Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

tonight im gonna do an overnight oil treat with vatika frosting. i havent used it in a while so what better way???
hello ladies
I've been lurking a lot and using up so many products...kinda feel the urge to replenish but won't do so until I really use up 80%
I follow Sunshine's blog and a few things have been going on in her personal life:
her new assistant had to move out of S. Carolina, her husband had surgery and Shea baby is quite demanding as well. Then we also know that it is one woman show, she mixes, does the packaging, fills out the orders, etc..
I hope she gets a new assistant soon and that her husband recovers well
here's the blog post where she explains what is going on in her life:

Eisani I had no idea you had a daughter! How old is she? is she hair crazy like us? :spinning:
Girl where have you been? I have a 12 y/o very confident image conscious cheerleading, tennis playing hair fool :laugh: I'm finally letting her wear her hair down and you can't tell her anything!

:giggle: Hey girl! :hiya:
I'm getting $1,500 back in taxes! :yay:
So uh, :sekret: what are we buying? :look:

BTW: I kinda wanna try some Sunshine, been waiting on the store to open. Guess it just wasn't meant... :ohwell:
I've never seen distilled water. Is that the same as Poland Spring water? Excuse my ignorance :rolleyes::lachen:
Next time you're in the grocery store, look at the one gallon jugs of water in the aisle and see that some will say distilled, drinking, etc...from my understanding, distilled has no nutritional value whatsoever; they've filtered everything out of it.

ETA: I'm in the process of downloading some pics of me and Tammy Faye! i just gave my half wig a middle name :lachen:
hello ladies
I've been lurking a lot and using up so many products...kinda feel the urge to replenish but won't do so until I really use up 80%
I follow Sunshine's blog and a few things have been going on in her personal life:
her new assistant had to move out of S. Carolina, her husband had surgery and Shea baby is quite demanding as well. Then we also know that it is one woman show, she mixes, does the packaging, fills out the orders, etc..
I hope she gets a new assistant soon and that her husband recovers well
here's the blog post where she explains what is going on in her life:


I'm waiting for her to re-open so I can see what all the hype is about. I hope she finds an assistant soon.
Her hair is so pretty! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RrOOp5ljukA/SzaHe8YiWQI/AAAAAAAABH0/5maF2rIxbuw/s320/christmas+051.JPG
Heeeeeeeere's Tammy Faye! This half wig has turned me out already :look:



Next time you're in the grocery store, look at the one gallon jugs of water in the aisle and see that some will say distilled, drinking, etc...from my understanding, distilled has no nutritional value whatsoever; they've filtered everything out of it.

ETA: I'm in the process of downloading some pics of me and Tammy Faye! i just gave my half wig a middle name :lachen:

Is it wrong that I just thought of Tammy Faye Baker..the televangelist..?


:ohwell::lachen: :lachen:
Oh I meant to tell yall, I got a thank you post from someone on a NING site and she said her hair was doing great, I helped her a lot with her transition and thanks for the product recommendations because her hair has responded very well to them. Uh, why can't I remember what products I recommended? The life of a PJ...
I mix my shea butter with coconut oil and coconut butter stick. I need some of that avocado butter do, where are you getting yours? I know PJ support and use up your stash:nono:

I got mine from TNS also. I love the consistency its not as thick as Shea nor as creamy as Hemp. I can use it by itself or add it to other butter mixes. I think BM put me on to it.:hug3: The price was reasonable and there is a discount code floating around for 10% off. Definitely a repurchase for me.
I'm goin to the Oyin Bottling Party on Sunday! I invited Che and Robot since they are in the area too!

Here is the email I got:

Thanks so much for your response to our Bottling Party Invite! We have
reserved your space at the event, and can't wait to share a fabulous
afternoon together, listen to some cool music, have some snacks, and bottle
the heck out of some Oyin goodies!* :o)

You are totally welcome to bring your friends, the more the merrier! Please
let us know their emails as well - we **won't add them to our mailing list,
but woul**d like to send them a quick personal confirmation email. :o)

You have been confirmed for the bottling party on

from 2:30 - 6pm

Please arrive between 2:30 and 3 to give yourself time to get outfitted and
settled in. Training will be starting at 3pm promptly! We'll be providing
gloves and aprons, but we still urge you to wear clothing that is not your
finest -- it's possible a splash or a drip might get on your shoes and we'd
all prefer they not be your Louboutins, right? ;o)

In consideration for your three hours of bottling/labeling work, we will be
gifting each of you with $25 worth of Oyin Goodies, AND a 25% discount - so
it'll be a perfect time to stock up on your staples, or try something new!

man i havent done a coconut milk treatment in a minute. does cvs sell coconut milk?
cause if they do i will surely pick some up tonight.

also im excited i finially got a chance to purchase corinne bailey rae's new cd and i loves it already. i just adore her.

I meant to get it first thing on Tuesday but between being under the weather and working I only just made it to Target today. Is there a deluxe version? If so I'll take mine back and pick that up instead. I also picked up Melanie Fionne's Cd since it was on sale. I need to go to Best Buy they have the best selection for just about everythang.
^^ Wow Charz, that is so cool. If I lived there, I would totally go.

I know! The experience is worth it alone! Well almost :look:

I'm gonna get a liter of Honey Hemp, sample shine and define and a large Honeywash.

David wants to come too so I will cash in his money too :sekret:
I just ordered some hair toys from etsy.

What did you get!! I wanna see

I got mine from TNS also. I love the consistency its not as thick as Shea nor as creamy as Hemp. I can use it by itself or add it to other butter mixes. I think BM put me on to it.:hug3: The price was reasonable and there is a discount code floating around for 10% off. Definitely a repurchase for me.

I kept checking the smiley, made sure it wasn't one of those SLAP ones LMAO

Last night after I steamed for TWO HOURS :lick: I rollerset my hair. This morning I took out the rollers and brushed my hair into a ponytail. I kept touching my hair because it felt so soft and just so yummy :perplexed So I was like oh hells no :wallbash: here we go again. That bad boy is in a bun again. Gotta keep bunning because my obsession with twirling is just insane :spinning:
I kept checking the smiley, made sure it wasn't one of those SLAP ones LMAO

Last night after I steamed for TWO HOURS :lick: I rollerset my hair. This morning I took out the rollers and brushed my hair into a ponytail. I kept touching my hair because it felt so soft and just so yummy :perplexed So I was like oh hells no :wallbash: here we go again. That bad boy is in a bun again. Gotta keep bunning because my obsession with twirling is just insane :spinning:[/QUOTE]

2hrs under the steamer, all that heat doesn't bother you? I can only do 30 minutes. What are you doing reading a book or watching TV?
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What are some good sites on Etsy for hair accessories? I need to bookmark them for the summer time when all hale breaks loose.

Like headbands, clips...

Feed my addictions:lachen:let me get my fix:lick:.