Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

Oh Yeah Che, I was going to tell you to definitely let Charz and Robot "access" the situation if you go with them to that Oyin Bottle Party Thingy.

They can give you an objective 'eye':eye:

So, step away from the Scissors and stop thinking about Da' Barber.....:spank:
Sorry that you're frustrated with your hair.
But how long has that area been thin? If it's been that way all your life, then maybe that's just how your hair grows. Like for some people, they think that relaxer thins their hair, so they go natural, only to find that it wasn't the relaxer after all. Their hair just grows in thin all over, or in certain spots, and that's just how it does.

Anyway, I don't think you should cut it again.

Have you tried any topical solutions?
thank you T and mkd
chaos, my hair used to be thick, well my strands were always thin but i had alot of hair. then i got carried away with color and i had a mishap with taking a cap off that pulled a bunch of my hair out. ontop of having a relaxer. so technically the hair got thin in that area because of the cap i used to color but when i did the big chop all of my hair was curly except for the front bang area because of the relaxer. i guess it was scab hair. it took over 4 months for my hair to start growing curly in the area, so now i can cut the damage off and have the same texture all around but because of the cap it is thin.
i dont know what to do. people say you can get your hair thick again but it aint happening for me. i massage my scalp like 2x a week, ive been using bee mine but really im not a fan of putting stuff on my scalp. i did the big chop april of 09 so to me thats enough time for the hair to grow in that area.

BUT, im always second guessing myself because my dad has very very very thin, fine, type 2 hair. his whole side of the family has very fine thin hair so family keep saying its normal but i dont think so.
*coughs and clears throat* Speaking of Using things up.....I finished up that bottle of Pure Cold Pressed Castor Oil. I will be moving on to the J/A/S/O/N Vitamin E Oil to seal after apply my creamy B4 putting on my Wig.

I pulled out that and the Apricot Kernel Oil, so I will use those 2 up hopefully within the month of February.

Weekend Wash Day, I am hoping to use up a couple of small things.

I Already Know I am not going to like that Lustrasilk Shea Mango (it smells 'cheap':look:) but, I will use it up anyway.

So, I took 2 empty jars and mixed one with CO & the Lustrasilk and mixed the other with EVOO & the Lustrasilk. Hopefully, I can use it up before the end of February.:ohwell:

You really have a solid use up plan, I'm going to try this next month. Can you believe it February already we just said Happy New Year.

Feed me Seymore!!!!

I ordered from QueCraft

I can't figure out how to actually cut and paste pics in the thread but these are the ones that I bought. I found this store on etsy a few weeks ago but I was skeptical because she was in Thailand and then I saw Dlewis thread about the seller and I got super excited.


OMG :grin::lick:
Its on....:lachen::lachen:My pjism just got real
I just did my taxes. Chances are one of y'all are going to find me in some alley passed out w/conditioner all around my mouth and in between my fingers. :look:

Seriously, I think I'm just gonna do one nice makeup haul and be done with it. I'm making my list right now. I plan on saving for my upcoming trips, I have three in the next 2 months or so (New Orleans, NYC, Vegas). I may be sliding to Puerto Rico right quick too :look: I know, I know, who slides to Puerto Rico? *Raises hand*

Why did this just make me think of Dave Chappelle's character Tyrone Biggums?

Eisani...you know how to make me laugh:lachen:
Okay it's been two months without buying products and I'm proud of myself but I need to get me some Taliah Wajiid PMB and Claudies Edges & Temple Balm. So just replacing staples. I'm also low on Shikai Everyday Condish but I got a lot of cowash condishes so I will wait on that one.
I used up something, but I can't remember what it was. Classes are killing me y'all. It's taking everything in me to hold on till May.

ETA: I remember now, I used up a Kinky Curly Spiral spritz, not repurchasing, it smells, I'm beginning to think it's me cause every-damn-thing smells bad to me, you'd think I was pregnant :lol:
And I used up one of my Almond Glaze :)
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Che I need to see pics of your hair so I can assess it for myself. You know that we are our own harshest critics. I bet people see your hair and wish they had it :yep:
Che I need to see pics of your hair so I can assess it for myself. You know that we are our own harshest critics. I bet people see your hair and wish they had it :yep:
awww thanx. my puffs are cute but thats because the thin are is pulled back, the rest is thick(well not really but the kinks give an illussion:lachen:).
but im gonna take pics tonight and up load them because yall are right that i may see it differently than others.

T, i just realized you said im pmsing :lachen:. i might be :look:
I am thinking about throwing a tablespoon of henna in with my other powders when I do a gloss tomorrow. I really hope my hair doesn't turn red or my lose its curls over such a negligable amount of henna.
I used up something, but I can't remember what it was. Classes are killing me y'all. It's taking everything in me to hold on till May.

