PLEASE READ!! Dilemma!....Psychics and soul mates....What do you think?


New Member
Do you believe in psychics and that they can tell you who your soul mate is?
Do you even believe in soul mates?
Please read my story/dilemma below........ Long but please read!!

I meet this new guy over a month ago and things started off well, but now they are a little rocky. I've been distancing myself from him for the past 2 weeks and I've really been questioning whether or not I should continue with the relationship. When we first met things were excellent, he was the nicest, sweetest, guy I had met. He is a true gentleman (opens doors, pulls out chairs, lets you go first etc.) and we have so much in common. (It's a little scary, how alike we are. LOL.) We always have a blast together and for the most part I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine when I'm with him. (As a whole, he is everything that I've always looked for in a man except for he's a little short.) After a few weeks I noticed a change in him, he just hasn't been himself. He's more irritable, stressed out, very impatient etc, and I believe that his ex wife is the culprit. I found out that she has been trying to come back into his life. Knowing that, I decided to separate myself from him cause I don't have time for the drama and confusion, but most of all I don't want to get hurt..... I went to a party a couple of weeks ago and there was a tarot card reader there. For fun, I asked her to give me a reading not thinking much of it. To my surprise, she was extremely accurate telling me all kinds of things about my life as well as several events that took place in my life. She then went on to talk about my new guy and was able to tell me a lot of things about him from his birthday, career etc. She told me that things were going to be a little rocky in the beginning, but if I hung in there, I would reap great rewards in the future. She also told me that someone was trying to resurface in his life and that it was going to cause us problems. She also said that if I stuck it out things were all gonna pan out in the end and that we would have something spectacular....Taking in what she said, especially with her being so accurate, I was left confused and didn't quite know what to do about the relationship/situation. With that in mind I decided to get a second opinion. Now, I've never been a strong believer in psychics, but being that she was so accurate I decided to get another reading from someone else and see what they had to say about it. After scouring the internet for a while I came across a psychic that seemed to be pretty legit. I called her and got a phone reading.....To my surprise, this lady was also extremely accurate. It was a little mind boggling. She told me everything that was going on in my life from business, housing etc, even giving me times and dates. She was able to tell me that I just recently started house hunting. She even knew that I am an entrepreneur and told me all the details of my business from when I started it to what I manufacture etc. She then started talking about my new guy and was able to tell me his whole life story even describing events that happened in his past that I could confirm. She told me how and when we met etc. She also explained to perfection everything that is going on with him and in our relationship right now. She told me that he was going through some things right now and that the main reason is because his ex wife was trying to come back into the picture etc. I was shocked because the other lady had said something similar except for this lady knew that it was his ex wife. She then went on to tell me to stick it out because he is my soul mate and that he came into my life for a reason. (She said that was why she could tell me so much about him. She said that since we are soul mates that she could pick up his essence through me.) She then went on to say that soon he would see his ex wife for what she really is and that things would completely change for the better and that we are bound to have a relationship beyond compare. She also said that she sees for a fact that he is going to propose to me by next September. She also said that it's important that I stay by his side through this cause he'll need my help to get through it....This reading took place on yesterday. And now I am left even more confused. I'm not quite sure what I should do...What do you guys think, should I hang in there and stick it out? Should I continue distancing myself from him? Do you believe in all of that psychic stuff and think that he really might be my soul mate? What would you do think?
Personally I would remain as neutral as possible. I would not wear my heart on my sleeve with him but I would be a friend (a listening ear). I would remain in his life as a positive person (not necessarily romantically). If it is meant to work out, it will. Good luck! :)
Do you believe in psychics and that they can tell you who your soul mate is?
Do you even believe in soul mates?
Please read my story/dilemma below........ Long but please read!!

I meet this new guy over a month ago and things started off well, but now they are a little rocky. I've been distancing myself from him for the past 2 weeks and I've really been questioning whether or not I should continue with the relationship. When we first met things were excellent, he was the nicest, sweetest, guy I had met.

He is a true gentleman (opens doors, pulls out chairs, lets you go first etc.) and we have so much in common. (It's a little scary, how alike we are. LOL.) We always have a blast together and for the most part I feel like I'm floating on cloud nine when I'm with him. (As a whole, he is everything that I've always looked for in a man except for he's a little short.)

