Poll: Are you Natural, Relaxed, Texlaxed, or Transitioning?

What state is your hair currently in?

  • Total voters
I am what ever you call it when you underprocess your hair,:lachen: and I love it I can stretch longer, without any tangles, or hair shedding, plus it gives me fullness, that I was lacking with the bone straight, hair,;)
Texturized. I am still trying out different products but won't try any styles. :ohwell:

Update; I found a few products for different results now.

IC gel w/humectress as a leave in for heavy weighed down curls.

Ms Jessies Meringue for accenuated fluffy curls w/loads of moisture and softness. I can wait several days to wash and simply remoisturize w/buttercreme.

Optimum Shine Booster for shine while wearing my puff.
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even though I stretch my relaxers to 3 months.. I voted relaxed...since I tend to get one put in tomorrow:)
Oh wow...I never knew there were so many naturals on the board.Cool. I did the natural thing a few years ago. Had a slammin little TWA ...then went back to relaxers. I may go natural again someday...who knows.

Natural. I am pressed.
I assume pressed is natural here. Some boards do not consider pressed hair natural.
Does anyone know what the percentage is nationally of women going natural? I read it some mths ago but I can't find the article online. I do remember that the numbers had jump significantly since the early 90's.

I'm relaxed. Thought about transitioning but that would be a nightmare. Just dealing with the relaxed hair is hard enough.

BTW I'm a newbie and finally created my album. Check it out! Thanks for all the help you guys provide here on LHCF!