Christ seriously. He comes from a 7th day Adventist family and I feel that I am finally starting to grow with God's help a christian character. We have a son, and we live across the street from my family. My family is, as I was also, those kind of people who claim christianity when it suits them and reject it when it's not exactly encouraging them in their choice of direction. I'm just asking for some support in dealing with my family. They ridicule me for things like honoring the sabbath that God outlined in the bible, not eating unclean foods, etc., and when I make a "Thus saith the Lord" comment they just kind of shrug me off or give me excuses or loopholes which we all know don't exist. Choose who you will follow right? So anyway, I really don't want my son to be made fun of for his beliefs and more importantly I want them to come to know the Lord and to be more respectful of Him. It's getting so bad that we're concidering to move until we are sure our little David has a strong foundation and can take on the assaults. Please keep me and my plight in your prayers. Thank you
I have one as well. My husband while we were dating was the person that brought me to taking Christ seriously. He comes from a 7th day Adventist family and I feel that I am finally starting to grow with God's help a christian character. We have a son, and we live across the street from my family. My family is, as I was also, those kind of people who claim christianity when it suits them and reject it when it's not exactly encouraging them in their choice of direction. I'm just asking for some support in dealing with my family. They ridicule me for things like honoring the sabbath that God outlined in the bible, not eating unclean foods, etc., and when I make a "Thus saith the Lord" comment they just kind of shrug me off or give me excuses or loopholes which we all know don't exist. Choose who you will follow right? So anyway, I really don't want my son to be made fun of for his beliefs and more importantly I want them to come to know the Lord and to be more respectful of Him. It's getting so bad that we're concidering to move until we are sure our little David has a strong foundation and can take on the assaults. Please keep me and my plight in your prayers. Thank you

Praying for you! Some people in my mother's side of the family have long had things to say about my immediate family being SDA. Continue to hold on to God...
Please pray for my father who at 47 just found out he is diabetic. Very seemingly healthy young man who is not at all over weight but battling this and taking care of his aging parents, young children and his family. So keep my father in your prayers. He's the only one I have!
Hi Ladies,
Please pray that I will be able to find full time employment, a new church, and direction on what God's will is for my life and in choosing a mate.
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Please pray for my family. I am so upset with them right now. I have recently found out that my cousin and my sister had abortions. My sister listened to someone who advised her when she really did not want one and now she is upset. My cousin didn't care, and that scares me even more. They have both been raised better than this and I am upset and sad. I'm especially upset because my sister was excited that she was pregnant and I had started to make plans to help her with my niece or nephew :( Please pray for them.
Please pray for me. I need someone to be in agreement with me. I'm up for a promotion at my job and I am not praying to get the position, but moreso for God to direct me in the right path on what decisions to make about everything regarding the issue. Thank you.
Ladies, I need your prayers.
I am facing one of the most important decisions I've ever had to make, and it's literally killing me inside. I've never been so sad and afraid.
I feel that whatever path I choose to take, my life and soul will never be the same. Please hold me up in your prayers, and ask God to be with me and to not hate me for what I may decide to do. Thank you.
I pray that more women hold true to their values when faced with difficult situations and not succumb to what they think will feel good. I request that others pray this prayer for me as well.

Requesting prayer for a woman who is with a married man.
Requesting prayer for a woman who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
Requesting prayer for the man I passed by today who was crying on the subway.
Requesting prayer for those who recently lost loved ones.
Requesting prayer for a woman who does not want to but feels she has no other choice but to abort.
Requesting prayer for those who aborted and are having a hard time coming to grip with the situations that led them to abort in the first place.
Requesting prayer for the woman who doesn't know whether to leave or stay with her boyfriend yet she knows she is not happy being with him.

ETA: requesting prayer for all the single mothers who are terminally ill and they don't know who to trust to take care of their children.
I'm asking prayer, because my house is about to go into foreclosure, and I'm extremely scared, that I will not be able to bring it out of foreclosure.....Its me and my daughter and if I lose my house it will be very hard for me......

I'm so scared that I dont know what to do, they raised my mortgage in July to double of what it was, and it has been down hill from there. They gave me a loan modification, but they are requesting that I give them 2100 dollars by tomorrow, and then they would reduce my payment by 450.00 dollars,
Unfortunately I dont have 2100.00, and then still have to turn around and pay them a regular payment on the 1st of 1400.00.

