Poll: Are Most Men Cheaters?

Do Most Men Cheat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 58.6%
  • No

    Votes: 41 41.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Do you think most men cheat on their wives, girlfriends, etc.?

If you voted yes, why do you think they cheat?

If you voted no, why do you think some women feel this way?

Do you enter a relationship thinking infidelity comes with the territory?

If a man cheats once and is forgiven, do you think he will eventually do it again?
Yes, i think most men (want to) cheat but it's deeper than that. I think most ppl will do what they can get away with. Just human nature. I dont go into a relationship thinking my partner will cheat but i know that it can happen. I try to stay away from the type of guys who are more likely to cheat. Also, guys have to have a certain level of self awareness and plan in place to avoid cheating. The road to he-- is paved with good intentions so you may end up with someone who has no intentions of cheating who may find himself in a sticky situation....that's why self awareness and planning cannot be avoided where men are concerned.

Eta. Forgot the last question, im not inclined to forgive a cheater but it depends on different things. My views on cheating are a lil stricter due to having a parent who is a cheater and being able to see it from the outside looking in. I dont have the emotional connection to anyone he's hurt so I can be objective.
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Yes- because they are undisciplined and selfish.
The only person that can stop a cheater from cheating is the cheater themself.

I do enter the relationship thinking infidelity comes with the territory. But I know I have options if infidelity comes to fruition- such as leaving him. I have (will) exercise that option.

I think the men that will cheat again are those that aren't remorseful and have had no consequences. Women leaving is a consequence- from what I have seen- most of us don't want to do that when our man cheats.
Yes under the right circumstances a man will most likely cheat. Those circumstances differ depending on the man, his willpower, his woman, and his definition of cheating. Some of those circumstances never come into fruition and some men place themselves in those positions often.
I don't think most men cheat. I think it's easier to hear about men cheating in real life or in media than it is to hear about loyal men because it's a juicier conversation so that causes a bunch of misconception. I think everyone knows a woman who has been cheated on or has witnessed/heard of men flirting while in a relationship. But I think the same amount of men are faithful as there are faithful women. Do I believe it is the majority of them? No. I also think you need to take age group into account. I think there are more "men" who cheat that are in their 20s-30s than I do that are in their 40s-60s and beyond. Same for women.
Depends on what circle I'm around :look:

In the area and the circles I hung in while younger, cheating was and still is ridiculously rampant.

The people I've been around since 20 +, not so much man drama. I surround myself with as many female friends with normal, respectful relationships as possible and don't hang around stupid men socially. I haven't had any issues with SOs for the past 12 years either. Nary a weird late night text, strange behaviour, lies, sliding in the DMs etc... :lol: Nothing. Thats not to say you can 100% say what has happened, but my experience of men hasn't been a load of cheating dramas, or shady actions at least.

I did have a cheating BF when I was 17 and I knew he was a charmer waaaaayyy before he even did anything. Something was slightly off and I knew at times he told me what a girl wants to hear. Every time I meet a woman who's been through cheating, they KNEW something was off too, but tried to ignore it. In that way I feel kinda confident and not so scared about meeting a man like that. I feel I've learned through my mistake a long time ago. Women are very intuitive which can be a powerful thing if we actually listen to it early on :lol:.

Anyone can get very tempted through the course of a marriage if going though a very rough/stale patch, I get that. Dudes who cheat for no reason for some kind of sport, or just because they get a chance..., thats different.

I don't have that experience of most guys, but I can see how other women can feel surrounded by it. Birds of a feather flock together at the end of the day. If a man is a serial cheater then the chances that men with high moral compass will feel comfortable hanging with him is low. People say " well my cousin/friend is a cheater and all his friends are terrible too". Of course lol. People with similar outlooks hang out with each other.
I think most men are TEMPTED to cheat but don't act on it. I'm talking of physically cheating. As for emotional cheating, I think a lot are more apt to do that. I don't know why I think that..just do

No I do not go into relationship thinking infidelity is par for the course. I fully expect the person to be tempted at times and even push some boundaries but to exercise some willpower, respect and not do something they can't take back.

As for will they cheat again if forgiven, it really depends on what set the cheating in motion. Was it a one-time hook up or any ongoing affair? If it was an affair, I think that it would happen again.
tbh i think most ppl, men and women, cheat or will if given the chance.

idk if ive become desensitized or what but cheating is not a HUGE deal to me.
I think I am desensitized. Cheating was a big deal to me in the past but now I am like meh. I heard all the stories, consoled many people about it, had to take myself out of mental hell myself - I just feel like when it happens, you have a choice to make. Because anyone can cheat if given the chance.
Well. Most men I have questioned about this (with nothing to lose with me) said Yes...most men do cheat. I''m inclined to agree. I used to be fairminded and give men the benefit of the doubt but these days...I trust NO one.
I have heard the same response. It takes a lot of discipline for them not to cheat.
Do you think most men cheat on their wives, girlfriends, etc.?
-No, I don't think most men cheat. Of course some do. If I had to guess the percentage of men who cheat (meaning have sex with someone else) on their girlfriend/wife, I'd guess 35-45 percent. If I included inappropriate things that could lead to cheating (texts, flirting, etc.) then I'd guess a higher percentage.

If you voted yes, why do you think they cheat?


If you voted no, why do you think some women feel this way?
-Probably a few reasons: maybe they've been cheated on in their past relationships, maybe from seeing cheating going on in their parents' relationship while growing up or hearing about cheating partners from their friends or family members which would make it seem like a huge portion of men are cheating. It could also be a sort of...security blanket, like: "If I go into a relationship with the viewpoint that most men cheat, it won't hurt as much if it happens in my relationship because don't most men cheat? It's normal." I also think the viewpoint of "most men cheat" might help one to not get their hopes up. If expectations are kept low, it won't be so devastating if it happens. It's a way to guard your emotions.

In a way I think some men push this viewpoint in the hopes that women in general will become more permissive and begin to accept cheating as a part of a man's normal behavior.

Do you enter a relationship thinking infidelity comes with the territory?
No. I know it is a possibility, but I don't accept cheating as some type of normal "bump" in the road that happens in a relationship.

If a man cheats once and is forgiven, do you think he will eventually do it again?
I think it does depend on why he cheated in the first place, but for the most part yes. Especially if the only consequence for him cheating is the woman crying, yelling, withholding sex and/or kicking him out only for her to take him back within a month or two. You've already reinforced his behavior by showing him you're willing to stay with him in spite of his cheating. So he'll probably try it again, it just might be hidden a little better.
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And just to add, believing that most men cheat doesnt mean I will stay with someone who cheated on me. Cheating is definitely a deal breaker and I dont care how long we are together or how much we have, Im out. I've already done it. There is no way in hell any man could ever convince me to stay in a relationship because "most men cheat".

eta: I find that some folk believe that if a woman thinks most men cheat, she somehow accepts when or if it happens to her ....NOT true.
Well. Most men I have questioned about this (with nothing to lose with me) said Yes...most men do cheat. I''m inclined to agree. I used to be fairminded and give men the benefit of the doubt but these days...I trust NO one.

I noticed that grimey men are more likely to say "most men cheat". This is their way of not having to take responsibility for their own actions. Also, they'd be talking about their ilk. grimey dudes tend to hang with grimey dudes. Why would an upstanding dude group himself in with men like that?

So, If you asked 10 guys who have never cheated, what would they say? (just a thought...)

Those dudes try to make it normal when in fact their trifling behavior is subjected to only a small portion of men

To be honest most men I've encountered can barely handle one woman let alone several
And the men I've met have self esteem that doesn't allow the cheating to actually occur

It takes a certain type of person to cheat

Thinking about cheating I think everyone does... Actually doing it is a whole other story

I noticed that grimey men are more likely to say "most men cheat". This is their way of not having to take responsibility for their own actions. Also, they'd be talking about their ilk. grimey dudes tend to hang with grimey dudes. Why would an upstanding dude group himself in with men like that?

So, If you asked 10 guys who have never cheated, what would they say? (just a thought...)
So, If you asked 10 guys who have never cheated, what would they say? (just a thought...)
I only know one man who didn't cheat. We talked about it and he told me that he is tempted to all the time, especially when things aren't right at home. Women find that very attractive and pursue him even more. He is a cop too- so the uniform brings more women to him. But the love for his children and his wife keeps him from going to the dark side.

And then- I love this all the advice this man gives.

And he has a part two. Now I am not religious, but I hear what he is saying.
I noticed that grimey men are more likely to say "most men cheat". This is their way of not having to take responsibility for their own actions. Also, they'd be talking about their ilk. grimey dudes tend to hang with grimey dudes. Why would an upstanding dude group himself in with men like that?

So, If you asked 10 guys who have never cheated, what would they say? (just a thought...)
I agree and used to say this myself about men. But something changed in me after I saw and experienced a few things.

Today's culture and the way a lot of men AND women are these days...Lets just say I lost faith. Cheating more or less is a grimey behavior ANY man can do. Grimey men may say most men cheat or are they just being realistic because they usually see what ALL their friends do...especially Mr. So called Always Faithful who gets away with it all.
I will never know if I've talked to a man who actually never cheated because like many women, they dont have to admit to it. I guess it boils down to what I said in my op...I dont trust anyone..anymore.
I am a married woman, but that hasn't stopped men from approaching me. In fact, I get tons of propositions by MARRIED men, so yes, I believe most men cheat if given the chance and they believe the wife won't find out. The non cheater guys I know said most men cheat. Men talk very differently around each other than they do when women are around.
I like to think and to say no, as the cheaters just get all the attention. I think most men make good choices and if you expect your man not to cheat I do think you will have a positive outcome for the most part.
I am a married woman, but that hasn't stopped men from approaching me. In fact, I get tons of propositions by MARRIED men, so yes, I believe most men cheat if given the chance and they believe the wife won't find out. The non cheater guys I know said most men cheat. Men talk very differently around each other than they do when women are around.
THANK YOU. Be a fly on the wall when they are talking about women and you'd want to power wash your brain... no body with bleach after. Even listening to some of these so called decent good men. They are totally themselves when they think it's just them listening.
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I'm sad that about 50% of the forum members think most men cheat.
No, I don't believe most men cheat. Thankfully many of the men in my family and most of my in-laws prove this daily.

We do have some serial cheaters though.

This. I'm an excellent judge of character (that grew up with a lot of men) and nope, I don't believe that all or "most" men are cheating dogs. The hype is overblown with that.
I voted yes, but I think that's because of the people I am currently surrounded with. I am military-Navy-and most of the men that I see will spend one breath bragging on their girlfriends or wives. Then they'll spend the next moment sleeping with females on the ship or prostitutes or going to the strip club doing...things. It's very depressing.

There are very few that I know, that I can see truly love and respect their wives/girlfriends/families.

To paraphrase an old Chris Rock joke: "most men are as faithful as their options".
I voted yes, but I think that's because of the people I am currently surrounded with. I am military-Navy-and most of the men that I see will spend one breath bragging on their girlfriends or wives. Then they'll spend the next moment sleeping with females on the ship or prostitutes or going to the strip club doing...things. It's very depressing.

There are very few that I know, that I can see truly love and respect their wives/girlfriends/families.

To paraphrase an old Chris Rock joke: "most men are as faithful as their options".
Heard this many times and see it for myself even now.