Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

I wish you had told me you were trying to do a hot oil treatment with that stuff. I don't use it because its no joke, its like pure cinnamon or something. Its like those hot jaw breakers (cinnamon candy) that makes your mouth feel like its on FIYAH, except you put it on your scalp. Throw it away or mix it with something else. Leave your scalp alone and the feeling will subside.

No, I didn't do a HOT with it:nono: I just rubbed some on my scalp. Tis All.:rolleyes: But Prolly a little too much and too frequent.:look:

I used it twice last week. I did the EVOO HOT to try to help soothe my scalp afterwards........:blush:

I found the packing slip. It's only $2.99 and they charge a 20% restocking fee, so it wouldn't even be worth my while to send it back.

I will put it away or maybe mix it.
Okay Ya'll..........

About The Cinnamon Oil.......It Should come with a WARNING: Kids Do Not Try this At Home.:burning:

Seriously......My head is so sore. I had to do a HOT with EVOO under my Heat Cap to see if I could soothe my aching scalp. :burn:

And I co-washed with a Olive Oil Conditioner.

I did go back and read some previous Threads on the Subject (while lurking at work yesterday). Which I shoulda' done before using it.:wallbash:

I finished up and "Steamed" with my AO GPB mixture. I will either mix the remainder of the 'deadly' cinnamon oil in with a coupla' conditioners OR get a Q-Tip and apply like it said in some of the former threads.:rolleyes:

I sure hope it doesn't scab.:blush:

Oh I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. I got that experience using too much peppermint oil.
Yeah the peppermint oil isn't funny. You've really got to make sure you only add a few drops to a carrier oil.
Oh I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. I got that experience using too much peppermint oil.

Yeah the peppermint oil isn't funny. You've really got to make sure you only add a few drops to a carrier oil.

All that Tingly Stuff can & will mess you up!:lachen: Tea Tree too.:look:

But this one, by Far has been the Worst (for me). It's like somebody put a Super Relaxer on my Head and left it on for 3 Days w/o washing it out.:blush:
We having a little snow flurries today so I'm using IDareTHair technique of using products up today. I emptyl AOWC/AM with honeyquat in a jar for my steamer treatment. I have enough for 2 more treatments.
We having a little snow flurries today so I'm using IDareTHair technique of using products up today. I emptyl AOWC/AM with honeyquat in a jar for my steamer treatment. I have enough for 2 more treatments.

Good LTown.:yep: Just Keep Using it Up. I've also been stalking you (& a couple others, CButfly:eye:) in the Use up Your Stash 2010 Thread.

Actually Shay, (& a couple other ladies) really helped me 'see' :dizzy:that sticking with one product until it's gone will actually help you use things up alot faster.

At First, I kept thinking, it didn't make sense??? I'd be bored, etc.... all kinds of excuses to continue that "Bad Behavior" BUT it works.:up:

Instead of skipping around each wash day from product to product. (even if they are all open) Just pick one opened product and use it until it's completely gone.

Plus, it allows you to analyze the effectiveness of that particular product to see how it's working and if it will be a repurchase. *And this is the biggest plus, for Me*

Skipping around weekly, virtually made it impossible for me to effectively review a product for My Hair.:nono: Because from week to week, I was using something different.
I need some new pretty wraps, they are getting worn and stretch out from wash and wear. I may get some come april if i need to reup on anything else.
Well, I used up: That AO Mix I had made and A Vial of Ceramides. I didn't use the Millennia Mud Volcanic Reconstructor up tho' (I have another use).:rolleyes:

Will cut the tube open too. I will use that up with the Ion Effective Care Reconstructor Next Wash Day.

I used some of the Lustrasilk Shea Mango that I mixed with the remainder of my EVCO. I also made up a jar with EVOO too. (to use up the EVCO & the EVOO) Since I know the Lustrasilk isn't the greatest quality product.....I thought I'd try to help it along.:look: I normally don't "Mix" Products with stuff.

I feel a product should be able to stand on it's own. If you need to add 50-11 things to it: Find another Product
.:perplexed But that's just Me and My Warped Opinion.:blush:

The Lustrasilk has a waxy feel. I am sure it's the mineral oil and the petroleum.:lachen: I'll use it up by the end of February.
Instead of skipping around each wash day from product to product. (even if they are all open) Just pick one opened product and use it until it's completely gone.

Plus, it allows you to analyze the effectiveness of that particular product to see how it's working and if it will be a repurchase. *And this is the biggest plus, for Me*

Skipping around weekly, virtually made it impossible for me to effectively review a product for My Hair.:nono: Because from week to week, I was using something different.

This is so much easier said that done though.....
It's so hard to stay disciplined. I can stay with a product for like 3 weeks and then I want to switch. I really need to finish up AO WC and hsr. I've had those since summer. They are still not done. :rolleyes:
BM & mkd--I looked back in my notes :look: and it took about 2 weeks to get my order from Quecraft once shipped.

T--I'm a big believer in products standing on their own too. MonaLisa told me about a good product mix and I acted all scared :lachen:. I finally did it though-it was Moist 24/7 and Patene Nature Fusion. My mixes are all ayurvedic or treatments. I do additives though like honey,oil, saa, wheat protein, panthenol, and honeyquat.
....It's so hard to stay disciplined.

And.....This is the Key Right Here to making it work @bolded.:look:

Girl, Gon' and Git Rid of that AO HSR & WC You've had since this summer.:rolleyes: You could knock those out Quick.