I'm so confused right now, and my daughter doesnt have a clue whats going on, I'm working two jobs right now, I just dont know what to do
Hi ladies, I am calling all prayer warriors on behalf of an extended family member Keith diagnosed with leukemia on Wed. He's 22 years old, just graduated from Southern university in Dec. He's also a marine and had just startd a job in New Orleans. Keith and his family can use the prayers of the faithful.

We are strong in our faith and we have witnessed God's healing powers so please lift up Keith and his family in prayer.
Ladies, please pray for me. DH and I have been TTC for about 2 years now. I just got results from my blood tests that everything looks normal, so I'm hoping we will be blessed with pregnancy very soon. Please pray for us.

But more importantly, I need prayer on my situation with my stepson. I don't have any problems with him directly and I know he loves and appreciates me to no end, but I do start to get resentful of him at times, especially when my period comes. I know it's not his fault, but I have found myself distancing myself from him and DH at times just because I want a baby so bad and "DH already has one". Sometimes I just get really sad and depressed when my stepson is around and I avoided his last 4 basketball games just because... He wants to know why (he asked DH, and DH doesn't want to lie) but I know I cannot explain to him my true feelings as he would not understand and it's just wrong.

I have prayed about this and will continue to do so, but I know I need the extra prayer, and I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. I have tried to talk to DH, but the nature of the situation makes it that much harder to discuss. Typing this is actually making me cry because I don't think I've admitted this (in an honest and open way) to anyone, so maybe this is the first step...
Ladies, please pray for me. DH and I have been TTC for about 2 years now. I just got results from my blood tests that everything looks normal, so I'm hoping we will be blessed with pregnancy very soon. Please pray for us.

But more importantly, I need prayer on my situation with my stepson. I don't have any problems with him directly and I know he loves and appreciates me to no end, but I do start to get resentful of him at times, especially when my period comes. I know it's not his fault, but I have found myself distancing myself from him and DH at times just because I want a baby so bad and "DH already has one". Sometimes I just get really sad and depressed when my stepson is around and I avoided his last 4 basketball games just because... He wants to know why (he asked DH, and DH doesn't want to lie) but I know I cannot explain to him my true feelings as he would not understand and it's just wrong.

I have prayed about this and will continue to do so, but I know I need the extra prayer, and I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. I have tried to talk to DH, but the nature of the situation makes it that much harder to discuss. Typing this is actually making me cry because I don't think I've admitted this (in an honest and open way) to anyone, so maybe this is the first step...
Msbrown, you and your family are in my prayers:yep:
...But more importantly, I need prayer on my situation with my stepson. I don't have any problems with him directly and I know he loves and appreciates me to no end, but I do start to get resentful of him at times, especially when my period comes. I know it's not his fault, but I have found myself distancing myself from him and DH at times just because I want a baby so bad and "DH already has one". Sometimes I just get really sad and depressed when my stepson is around and I avoided his last 4 basketball games just because... He wants to know why (he asked DH, and DH doesn't want to lie) but I know I cannot explain to him my true feelings as he would not understand and it's just wrong.

I have prayed about this and will continue to do so, but I know I need the extra prayer, and I don't really have anyone to talk to about this. I have tried to talk to DH, but the nature of the situation makes it that much harder to discuss. Typing this is actually making me cry because I don't think I've admitted this (in an honest and open way) to anyone, so maybe this is the first step...

I'm praying for you and your family. Start seeing the love and support that you pour into your stepson as a seed. This seed that you are sowing into him, will be recognized by God. As you sow into your stepson, believe that you will receive a harvest (your own child) from God.

The enemy is trying to block you from sewing the seed that God has given you. Don't let him.

