Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

Che--Hopefully twisting will help with how you're feeling about your hair right now. You and I are -->right here<-- because I am in the ugly stage of this transition and I am so not happy right now :nono:.
Awww man I'm so sorry! And here I am ready to post 'bout my beloved steamer. I'm about to give it a name... maybe Jose :grin:

I went to class last night and came home late. I didn't get a chance to say good night to the kids because they were passed out by the time I got home. BTW DH and I had a very long and serious talk last night so we're going to stay together. After that I let down my hair.. you guys do the math :lachen: Anyway so this morning I wake up and my stepdaughter has the most awesomest curls ever. I'm like get back in here, what the heck did you do to your hair its BEAUTIFUL (wish I had taken a pic) and she was hesitant but then admitted to me that she used my steamer last night :blush: while I was in school and her hair came out so pretty. I told her to just be careful with the steamer, its very fragile. I also made fun of her because she's been always crackin on my PJism and laughed when she saw the steamer, but somehow she's reapin the rewards of my craziness. She still wants me to cut her hair though. My DH would have a heart attack if I did that.

At black bolded, yay!! :yay: :clap:

That's wonderful! I'm glad you two are going to work it out.

At red bolded...I named mine Shaitan. :look: :lachen:
Che--Hopefully twisting will help with how you're feeling about your hair right now. You and I are -->right here<-- because I am in the ugly stage of this transition and I am so not happy right now :nono:.
thank you. i hope you get over your hump too. see when you first go natural or transition they tell you there is an in between stage or as you say "the ugly stage" lol. but i didnt take it seriously.
but yea im optimistic that the twists will help. ive alwasy liked the way my twists looked, and you cant tell my front is thin in twists.
itll also give me reason to take care of my scalp.
hey ladies. I am under the dryer DC with sintrinillah. Debating whether I want to rollerset or just pull it back in a pony and go to sleep. I have about 30 min to decide.
mkd you really love that sitrinilla dont you? i hated sitrinilla but i really really love shescentit banana brulee.
same here. I didnt like the sitrinilla, but I used SBB today as a pre-poo and I liked it. I used it as a DC once and I didnt like it at all. As a pre-poo its great for my hair.

mkd you really love that sitrinilla dont you? i hated sitrinilla but i really really love shescentit banana brulee.
I bought some Aussie Moist conditioner b/c I actually finished 2 other bottles of conditioner and wanted to treat myself.

NO SLIP WHATSOEVER. Aint nothin' moist about it. Wonder if my local walmart will take this back without a receipt. Want my measly $3 back.
really????? i love aussie moist conditioner. i was planning on getting the big bottle but then i decided to stick with natural products but i loves me some aussie moist.

washnset i love banana brulee as a pre poo, deep conditioner and co washed. i was surprised at how well it made my hair felt as a co washed because it was only left on for a couple minutes.
mkd you really love that sitrinilla dont you? i hated sitrinilla but i really really love shescentit banana brulee.
:yep:I do Che. I like the sintrinillah and the banana brulee equally I think. They are my staple DC right now. I am glad I gave my AO away. The only one I will continue to use is the GPB. I still want to try the curl junkie banana/hibiscus conditioner too.
I ended up buying the karishma henna because the store that i went to didn't have any other brands that I recognized. I only used a tablespoon mixed with my other powders but I am so paranoid that it colored my hair. When I take my rollers out, I should really be able to tell.
I am lazy. I have to accept that. This weekend I will just retwist into mini 2 strand twists, cowash and moisturize. I'm almost done with my 32 oz Suave Humectant and my 33.5 oz Giovanni TTTT. Both should be gone by the end of February (my Bday:grin:) depending on how often I was and how heavyhanded I am and I will finally be able to touch another conditioner. I am trying to use up what is open before I open something else.
mkd, i hope your hair turns out the way you want.

i just made a decision to start taking better care of my scalp. i will be oiling/greasing my scalp using jojoba oil(even though this does nothing for me), coconut oil, bee mine serum(until its all gone) and qhemet amla pomade. ordered the pomade a while ago, cant wait to use it.
oh and im gona start using qhemet detangling gee again. i stopped when i stopped doing braids and twists but now its needed again.
im throwing away the rest of that organix coconut milk crap and i might just throw away that AO island naturals, oh no i wont because my mom can use it as a pre poo.
since my mom is loving shea butter right about now, im gonna give her one of my sunshines for her hair or her body.
My old roomie sent me a care package, included in the care package was a satin cap and an ORS pack:look:.....she is a white girl with stick straight 1a hair from the burbs!! I know she knows about my "obsession" with haircare but whoa!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:

:rolleyes:However her mom is Jewish with 3b hair so maybe momma let her in on some some hair secrets.
I went from glam to HAM in 2.5 seconds LOLOLOL
I am in my pink thermo jammies, hair in a bun, black satin scarf on. All I need is green stuff on my face ha ha

Today I let my hair down and I got so many compliments. I did notice the twirling so to punish myself I get to wear a bun tomorrow. I got a hair grow oil sample from the blogger of Texture Playground. She asked me to do a review so I promised her I would in 6 weeks. It can't hurt, right? I am bunning every day and putting the growth oil on the left side where I twirl alot. I want to see if I can catch up to the neglected right side of my hair that is longer. I also got a really nice hair butter from her that melts in my hand. I think my DD stole it from me because I can't find it.. yet my granddaughter "mysteriously" smells like my hair butter. Hmp.

Tomorrow I have to run a bunch of errands and I'm going to just keep my hair in a bun to protect it from this cold weather. My God its like 12 degrees here.

