Michelle Obama

I agree :yep: Her hair and her speech were both on point last night....I hope Condie was taking notes :look:

I can't believe this ...My first thought was for Condoleza when I read the thread Michelle Obama ...I see that I wasn' t the oly one....
Michelle OBAMA has beautiful hair
(I noticed she had fake eyelashes on too...but I loved them!) :) :yep:

I was praying that they didn't fall off. People will find anything to jump all over her about. Such a shame.

Sasha and Malia were too cute.

Very flawless, yet still vibrant. She didn't look spackled and hairsprayed within an inch of her life.
I told DH that her stylists must have been hiding behind that curtain because her hair was incredible!!!

He told me to get my mind right and focus on her speech!:lachen: Even the white women at work were commenting about how beautiful and shiny her hair was and how great her makeup and outfit were.

Her speech was wonderful, she looked great, her girls looked great...she truly represented for black women last night!!!:yep:
I thought I was the only one who notice her hair grew!:yep: I don't know what's going on with Condy's head. I remember awhile back she was trying wear tracks and it looked like she was wearing tracks. It didn't blend at all!!! And that daily helmet hair, (In B. Scott voice) NO MA'AM! I don't think a black person does her hair. I know working in government, she has to keep a conservative style, but damn that ish don't move!!!!:ohwell:
Her hair has grown

to the person who posted the link .... thank you so much!!! I didn't get to see it lastnight. I absolutely love her!
Michelle Obama is the epitomy of what a First Lady is suppose to represent. Class, style, elegance. She is this century's Jackie Kennedy!!

I agree! She looked fabulous last night and yes her hair, skin, make-up, dress, and ofcourse speech were all on point!
I knew you ladies would be thinking the same thing. That shine was amazing. Her speech was awesome and those kids are adorable
I went out and got the sample size of Fekkai shea butter hair mask because I read on blog a few weeks ago that is what Michelle uses. I've been using it as a leave-in conditioner.
I was admiring her hair too.

It really did look good, but I was also thinking somebody prolly fried the life out of it with too much heat.
I TOTALLY disagree...If her hair was fried with too much heat, it would have a total different look to it. Michelle's hair is very healthy, bouncy and split ends free. Whoever is taking care of her hair is doing a really good job.
I thought I was the only one who notice her hair grew!:yep: I don't know what's going on with Condy's head. I remember awhile back she was trying wear tracks and it looked like she was wearing tracks. It didn't blend at all!!! And that daily helmet hair, (In B. Scott voice) NO MA'AM! I don't think a black person does her hair. I know working in government, she has to keep a conservative style, but damn that ish don't move!!!!:ohwell:

I've noticed Michelle's hair grew as well

Umm....Can someone say >>> MEGA-TEK?

Bows head and covers eyes as I run out of thread!
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I agree :yep: Her hair and her speech were both on point last night....I hope Condie was taking notes :look:

Ahahaha sooooo true!

I love Mrs. Obama. . .she is the hottest chick in the game and such a great role model! My mom and I noticed her hair right off too. . .it was so shiny and bouncing all over the place! Michelle's speech was soooo on point and her hair definitely helped set it off to another level :yep:
As a true lhcfer..I must admit I was flabbergasted by her hair as well as her speech

Yes, so true... I came in here because I knew my LHCF sister would be talking about her hair and I was right.

Her hair is beautiful and she has a lot class.
I was admiring her hair too.

It really did look good, but I was also thinking somebody prolly fried the life out of it with too much heat.

I was staring at the maximum SWANG going on, but wondering what she had to go through to achieve that.
Thanks for the info! I loved her hair last night and I'm off to Sephora!

I loved Michelle's hair also. You know I had to find out what products she uses. Here we go ladies:grin:


Get ready to know the name Johnny Wright. A stylist at Frederic Fekkai, he's worked with famous beauties such as Anita Baker, Vivica A. Fox, Vanessa Williams, Selita Ebanks — and one very high-profile client, Michelle Obama. I'll share some of his easy hair tips later this week, but for now, read on to find out what's behind Michelle's style.
How did you start working with Michelle Obama?
It kind of happened on a whim, and I’ve been doing her hair now for a year. My agent out in New York booked me for her Ebony magazine shoot, and she liked it so much that she had her people book me. I actually just got a call today from her saying I’m booked with her for August a whole week — I’m going to do her hair in Denver.
Denver! Denver is important.
You know, I was very nervous with that particular booking. I was highly screened before I was even allowed to walk into her room — and I totally understand that. Whatever it took for me to be booked with her, she is a very normal person. She has two young children, and I think that her staying normal keeps them normal too. It’s just great working with her. She’s never picky; she never asks me for things I probably can’t do. She’s very understanding.
For the rest of the interview, plus a few tips on recreating Michelle's hairstyle at home, read more.
I met Senator Obama a few years ago and he was down-to-earth as well.
You know, I’ve been doing hair since I was 12 years old and I never thought that I would be in that type of world. Before this, I didn’t do anything about politics. I look at it as a blessing, because I pay attention much more now. I feel like I’m much more educated on how things go just from being with her and following the campaign.
Do you have any tips for recreating her signature hairstyle at home?
It’s pretty simple. The foundation of any hairstyle is the cut. That’s one thing we focus on doing very well here at Fekkai. With that, I am able to switch the hair into like maybe two, three different looks. We try not to give her too many different variations. People want to see her with the same style, especially when it comes to politics; there’s a lot of scrutiny when you’re in that arena.
I say go back to basics and just keep it simple. Sometimes I flat-iron her hair under, or I use a ceramic curling iron to flip it out at the ends a little bit. With a flat iron she’s going to be able to lock the moisture in the hair. Because she has to get her hair done so often, the flat iron is probably the best tool for her. For an updo, I might do some cascading curls according to how formal the event she’s attending is, but mostly I give her a clean sweep up.
Also, to keep her hair moisturized, I use the Shea Butter conditioner from Fekkai and Glossing Cream. It really keeps the hair moisturized. And Fekkai Coiff Anti-Frizz creme is excellent for that. It's probably one of my favorite products
Yes, her hair and makeup were on point! Beautiful lady!
ETA: The kid's hair looked great too!
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Michelle Obama is the epitomy of what a First Lady is suppose to represent. Class, style, elegance. She is this century's Jackie Kennedy!!


Let us know if you find a good deal. Don't be holding out on your fellow product junkies

I am watching a couple of items; they do have it there. Make sure you type in "cream" instead of "creme". :yep:

......and fathers/men like Obama.

Good point! So true.

I thought I was the only one who notice her hair grew!:yep: I don't know what's going on with Condy's head. I remember awhile back she was trying wear tracks and it looked like she was wearing tracks. It didn't blend at all!!! And that daily helmet hair, (In B. Scott voice) NO MA'AM! I don't think a black person does her hair. I know working in government, she has to keep a conservative style, but damn that ish don't move!!!!:ohwell:

Condy looks like she has protein overload. :lachen:She always looks a mess. :lachen:

I TOTALLY disagree...If her hair was fried with too much heat, it would have a total different look to it. Michelle's hair is very healthy, bouncy and split ends free. Whoever is taking care of her hair is doing a really good job.

I disagree as well. Her hair is exceptionally healthy. Damaged hair don't move or look like that! :nono: