Pookie the beautiful redhead!


Well-Known Member
She is going to be stalked by me because I love her beautiful healthy and vibrant red hair. I think it's stunning.:yep:

:blush3: :blush3:
oh my goody goodness! i've never been called out before!
thank you for the compliments (and for your stalkerage, laurend :grin:)!

definitely not my natural color. my natural color is off-black. my nape is closest to my natural color in my siggy pic. i lighten my hair using clairol luminize, and then henna my hair; that's where the red tones come from :yep:
Soooo beautiful!!! I absolutely love it.
Do you have to redo the whole head everytime or just the roots?
I am relaxed and I want to have a color just like yours but I am affraid my hair will break.
This is the most amazing shade of red I've ever seen on anyone's head. And this includes the majestic Ms. Nicole Kidman lol
I've been stalking her pictures for a while.

Pookie you have to give us the secret to getting it that beautiful color
Thanks again everyone!

Here's how i got the color (and it certainly wasn't an overnight process!):

I started lightening my hair using Clairol Luminize, in Clear. It's a gentle lightener that very subtly lightens your hair color. The first time I applied it was in January of 2008. I re-applied it every 2 weeks for about 2 months, and after 2 months, I applied henna on top of it. The result was a very deeeep brownish red, nowhere near as bright as the shade it is now.

At that point, I wanted a more dramatic color result. I stopped using the developer that came with the Luminize kit, and switched that for Clairoxide Volume 30. (the luminize developer is a volume 10, but i wanted a more powerful lift). I applied that, and immediately saw a difference. It lifted about 2-3 shades each application. I applied that once per month, all over my hair, for about 4 months, until i finally got a shade that i loved. I then did another henna application. The result: hair that is slightly darker than what's pictured in my siggy.

At that point, i stopped applying the luminize all over, and continued to touch up every 2 months just at the roots, with the 30 volume developer + a bottle of Luminize in Clear. Every so often, I'll apply it through all of my hair to brighten it, and then henna on top for the bright red result you see in my siggy.

So basically, this color took me over a year to perfect.

I should mention that this is with light reflected. Check out my fotki for how my hair looks in different shades of light. Normally, it's much deeper than how it's pictured.

I've been a very happy redhead. :grin: This thread did come as a total surprise; i plan on indigo-ing on top of all of this for a blue black look in the near future! Y'all caught me just in time! :lol:
Thank you for sharing, Pookie!

Any dryness/splitting/shedding issues? :scratchch I'd take a year to get my hair that color, if my hair can handle it.

What's your natural color? Hrm, let me see if the Bossman will let me see your fotki. Oh, boo, it's locked! I'll PM you for the password. Do you have before/during/after pictures there?
Thank you for sharing, Pookie!

Any dryness/splitting/shedding issues? :scratchch I'd take a year to get my hair that color, if my hair can handle it.

What's your natural color? Hrm, let me see if the Bossman will let me see your fotki. Oh, boo, it's locked! I'll PM you for the password. Do you have before/during/after pictures there?

:) My password is in my profile, in the About Me section. My natural color is a dull brownish black. yawn :yawn: lol

Nope, I haven't noticed any sort of dryness or breakage. No more so than usual, and i have baby fine hair. I suppose if my ridiculously fine chemically relaxed strands can take this product without damage, everyone else's hair ought to be totally safe! If i were to bleach my hair all at once, i'd be bald, but slowly getting this color over 18 months was a total breeze :yep:
:) My password is in my profile, in the About Me section. My natural color is a dull brownish black. yawn :yawn: lol

Nope, I haven't noticed any sort of dryness or breakage. No more so than usual, and i have baby fine hair. I suppose if my ridiculously fine chemically relaxed strands can take this product without damage, everyone else's hair ought to be totally safe! If i were to bleach my hair all at once, i'd be bald, but slowly getting this color over 18 months was a total breeze :yep:

:lol: The curls totally distracted me from that fact that you are relaxed!!! Ooooh, thank you - I'm going to go and check it out now. :drunk:
:blush3: :blush3:
oh my goody goodness! i've never been called out before!
thank you for the compliments (and for your stalkerage, laurend :grin:)!

definitely not my natural color. my natural color is off-black. my nape is closest to my natural color in my siggy pic. i lighten my hair using clairol luminize, and then henna my hair; that's where the red tones come from :yep:

Loving it! :yep: