Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

Hey Fellow PJ's What's Up?:grin: I am sitting here with the Last of my Giovanni Nutra-Fix on (I thought I woulda' gotten rid of last week). Decided to do my Hair tonight instead of in the morning.:ohwell:

I co-washed with Nutrine Garlic Conditioner and I have a 6-8 oz bottle of Olive Oil Conditioner (so I used that after the Nutrine). I recently pulled out all my 'smaller' bottles 8-10 ounces, to start co-washing with to use up, hopefully SOON.:rolleyes:

I will steam again this week with my EVOO, AO GPB & L'anza Kukui Nut. I think I have enough of that for this week (and possibly next week:perplexed).

I Did use up the Nutra-Fix. YAY! I will use a Vial of the Ceramides. And that will prolly be it.:sad:

All this Talk of the DR, I pulled out my Salerm 21 B5 Leave-In, and in Honor of all of you that have been there recently, I'll use that this week as my Leave-In.:lachen:
Before that I can't wait to try out all the stuff I got from the DR. I got Nacidit olive oil DC, Chocolacio DC, Emergencia DC, Emergencia blow-drying spray con, & Queen Henna garlic DC to name a few. To be fair, I only bought the large size of the Emergencia DC- all the others were the smallest sizes for 'testing' :look:. I can't wait for wash day tomorrow :yay:

I plan to dabble in a Little Dominican Products as well.:yep:
Hey I came back from the DR yesterday too!! I saw a gal at the airport with nice brown hair, maybe it was you lol.
I bought the huge 1/2 gallon size of baba de caracol and La Bomba, Lacio Lacio leave in, La Plancha flat ironing leave-in

:lol: It wasn't me- I left on Sunday. If I could have taken a sample of every hair product I would have! I have enough DC for a looooong time. Plus I know I will be back in a few months. :giggle:
man, there is this headband i want and i can only find it online. that sucks. im not gonna order a headband online when thats the only product id get from there.
I feel so weak, I crumbled and I bought Molton Brown's Hydramasque, that's really it now. I hope! Seriously if any of you have ever tried Molton Brown's body stuff, the quality of their products are simply gorgeous and the fragrance is to die for. Their hair products are exactly the same rich quality as the skincare range. The masque looks like whipped cream and feels very indulgent. I can't wait to use it.

I'll be using my Wella Keratin oil this weekend then doing a steam DC then rollerset.
I feel so weak, I crumbled and I bought Molton Brown's Hydramasque, that's really it now. I hope!

Girl, Don't beat youself up too bad.:look:

Just keep "Striving" to Do Better. It's a Struggle. A Daily Battle. And One of the Hardest Things I am also attempting to overcome.:nono:

Each Day that You DON'T Purchase Something, You Should Look at it as A Good Day. Then Each Week etc.....

You Just Have to Keep Pressing On. Tis All.:yep:

We are all Just One BSS or One Click Away from Picking Up that Conditioner, Filling that e-Cart and/or Buying that Last Shampoo on Clearance, when you have 8 Unopened Bottles Sitting At Home.:blush:

It's A Struggle.:spinning:
Thanks hun, you're so right! :yep: The funny thing is I'm actually really bored of buying hair products now and researching and looking at endless things! I've got a good supply of everything I need and I'm not really lusting after anything now so I think I'll be content for a while at least. Let's hope I don't end up going back to my other habit, clothes bags and shoes! :eek::D
As my little brother turns the living room into a barbershop I am watching the news broadcast about Haitian orphans. It really puts life into perspective. I am tearing up watching children being handed over to their new parents.My hair isnt that important, especially when there are things like this. I want to do something, and more than just donate $.
Thanks hun, you're so right! :yep: The funny thing is I'm actually really bored of buying hair products now and researching and looking at endless things! I've got a good supply of everything I need and I'm not really lusting after anything now so I think I'll be content for a while at least. Let's hope I don't end up going back to my other habit, clothes bags and shoes! :eek::D

Girl, I am so Focused right now on really seeking how ALL THESE 50-11 Products Really Work for Me (instead of endlessly colllecting more).:nono:

It's time for me to stop playing around with products, and start focusing on Health & Length. So, that's my Goal. And hopefully, using up all these opened products weekly until gone.