ALMOST FORGOT - Went to the Christmas Tree Shops today in Somerville and bought a large bottle of Tresemme shampoo and conditioner. That's it though for hair stuff.
tomorrow i dont plan on going too many places. i have to make a couple of runs but i plan on being in the house for the most part. so i plan on giving my hair an amazing pre poo treatment with coconut milk, evoo and honey. then i will shampoo with black soap and deep condition with heat using kbb LL hair mask.
then im going to use honey hemp as a leave in and oyin shine and define and whipped pudding to twist my hair.
i havent done twists in a long time but im going to twist my hair for a week at a time from now on. i hate protective styling but it must be done lol. and im actually looking forward to it.
This is on my list of things to try also. What measurements do you use for this concoction :)
Like BM said the Organix stuff looks and smells good. I just saw a new kind in one of my mags which was kind of tempting. Then I remember it had my hair feeling and looking like straw. The yt girls at my job hate it too.
It suppose to snow here in DMV so I'll be prepoo/dc with mix of my stash to use thing up and sitting under the steamer for hour.
I ended up buying the karishma henna because the store that i went to didn't have any other brands that I recognized. I only used a tablespoon mixed with my other powders but I am so paranoid that it colored my hair. When I take my rollers out, I should really be able to tell.

Can't wait to hear about it. Do you let your henna sit before you mix it with your powders?
I bought some Aussie Moist conditioner b/c I actually finished 2 other bottles of conditioner and wanted to treat myself.

NO SLIP WHATSOEVER. Aint nothin' moist about it. Wonder if my local walmart will take this back without a receipt. Want my measly $3 back.

They sure will. They will give you a gift card so you can get ur next PJ fix :yep: Hmm...since its under $5 they may give you cash. I believe you can only make 3 returns w/o a receipt in 6 months though.
Okay Ya'll..........

About The Cinnamon Oil.......It Should come with a WARNING: Kids Do Not Try this At Home.:burning:

Seriously......My head is so sore. I had to do a HOT with EVOO under my Heat Cap to see if I could soothe my aching scalp. :burn:

And I co-washed with a Olive Oil Conditioner.

I did go back and read some previous Threads on the Subject (while lurking at work yesterday). Which I shoulda' done before using it.:wallbash:

I finished up and "Steamed" with my AO GPB mixture. I will either mix the remainder of the 'deadly' cinnamon oil in with a coupla' conditioners OR get a Q-Tip and apply like it said in some of the former threads.:rolleyes:

I sure hope it doesn't scab.:blush:
OMG T how comes it was so hot, is it a pure essential oil or something? It sounds very unpleasant! :nono: Hope your scalp is feeling better now!
T-Why won't you throw that mess away? Don't get a set back trying to make something work or bc you have a hard time throwing stuff away.
Organix smells and looks good.. left my hair a HAM too. I gave it to my DD who can put anything in her hair and it always looks pretty. I was very disappointed because I wanted it to work.

Someone sent me some and I used it to wash out Henna/Indigo.:blush: The Entire Bottle.

And you're right, it smelled great. And since it was used for washing out Henna.....I didn't care about it's 'performance' because I knew I would be DC'ing afterwards.

But, it won't be something I'd purchase. Unless it was a $1.00 and it was for Henna Rinsing.:lachen:
T-Why won't you throw that mess away? Don't get a set back trying to make something work or bc you have a hard time throwing stuff away.

Shay.......Girl.........That Stuff To' My Scalp Up!:lachen: :blush:

I will look for the receipt and possibly ship the unopened bottles back.

I've been worried about that @bolded.

Yesterday, I was in so much pain:blush: I wish I woulda' read up on it first. Most people said they used it before they shampoo. and apply with a q-tip.

But Me, Being GROWN LIKE YOU.........Didn't read the Directions.:lachen:
Okay Ya'll..........

About The Cinnamon Oil.......It Should come with a WARNING: Kids Do Not Try this At Home.:burning:

Seriously......My head is so sore. I had to do a HOT with EVOO under my Heat Cap to see if I could soothe my aching scalp. :burn:

And I co-washed with a Olive Oil Conditioner.

I did go back and read some previous Threads on the Subject (while lurking at work yesterday). Which I shoulda' done before using it.:wallbash:

I finished up and "Steamed" with my AO GPB mixture. I will either mix the remainder of the 'deadly' cinnamon oil in with a coupla' conditioners OR get a Q-Tip and apply like it said in some of the former threads.:rolleyes:

I sure hope it doesn't scab.:blush:

I wish you had told me you were trying to do a hot oil treatment with that stuff. I don't use it because its no joke, its like pure cinnamon or something. Its like those hot jaw breakers (cinnamon candy) that makes your mouth feel like its on FIYAH, except you put it on your scalp. Throw it away or mix it with something else. Leave your scalp alone and the feeling will subside.

I just made a Youtube video on Chicoro's method of using a nylon to secure a bun. I tried doing a YT search for a fellow PJ and all I got were results for people with nylon fetishes LMFAO :nono: After I rebuked them in the name of my sweet Jesus :grin: I created the video. Its being uploaded now and I'll edit this post to add the link. Not too much hair porn going on in the video. I have no make up on so please forgive my look LOL

I'm off to Ikea!

At red bolded...I named mine Shaitan.

OMG that's so funny!!!! I'm not even gonna ask where you got that name from! I am going to do a YT video about my beloved Jose (steamer) and hopefully post it next week.

ETA: Here's the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8IXoYAg2ok its still processing so the quality will hopefully be better
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