After a few weeks I noticed a change in him, he just hasn't been himself. He's more irritable, stressed out, very impatient etc, and I believe that his ex wife is the culprit. I found out that she has been trying to come back into his life. Knowing that, I decided to separate myself from him cause I don't have time for the drama and confusion, but most of all I don't want to get hurt.....

I went to a party a couple of weeks ago and there was a tarot card reader there. For fun, I asked her to give me a reading not thinking much of it. To my surprise, she was extremely accurate telling me all kinds of things about my life as well as several events that took place in my life. She then went on to talk about my new guy and was able to tell me a lot of things about him from his birthday, career etc. She told me that things were going to be a little rocky in the beginning, but if I hung in there, I would reap great rewards in the future. She also told me that someone was trying to resurface in his life and that it was going to cause us problems.

She also said that if I stuck it out things were all gonna pan out in the end and that we would have something spectacular....Taking in what she said, especially with her being so accurate, I was left confused and didn't quite know what to do about the relationship/situation. With that in mind I decided to get a second opinion.

Now, I've never been a strong believer in psychics, but being that she was so accurate I decided to get another reading from someone else and see what they had to say about it. After scouring the internet for a while I came across a psychic that seemed to be pretty legit. I called her and got a phone reading.....To my surprise, this lady was also extremely accurate. It was a little mind boggling.

She told me everything that was going on in my life from business, housing etc, even giving me times and dates. She was able to tell me that I just recently started house hunting. She even knew that I am an entrepreneur and told me all the details of my business from when I started it to what I manufacture etc. She then started talking about my new guy and was able to tell me his whole life story even describing events that happened in his past that I could confirm.

She told me how and when we met etc. She also explained to perfection everything that is going on with him and in our relationship right now. She told me that he was going through some things right now and that the main reason is because his ex wife was trying to come back into the picture etc. I was shocked because the other lady had said something similar except for this lady knew that it was his ex wife.

She then went on to tell me to stick it out because he is my soul mate and that he came into my life for a reason. (She said that was why she could tell me so much about him. She said that since we are soul mates that she could pick up his essence through me.) She then went on to say that soon he would see his ex wife for what she really is and that things would completely change for the better and that we are bound to have a relationship beyond compare.

She also said that she sees for a fact that he is going to propose to me by next September. She also said that it's important that I stay by his side through this cause he'll need my help to get through it....This reading took place on yesterday. And now I am left even more confused.

I'm not quite sure what I should do...What do you guys think, should I hang in there and stick it out? Should I continue distancing myself from him? Do you believe in all of that psychic stuff and think that he really might be my soul mate? What would you do think?

Phew! Ok not let me go read it.
Do you believe in psychics Yes
and that they can tell you who your soul mate is? Depends. How much money did you give them?
Do you even believe in soul mates? Not anymore

I had a fortune teller tell me several years ago that I'd get married at the age I am now. I have three months to go to my next birthday and that prediction didn't come true.
OP you're very pretty. I like what LoverofLife said. Proceed with caution. Watch everything, listen and be slow to speak your mind.
I also think you should proceed with caution but definitely be open. Like don't call him tomorrow, telling him it was meant to be and putting up with things you otherwise wouldn't but its entirely possible that both of the psychics were right...Btw the way can you PM me or post the contact info of the psychic you called?:look:
YES! Real Psychics can tell you a whole lot about relationships and there are such things as soul mates, but know that you may have more than just one. Know too, that they are not always easy, but if you learn your lessons well, the ultimate outcome would be very favorable.
Just be careful with using them too much, they can be addictive!
It's more important whether you believe in psychics or not. You said they were accurate, so I cant denounce their abilities. I'm on the fence with that as it is. I think you're wise to distance yourself from the madness right now and not wear your heart on your sleeve as another poster suggested. Just take it slow, as we all should in the beginning of a relationship.
And I wish the best for you and that would be really cool if he is your soulmate! If so, keep that pyschic's number for me!:yep:
Personally I would remain as neutral as possible. I would not wear my heart on my sleeve with him but I would be a friend (a listening ear). I would remain in his life as a positive person (not necessarily romantically). If it is meant to work out, it will. Good luck! :)

I agree with this....
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I think you should stick with it, you never know he could be your future husband!! I definetly believe in all of that.

Give it a try otherwise you will always ask yourself what if!

good luck :)
I can't give any advice since i've never been in this situation but all i can say make sure your pray and ask God for advice and guidance.