:blush:IK what you mean about the Purses and Shoes&Boots & Sandals.....Been there done that. Perfume. Make-Up. Comforters/Sheets/Towels. Coats. Evening Gowns.:blush: You name it. I've OD'd on it all:perplexed

But, Seriously though.....I am going to really get down to Hair-Health business. The next products I will possibly give a Whirl, will be a 'few' (& just a few):look:
Dominican products.:spinning:
Girl, Don't beat youself up too bad.:look:

Just keep "Striving" to Do Better. It's a Struggle. A Daily Battle. And One of the Hardest Things I am also attempting to overcome.:nono:

Each Day that You DON'T Purchase Something, You Should Look at it as A Good Day. Then Each Week etc.....

You Just Have to Keep Pressing On. Tis All.:yep:

We are all Just One BSS or One Click Away from Picking Up that Conditioner, Filling that e-Cart and/or Buying that Last Shampoo on Clearance, when you have 8 Unopened Bottles Sitting At Home.:blush:

It's A Struggle.:spinning:
im so glad you said this lol. i was feeling so bad for buying the hairveda behind yalls back:lachen:. i didnt even mention it until a few days after i had already purchased it.
but i still cant wait to try the spritz, i think Charz likes it.
Girl, I am so Focused right now on really seeking how ALL THESE 50-11 Products Really Work for Me (instead of endlessly colllecting more).:nono:

It's time for me to stop playing around with products, and start focusing on Health & Length. So, that's my Goal. And hopefully, using up all these opened products weekly until gone.

:blush:IK what you mean about the Purses and Shoes&Boots & Sandals.....Been there done that. Perfume. Make-Up. Comforters/Sheets/Towels. Coats. Evening Gowns.:blush: You name it. I've OD'd on it all:perplexed

But, Seriously though.....I am going to really get down to Hair-Health business. The next products I will possibly give a Whirl, will be a 'few' (& just a few):look:
Dominican products.

lmao @ 'just a few' :lol:

You sound exactly like me, I do all that craziness too! :spinning: For real, the key word for 2010 is FOCUS. :yep: I'm tired of all the foolishness now...
im so glad you said this lol. i was feeling so bad for buying the hairveda behind yalls back:lachen:. i didnt even mention it until a few days after i had already purchased it.
but i still cant wait to try the spritz, i think Charz likes it.

Look At it This Way: "Think of ALL the STUFF You Wanted to Buy and DIDN'T.:nono:

Anyday, you can Walk Away from a Product, is a Good Day.:grin:

It's Hard Girl.:sad:
im so glad you said this lol. i was feeling so bad for buying the hairveda behind yalls back:lachen:. i didnt even mention it until a few days after i had already purchased it.
but i still cant wait to try the spritz, i think Charz likes it.

I'm sure a lot of y'all are doing that up in here! :lachen:
I'm sure it's probably been discussed in this thread already, but do you guys set yourself a monthly maximum budget for your hair care products. Or do you find you don't need to because of your stash?
I'm sure a lot of y'all are doing that up in here! :lachen:
lmao. this was really the only time i did it. i just couldnt help myself because the green tea butter made a comeback. and im on the hunt for a cheaper version of my ojon mist. i might just have to stick with ojon because i love it so much, a cheaper alternative might not exist:blush:
I'm sure it's probably been discussed in this thread already, but do you guys set yourself a monthly maximum budget for your hair care products. Or do you find you don't need to because of your stash?

Honestly, I've tried just about every rationale to break this 'ugly' addiction.:look:

This time, Imma simply try to change my Focus:spinning:.

And Concentrate on Hair-Health.:yep:
I'm sure it's probably been discussed in this thread already, but do you guys set yourself a monthly maximum budget for your hair care products. Or do you find you don't need to because of your stash?
I never thought about it but now that my transition is over I have an idea what is going to work for my hair and I'm not working with two texture. I don't really think I can stick to a budget. I've always love buying hair products and irl there is no one like me so now that I have you all I'll slow it down a little.
I've been to busy/tired to post, but I haven't bought anything major, just a new conditioner w/Kukui Nut Oil from Hawaii (found it in Pathmark) figured I could use it to condition after I henna tonight. It has a silky feel to it, but we'll see if it can stand up to the henna treatment. I've only been using Nexxus as a DC lately, and that is not a proper product for Henna. I also have some ORS packs sitting around, but it is not strong enough to counter the acidity of the henna/indigo treatment.

trying to buy into the whole "procedure over product" idea....yea we'll see.
I am about to wash the cassia out of my hair and DC with sintrinillah. I think I am going to rollerset tonight.

T, thank you so much for the package, I appreciate it so much:blowkiss:
As my little brother turns the living room into a barbershop I am watching the news broadcast about Haitian orphans. It really puts life into perspective. I am tearing up watching children being handed over to their new parents.My hair isnt that important, especially when there are things like this. I want to do something, and more than just donate $.