I am determined to get rid of all 1/2's, 1/3rd's, 1/4th's. They are going down...........:yep:
BM & mkd--I looked back in my notes :look: and it took about 2 weeks to get my order from Quecraft once shipped.

T--I'm a big believer in products standing on their own too. MonaLisa told me about a good product mix and I acted all scared :lachen:. I finally did it though-it was Moist 24/7 and Patene Nature Fusion. My mixes are all ayurvedic or treatments. I do additives though like honey,oil, saa, wheat protein, panthenol, and honeyquat.

I have a couple additives too.:nono: I forget to 'add' them.:rolleyes:

*goes off to find neutral protein filler or wheat protein to add to a 3rd (newly created) jar of Lustrasilk Shea & Mango Cholestrol.*
my hair was sooooo dry yesterday. i think i had protein overload so last night i saturated my hair with oyin honey hemp conditioner and slept in it. i just washed it out with black soap and now im under my heat cap with kbb ll hair mask. im gonna be under hrear until i get tired lol. then i plan on twisting using oyin honey hemp, shine and define and whipped pudding.
T, i really hope your scalp feels better. evoo is great at soothing stuff so i hope it works. i know this is different but my friend had a rash but didnt want to go to the doctor so i told her to rub evoo on it since coconut oil didnt work. and it cleared up in 3 days.
This is on my list of things to try also. What measurements do you use for this concoction :)
i usually just use all of the thick part of the coconut milk. at the bottom of the can is usually pretty watery so i use that as a final rinse. then i jusr eyeball the honey and evoo. i dont use much of those two because the coconut milk can stand on its own and be amazing.
It suppose to snow here in DMV so I'll be prepoo/dc with mix of my stash to use thing up and sitting under the steamer for hour.
it looks as bad as the snow storm we had a few weeks ago. so im in the house all day.
I finally got some good day hair pins and a new brush when I stopped by Sally's this morning. I think my bobby pins were causing breakage.
yep T, it looks that bad.
im so upset at the kbb thread. yall know i love my kbb. im torn, but i know i would be pissed and hurt if i were the OP.
yep T, it looks that bad.
im so upset at the kbb thread. yall know i love my kbb. im torn, but i know i would be pissed and hurt if i were the OP.

IK it sux.:ohwell:

re: KBB. Just give the Woman another Body Splash/Spray and be done with it.:look:

Why risk a customer (and existing and future customers) over something so simple.:perplexed If I were her, I'd try to speak to Karen.

Bump the Minions.:blush:
Hey ladies:wave:!

I havent been in here for a minute (blame law school apps and feeling a bit down). Just stopping by to wish you ladies a relaxed weekend and a great upcoming week.

Oh yes,

IDare, please be careful with that spicy stuff....you got hair growing and keeping to do!

Shay, thanks for the advice...don't worry about your hair; im sure things will improve. i am close to being where you are now...the tangles are becoming a bit rough and wash days are elongating to hours due to careful detangling. i find that stretching my hair a bit with flexirods or biiig rollers helps. i just let it air dry to a moist state, and then bun or pincurl and bun

Esani, thanks for the advice as well. love your wig...i need to grow some um..guts to wear one. you do it soo well

Chebaby, thanks for the idea of using coconut milk, ive been dying to try that, but wasnt sure how to do so. thanks! ps dont worry about your hair, you know its soooft and all-a-dat!

Mkd, dont worry about your hair love, it will be fine. thanks for the advice and the help. yes, you still rock for even just taking time to tell me about your experience.

Boston Maria, love is hard...im learning that lesson now. im happy you all have found a way to work things out. nothing is better than knowing someone truly loves you (well maybe somethings, but in general...nothing lol jk)

La Colocha, I am really impressed and motivated by your drive to reign in your pjism. keep it up!

Washnset, Im in nyc as well...where are you getting your sewin? im intrigued. hope it turns out as fly as you want it!

To the other ladies, hope everything is alright and the hairs are growing :)

Later dolls! keep being and getting more beautiful!
ps i know im not that close with any of you, so i hope my comments dont offend anyone. :perplexed
pss (lol) i finished the tw mist. love it. will be trying hairveda's hydrascillica (sp?). and, i finally used up an aphogee 2 min. and a honey rinse by shescentit. you ladies are right, the bottles just seem to have an ever ending amount...especially the products from which you want to move on. i mixed them together with honey, jbco, nutrine garlic and just made my dc batch for a couple of weeks.
day36, i like the way you gave everyone a shout out lol. i hope you are feeling better and congrats on law school.

why does this heat cap feel like its not even on sometimes lol.

T, i agree kbb should have just sent the op her dang body splash. with that said i still think her employees are doing all this behind karens back. i mean, karen has been on this site before, she know how we are. why risk the set back in this economy????
i ordered so much from chagrin valley. boredom is killer.

and i don't think these braids are gonna last as long as i want and it's only been two weeks! :sad:
pss (lol) i finished the tw mist. love it. will be trying hairveda's hydrascillica (sp?). and, i finally used up an aphogee 2 min. and a honey rinse by shescentit. you ladies are right, the bottles just seem to have an ever ending amount...especially the products from which you want to move on. i mixed them together with honey, jbco, nutrine garlic and just made my dc batch for a couple of weeks.
i dont think i lke the hairveda spray. i guess it moisturizes but i have to dang near use the whole bottle before my hair even feels a tad bit wet.
i ordered so much from chagrin valley. boredom is killer.

and i don't think these braids are gonna last as long as i want and it's only been two weeks! :sad:
boredom is a pain in my arse. last night i ordered oyin honey hemo conditioner and shine and define lol. thats the first time i ever thought of cancelling an order.