Be blessed!!
I feel that there are such bigger things going on in the world but would feel better posting if you guys could pray for me as well. I've been out of work for a couple of months while going to school. It's REALLy hard to find a job where the hours work around my school schedule and decent pay. It would be really easy for me just to drop my classes and work full time to get myself out of debt(not realli bad just a couple of hundred) but in the long run my degree will end up doing soo much more for me. Anyways I got a call back for a job and need to take a small test and if I pass the test I go on to the interview..The test is tmrw morn. at 9am I'm a little nervous..but have been praying so I feel more confident. If I get this job I'd be able to pay off my credit card as well as finance this used dodge caliber that I need since my old maxima is really starting to fall apart. I got into a car accident a week before christmas and since it was the other person's fault(ran through a stop sign) his insurance comp. gave me a check for $3,000..(It clears on Feb5:grin:) I was gonna use the check for my credit card however if I get this job then I will just use the check as a down payment knowing that I'll be making good money to pay off my bill as well as my monthly car payments and still be comfortable...so anyways now that I wrote my whole life story if you guys could just pray w/ me that I get this job..I will be sincerely grateful
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Ladies, I am in desperate need of prayer. I cannot go into specifics, but please pray for me on my job. Satan is really attacking me through my job because it is connected with another goal and aspiration that I have.

Please pray that God will bring peace and order to my job and that I will be victorious over the enemy. Satan is sending fiery darts, demons, you name it to try to stop what God has for me. Pray that the enemy will not win, that none of these weapons will work, and that all of this is going to work for my good instead of against me.

Thank you!
I just wanted to see if I could get some prayers lifted for a coworker. She had been having some issues with headaches for the past couple of weeks and finally went in to see a doctor today. They found that she had an aneurysm in her brain. She has 5 children and was more worried about them having dinner for tonight, than the fact that her doctor was about to admit her to the hospital (a true working mother). I'm just praying that god keeps her calm and close as she goes through this situation.

Thanks ladies!
Please pray for me. I've been very very down lately. The worst i can remember ever feeling in my life. Having anxiety attacks, losing weight, can't eat, cant sleep, headaches, etc.

Finally decided to leave my job which was causing a lot of this stress. But now i'm feeling like a failure, like i let everyone down, including myself and my family.

I am praying for some direction so i can make the right decisions and find peace. thank you.

Love, the Lord is with you , you don't have to feel like He's there ..His word says He will never leave or forsake us...And He can't not lie..He love you and would never want you to feel like your a failure. Trust that He will make a way even when their seams to be no way..He answers prayers

I pray the Peace of God would overtake you:yep:

Ladies please come in agreement with my family and I ..my grand daughter will be going to daycare 3rd March, we are praying for her to be accepted to the Christian Daycare , thank you in advance.
i know there are people that need prayer for bigger things than what i am about to post, but please pray for me. i am very stressed out right now. i have a week left of ATC training and will have my final evaluations on next Monday and Tuesday. i greatly want this job and only an hour performance evaluation will determine my career for the rest of my life. i am incredibly nervous and afraid each day. ladies please pray for me; my life and family depend on this.
Please pray for me. I have been looking for a church home for a long time now. I really enjoy the church I go to are there things wrong? yes of course, but the message is on point. The music is awesome and just everything flows really nice. I really like that. I don't like that its a mega church and you don't really get to know one another but that will change. they have three services on Sunday I tend to the early services. The pastor encourages that. Early services are 7:30 AM. I am going to the early service for Easter and thinking about joining. I don't want to join on Easter because that seems so the right thing to do at the moment and I want my joining to be sincere, but truthfully, it doesn't matter I guess as long as I join. I am terrified of joining a church. so please pray for me
please pray and stand in agreement that my husband recieve the position
that he applied for at company he used to work for, he had been laid off for renovation and now they're hiring again and he needs work.
thank you for your prayer and may God continue to bless you
pray for me to get an ounce of motivation to get my life together....everytime i take a step forward i stake 3 back!
Please pray for me. I need to get closer to God. I need prayer for my health. I also need prayer for my family members that need to get saved.

My cousin is going through a difficult time with his wife and they need prayer so that they will not get a divorce.
Please pray for me. I need to get closer to God. I need prayer for my health. I also need prayer for my family members that need to get saved.

My cousin is going through a difficult time with his wife and they need prayer so that they will not get a divorce.

I will lift this up in prayer, reese77!
Please pray for a close friend of mine. He is suicidal, depressed, on the brink of a nervous breakdown. :cry:

He knows God but is in a bad place.
I am battling a strong demon spirit that is trying to take my life. I believe with all my heart that my Lord will prevail. Please pray for my soul ladies.