Me too.
I have gmail, so they have like a live feed of the news from Haiti in a top bar, and it's all so damn sad. There are some miracle survivor stories, but most of it is just sad.

Last week, when I was using my steamer, I felt so bad. Here I am using clean drinking water for my hair, when there are people who don't even have enough to keep them alive. There's a story about a mom who was trapped in her collapsed house with her daughter for five days. The daughter died, but her mom tried to keep her alive by giving her urine to drink, because they had no water.

It really does put things into perspective. And makes you extra grateful for everything that you do have.
T, thank you so much for the package, I appreciate it so much:blowkiss:

Enjoy Sis.:yep: May You Enjoy Your Ayrvedic (sp) Travels.:lachen:

Girl, Try Not to Walk around smelling like Tandoori Chicken or Curry Chicken.:lachen:

Have you smelled them all?

*one day i will spell that word right*:rolleyes:
Enjoy Sis.:yep: May You Enjoy Your Ayrvedic (sp) Travels.:lachen:

Girl, Try Not to Walk around smelling like Tandoori Chicken or Curry Chicken.:lachen:

Have you smelled them all?

*one day i will spell that word right*:rolleyes:
I haven't smelled them yet. I want to do it when I get some alone time. I don't want my husband in my space looking like :rolleyes:. It will take my enjoyment away.
tomorrow i will finish my AO WC mix as a co wash.
sunday i will finish the last of my ashlii amala as a pre poo/deep condition.
sunday i will also do a braid out(its been a while) with qhemet heavy cream. i used my heavy cream last night and realized how much i missed it. i woke up to soft hair. i wish my hair was long and heavy enough to wake up in the morning and just shake and go lol. but i know i will get there.
i dont think ive ever loved my hair as much as i do now.
Hey Eisani, Jasmine's is now selling bulk/salon sizes of her products.

:yep: When it's time to reup I will be getting a big ole Shea Butter Conditioning Rinse.

Books (and music)were my addiction before anything else. I would love to go to BN and scour the shelves and discount tables for all kinds of books (Carl Weber, Mary Higgins Clark, EJD, Octavia Butler,among countless others). I still have to restrain myself when I go in BN. Recently I started reading young adult books because of the storylines and writing. If EJD is back on his game I'll definitely have to check him out. I did enjoy Chasing Destiny.

*The mall is too close. Have to resist spending money on pay day*
I've joined every book club out there. And ycome the library lets you check out 20 books at a time :nono:. I've put myself on restriction from the library the past few years. I need to read what I own first.


I would love to get a gallon of the Shea Butter Conditioning Cream Rinse/Leave In ($70). But I'll wait.

I'm there :grin:.

Transitioning is not for the faint of heart :spinning:.
Took the extensions out of my neices (she is 5) hair:wallbash: as she slept and washed it this morning. Tell me how and why baby girl went from CBL to a TWA in less than a year:nono:? I poo'd with Avalon Organics (lemon) conditioned with Giovanni TTTT ,used KCKT as her leave in with some HE gel for her edges.

I decided to give my sis the rest of the Avalon Organics shampoo, KCKT, a bottle of Giovanni SAS, a trial size of the TTTT poo , Creme hairdress and a satin bonnet. Im getting rid of some of my stash and helping my neice out, so its a win/win situation.
Me too.
I have gmail, so they have like a live feed of the news from Haiti in a top bar, and it's all so damn sad. There are some miracle survivor stories, but most of it is just sad.

Last week, when I was using my steamer, I felt so bad. Here I am using clean drinking water for my hair, when there are people who don't even have enough to keep them alive. There's a story about a mom who was trapped in her collapsed house with her daughter for five days. The daughter died, but her mom tried to keep her alive by giving her urine to drink, because they had no water.

It really does put things into perspective. And makes you extra grateful for everything that you do have.

I graduate soon and I want to go down there, I coudl teach, work in an orphanage, a hospital. I dont care. I just wanna do more than just shoot money at the situation. I wanna get my hands dirty and make a difference. I think the thing that gets me is seeing the kids, some look numb to the pain and their surroundings, and then I think to myself "they are gonna have some serious PTSD:nono:."
I did not make a hair purchase this week! Im happy and my pockets are happy.

Ive been using ayurvedic powders and my hair has reduced its shedding. My hair looks better too.

I still need a good trim!
I did not make a hair purchase this week! Im happy and my pockets are happy.

Ive been using ayurvedic powders and my hair has reduced its shedding. My hair looks better too.

I still need a good trim!

Same here! It feels so good to walk past something and be like "Nope, I dont need ya!"