ETA: I remember now, I used up a Kinky Curly Spiral spritz, not repurchasing, it smells, I'm beginning to think it's me cause every-damn-thing smells bad to me, you'd think I was pregnant :lol:
And I used up one of my Almond Glaze :)
i have that kinky curly spritz too but i have never used it. ive had it for abought a year and i just dont even want to use it. but when i finish the mix i have i might mix it with water and see if i like it.
its thick right?
I am thinking about throwing a tablespoon of henna in with my other powders when I do a gloss tomorrow. I really hope my hair doesn't turn red or my lose its curls over such a negligable amount of henna.
i heard henna loosens texture but not a great amount so im sure you will be fine. and it doesnt loosen all the time anyway from what i hear.
i have that kinky curly spritz too but i have never used it. ive had it for abought a year and i just dont even want to use it. but when i finish the mix i have i might mix it with water and see if i like it.
its thick right?

Yes, really thick. I don't even use the spray bottle. I just pour it into my hand and rub it into my hair.
I used up some of my Oyin HH on my hair today. Tell me why I am in class playing with/sniffing my puff/fro completely disregarding the hottie right next to me...?

:lachen:I am soo into my hair!
Just checking in I still have $10 left for my monthly budget. I never picked up my 2 bottles of hair color I intended to pick up yet. I want to while they are $5 a piece. I am happy I stuck to the budget. It feels good. I don't feel empty. I haven't used much up, still attempting to, come summer I should have some stuff used up. :)
You really have a solid use up plan, I'm going to try this next month. Can you believe it February already we just said Happy New Year.

Girl, I want to see a significant reduction in my stash by 12/31/10. So imma try to do whatever it takes to get me there.

I just found about 1/4 tube of Ion Reconstructor.:nono: (which I do like btw:yep:)

So.....after I finish up the Millennia Mud, I will move on to the Ion to use it up. For now, nothing will be a repurchase. Until alot of this stuff is Gone.:ohwell:

And No, I can't believe it is almost February.:perplexed
Just checking in I still have $10 left for my monthly budget. I never picked up my 2 bottles of hair color I intended to pick up yet. I want to while they are $5 a piece. I am happy I stuck to the budget. It feels good. I don't feel empty. I haven't used much up, still attempting to, come summer I should have some stuff used up. :)

Chile, what is the Update on Da' Steam'A?:look:
I used up some of my Oyin HH on my hair today. Tell me why I am in class playing with/sniffing my puff/fro completely disregarding the hottie right next to me...?

:lachen:I am soo into my hair!
i used my honey hemp as a leave in today too. i need to stop co washing with this stuff because thats how i go through it so fast. i need to use it as a deep conditioner and leave in only.
Chile, what is the Update on Da' Steam'A?:look:

:nono: *sighing sadly

I called today and Mark said the shipment was delayed by the manufacter 2 weeks.

Sooooo, Feb. 10 is now going to be like Feb. 21....

I am going to have my color put in next week with my relaxer. I tried to wait to steam it in, but I can't wait an extra 2 weeks. When I get my steamer on the 21 I'll be able to do another color for next month.

I am waiting.... Patiently.....
i have one more use of my honey hemp conditioner and then its done. i have 2 more bottles though.

i think my natural hair hates coconut oil. ive noticed it before but ignored it. my hair was so soft yesterday and then as soon as i applied the coconut oil for overnight my hair instantly dried up.

My sister said the same thing today! Wow

Why did this just make me think of Dave Ch
appelle's character Tyrone Biggums?

Eisani...you know how to make me laugh:lachen:
Girl Tyrone was my avatar pic for the longest.

I just laid Tammy to rest for the evening :giggle: My head feels so light and breezy right about now.
I have everything sitting out for tomorrow afternoon. I could do it now, I actually want to, but I have to sleep...and I have class tomorrow at 9am.
im thinking about doing a bentonite treatment tonight but ive never done one before. im thinking, clay, water, olive oil and wheat germ oil. does that sound good? does bentonite clay loosen texture? Lord knows i dont want that lol.
im thinking about doing a bentonite treatment tonight but ive never done one before. im thinking, clay, water, olive oil and wheat germ oil. does that sound good? does bentonite clay loosen texture? Lord knows i dont want that lol.

I dont think it does....but I have only used it once...:ohwell:sorry i couldnt be of more help
im thinking about doing a bentonite treatment tonight but ive never done one before. im thinking, clay, water, olive oil and wheat germ oil. does that sound good? does bentonite clay loosen texture? Lord knows i dont want that lol.

In my experience it does loosen texture. It made my hair soft too.